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TO ADD NEW SLIDE LAYOUTS: Make sure you have the ‘Home’ tab selected at the top of the PowerPoint screen and click the down facing arrow to the right on.

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Presentation on theme: "TO ADD NEW SLIDE LAYOUTS: Make sure you have the ‘Home’ tab selected at the top of the PowerPoint screen and click the down facing arrow to the right on."— Presentation transcript:

1 TO ADD NEW SLIDE LAYOUTS: Make sure you have the ‘Home’ tab selected at the top of the PowerPoint screen and click the down facing arrow to the right on the ‘New Slide’ button that is located in the second section. Look through the layouts shown and click on the one you would like to work on. TO REMOVE SLIDES: Select the slide you would like to remove in the vertical window on the left side of the screen then hit the ‘Delete’ (on Mac) or the ‘Backspace’ (on PC). TO REMOVE PAGE NUMBERS: At the top of the PowerPoint screen between ‘Home’ and ‘Design’ click on ’Insert.’ Then in the options bar just below ’Insert’ click on ’Slide Number’ which is in the same section a the ‘Text Box’ and ‘Object.’ Uncheck the box next to ‘Slide Numbers’ and click ‘Apply to All.’ TO ADD PAGE NUMBERS: At the top of the PowerPoint screen between ‘Home’ and ‘Design’ click on ’Insert.’ Then in the options bar just below ’Insert’ click on ’Slide Number’ which is in the same section a the ‘Text Box’ and ‘Object.’ Check the box next to ‘Slide Numbers’ and click ‘Apply to All.’ University Store

2 University Store Technology Products
Textbooks (Rental, Retail, & Digital) UCM Apparel & Gifts School Supplies Art Materials Gift Cards Dell, HP, MS Surface, and More! Student Discounted Educational Software Cables, Cases, Headphones, Peripherals, and Accessories Technology Products

3 FOR RENT UCM students saved $2.96 MILLION in 2017 from University Store’s textbook rental program!!

4 Textbooks Avg. Cost/Semester: $476 Retail
Average Retail Price Per Book, NOT in the rental program: $113.95 Benefit: You get to keep the book for your personal library. Rental Average Retail Price of a Rental Book: $195.19 Rental Fee Per Book (Fall 2017): $46.00 Benefit: Save 35-70% off retail price. 52% of primary books ARE available as rental Avg. Cost/Semester: $476

5 Textbook Options Print: Digital Book / eBook:
When available University Store will provide three format options Print: resale value, no expiration, more costly then electronic formats, refundable Digital Book / eBook: no resale value, expiration dates, up to 35% less then print, non refundable All Inclusive Digital Delivery (Pilot, Fall 2017): Course materials will be delivered via the Learning Management System, Blackboard No need to acquire both print and eBook, only one format needed (unless specifically required by professor)

6 The Difference Retail Textbook Rental Textbook
Books shelved in alpha order, Author/Title Textbooks now located on main sales floor.

7 Rental Responsibility
All rental textbooks have a yellow “Renter Responsibility” sticker on the outside cover.

8 What will I need to purchase textbooks?
Student ID At orientation pick up at the Information Desk in the Elliott Union Pick up at the ID Card Office, Elliott Union 209 during the school year Class Schedule / Book List Payment Cash or Check Credit or Debit Cards University Debit Account Financial Aid

9 Select “Order Textbooks”
Login in to MyCentral Select Student Services & Select “Select Term” Select “Order Textbooks” Shop with University Store or Price Compare as you Shop

10 *Use Financial Aid

11 Reservations


13 Vending Machines Three locations Lovinger-1st floor Library-Main Lobby
Ward Edwards-2nd floor Last minute essentials Test forms Pens & pencils Calculators AND MORE!

14 You will receive text messages about…
Do U Txt?! DO YOU TEXT? STAY INFORMED! 2 Ways to Sign Up Text “BOOK” to 74574 or Online at About > Textcaster > Sign up! You will receive text messages about… Important Textbook Dates/Reminders Special Events/Promotions/Store Closings & etc.

15 Follow us! @UniversityStore

16 Distribution Timeline - Fall 2017
Online Textbook Reservations: July 18—August 5 Textbook Distribution Begins: August 10 7:30am—5pm Residence Halls Open: August 13 Last Day for Full Textbook Refund: August 25 Last Day to Apply Rental Fee Towards Purchase: September 29 Textbook Buyback and Rental Return: December 4—8 7:30am—6pm See notes that Leah added by clicking the yellow tab in the upper left hand corner. If Charlie or Tia could add the financial information I will have Taylor get this edited right away. Thanks!

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