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Evidencing FASD with Records

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Presentation on theme: "Evidencing FASD with Records"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidencing FASD with Records
Documenting Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE) & Other Evidence

2 Why Collect Records?? Evidence of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Evidence Symptomology of FASD in client Corroborate Witness Statements Identify Witnesses for Interviews

3 Records To Collect Medical * Social Services * Mental Health *
Educational * Law Enforcement Employment * Court Correctional * Social Security * Other * * Need a signed release or subpoena to obtain records

4 TIPS Get release from client and mom asap Try & Try Again
HIPAA-Compliant SSA Military NOK Try & Try Again Visit in person Give as much identifying information as possible Don’t limit yourself NO FASD Diagnosis!!! Stay organized – document collection log

5 Sample Document Collection Log
Agency Request Made Follow Up Needed Request Complete Orleans Parish Juvenile Clerk of Court 101 Main Street 1/19/2017: The clerk found one record for CLIENT, DOB 9/1/1995.  She would not release the case type or case number.  Informed that the case is located in archives with only a 4-number designation.  I was informed earlier in the day by archives that the "legal jacket" is public, but the social jacket is not -- the clerk denied this.  The clerk refused to give me more information on procedure for obtaining a subpoena. Need subpoena Archives 111 Nixon Drive, New Orleans # Spoke with: Vincent Clark & Frank 1/19/2017: Vincent ran a criminal record search on ALL names (immediate family and maternal family).  Found records for Bob Doe (A-68795, 1954, Assault & Battery of a victim under the age of twelve with the intent to have unlawful carnal knowledge of her) - got copies of the original indictment.  This is most likely not the correct person.  Also retrieved copies of Index for criminal cases on CLIENT and MOM.  Vincent and Frank tried looking up CLIENT, MOM and DAD in the database for judicial commitments.  These are not public record -- we would need a subpoena.  The Archives has OLD records, but need a lot of identifying information because the database is not easily searchable for a name for any large time period.  NO records found on CLIENT. They could not complete the search for MOM and DAD. Go to Criminal Clerk of Court for follow up on records found in indexes

6 Records To Collect Medical * Social Services * Educational *
Mental Health * Employment * Law Enforcement Correctional * Court Other * Social Security *

7 What To Get: Birth Prenatal Care Postnatal Care Maternal hospitalizations during pregnancy Paternal hospitalizations time of conception Client’s treatment during lifetime

8 Records To Collect Law Enforcement Medical * Social Services *
Mental Health * Educational * Law Enforcement Employment * Correctional * Court Other * Social Security *

9 Police & Sheriff’s Offices
Police reports naming mother, father and client as suspect, victim and witness during the relevant time period. Calls for service to residence What to look for: DUI Public Intoxication Disturbing the Peace Domestic Violence

10 Records To Collect Correctional * Medical * Social Services *
Mental Health * Educational * Law Enforcement Employment * Court Correctional * Social Security * Other *

11 Correctional Records of client
Request from every institution (parish, youth, state): General Records Medical & Mental Health Records Look for IQ testing Psychiatric records Other behaviors noted in records – BEWARE prison behaviors can be deceptive, must understand culture Placed in solitary for no violations frequently – maybe informal protective custody and possible indication of adaptive functioning Witnesses

12 Danielle Mickenberg #

13 Just Remember

14 Records Check List Mental Health Medical Law Enforcement Court
Social Security Social Services Educational Employment Correctional Other

15 Major Public Mental Health Institutions
Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System (aka Jackson) ALSO maintains records from Southeastern Louisiana State Hospital & New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (now closed) State Archives maintains older records from ELMHS dated Central Louisiana State Hospital (aka Pineville) COMPLEX system

16 ALSO… Other Outpatient Psychiatric Treatment
Drug &Alcohol Abuse Treatment Coroner’s Office Maintains records of involuntary commitment (UNIQUE to Louisiana!) Courts sometimes have records of coroner’s commitments / interdictions

17 If Juvenile involved… Will need a release and/or court order

18 Records Check List Court Medical Mental Health Law Enforcement
Social Security Social Services Educational Employment Correctional Other

19 If Juvenile court… Will need a release and/or court order

20 Records Check List Social Services Medical Mental Health
Law Enforcement Court Social Security Social Services Educational Employment Correctional Other

21 Need Subpoena, unless… Requesting foster care records for someone now over the age of 18 who has signed a release.

22 Very Important! Mom during pregnancy: DUI or other charges where excessive drinking is documented. Dad during conception: DUI or other charges where excessive drinking is documented. Client during lifetime: Often documents interactions with social services, psychiatric treatment, medical treatment and other agencies and services (especially juvenile court records).

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