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8th Grade Scheduling Class of 2021

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1 8th Grade Scheduling Class of 2021
Welcome to Phillipsburg High School Good evening and welcome class of 2019. Before you tour the school, walk through a sample schedule, meet some of the teachers and explore options for clubs and activities I’d like to take a few minutes to introduce the counselors and go over the scheduling process. 8th Grade Scheduling Class of 2021

2 Mr. Clarke Freshman Mrs. Castagnoli Grades 10-12 Mr. Beahn Mrs. Orta Grades 10-12 Miss Parkansky Mrs. Jeanette Schinstine Director

3 Tonight’s presentation will:
Present an overview of the high school’s scheduling process with an emphasis on: Graduation Requirements The Scheduling Procedure Freshman Tips & Timelines

4 8th Grade Scheduling Procedure
This process consists of two parts: Tonight’s program A personalized meeting with a high school counselor held at your current cluster school

5 Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2021 are a total of 125 credits including:
English-20 credits Science-15 credits (5 Credits in Biology, 5 credits in either Chemistry, Physics or Environmental Science and 5 credits in an additional lab science ) Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy – 2.5 credits World Language-5 credits Physical Education Health & Safety-20 credits including Driver Education Visual and Performing Arts - 5 credits Mathematics-15 credits (5 credits in Algebra, 5 credits in Geometry and 5 credits in an additional math that builds upon these two courses) 21st Century Life and Careers, or Career-Technical Education- 5 credits Social Studies-15 credits (must include US History 1, 2, and World History)

6 Freshman Year All 9th graders must take 35 credits. This includes; English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, Health and PE, and 5 credits of electives. All Freshman have the option to be scheduled into one study hall each semester.

7 Scheduling Matrices Level placements of students for academic classes for freshman year will be determined using scheduling matrices prepared by your child’s current academic teachers Matrices have been constructed by teams consisting of academic department members from each middle school and the high school.

8 Student and Parent Student and Parent will review 9th grade course electives and prepare a list of their choices. The state of NJ requires that all students complete 5 credits in Visual and Performing Arts, 5 credits in 21st Century Life and Careers, or Career-Technical Education, and 2.5 credits in Financial, Economic Business, and Entrenpreurial Literacy in order to receive a NJ high school diploma.

9 GPA and Ranking For more information about GPA and ranking for the class of 2021, please refer to pages 5 and 6 of the course of study.

10 What to expect at PHS

11 Tips for Parents and Students Freshman Year
Colleges look at your high school record, so freshman year is a great time for a fresh start. Discuss: Goals for higher education and student interests Get to know: Your student’s guidance counselor Explore: Course offerings; electives, honors & AP levels, dual enrollment courses, extracurricular activities Familiarize: Yourself with types of higher education; colleges, trade schools, technical schools and what best fits your student’s needs Help: Your student establish routines Get Involved: In clubs, organizations, athletics

12 Contact Us… Mr. Clarke Miss Parkansky Freshman Grades 10-12
ext 7036 Mrs. Castagnoli Grades 10-12 ext 7038 Mr. Beahn ext 7032 Mrs. Orta ext 7034 Miss Parkansky Grades 10-12 ext 7037 Mrs. Swick (SAC) ext 7035 Mrs. Jeanette Schinstine - Director ext 7031 Mrs. Garrison (Sec.) ext 7033 Mrs. Honey (Sec.) ext 7030

13 Health/Physical Education
WELCOME TO PHS! Classes Presentation Mathematics English Science Social Studies Health/Physical Education World Languages

14 Health and Physical Education
Full year course 4 year requirement 3 MP = Physical Education 1 MP = Health

15 Physical Education Participate Daily Follow PHS Dress Code
Participation and preparation = daily grades Follow PHS Dress Code Variety of activities Fitness Center

16 Physical Education Grading
35% Preparation 35% Participation 15% Written Tests 15% Skill Tests

17 What happens if I forget my clothes?!
AP make-up Within two weeks of missed date Complete 20 minutes cardio in the fitness center Receive your credit back from missed day

18 Freshman Health 1 marking period Topics: Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs
Nutrition Refusal Skills Male/Female Reproductive Anatomy Pregnancy STD’s

19 LOCKS! Buy the first week of school $6 Keep lock for four years
Keep all belongings locked at all times!

20 Science Environmental Science College Prep Environmental Science
Honors Environmental Science Honors Physics (new course) All Environmental Science courses cover same topics but depth & instructional methods differ Physics – Requires strong math skills

21 Science Placement Placement based on Middle School Science Average
Placement Test Score Teacher Recommendation Honors Algebra 1 Test Scores (if applicable)

22 Course Progression BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY General College Prep Honors
Advanced Placement General College Prep Honors Advanced Placement

23 Science Elective Physics (AP, Honors, CP) Anatomy & Physiology
Environmental Science –AP Geology Meteorology Astronomy Anatomy & Physiology Animal Behavior Genetics Forensics Marine Biology Earth Science

24 History NJ Graduation Requirements:
US I, US II, & World History as full year courses. ½ year Economics/Financial Literacy course.

25 Course Sequence 9th grade will enroll in US I
Their 10th grade class will be USII 11th grade year will be World History Economics should be completed in the 11th or 12th grade year AP US History, AP Government, AP European History, & AP World History are also offered.

26 Course Levels “Applied”, College Prep, Honors for 9th grade.
AP offered in 10th-12th grade.

27 General Assessments and Course Info
Tests, Quizzes, Homework, & Projects Homework is a % of the final marking period average. This is a major issue for freshmen as they acclimate to high school. Homework is given nightly.

28 Placement Advice and Suggestions
Your Social Studies placement will be based on your Language Arts placement in 9th grade. If you aspire to take AP courses in the future while a student at PHS, it is recommended that you enroll in the Honors level. It is easier to drop down a level than move up if you change levels during the school year.

29 Textbook United States History

30 Freshman Math Courses Students will be placed into one of the following courses based on a scheduling matrix which includes a recommendation from their current math teacher: Foundations of Algebra Algebra 1 College Prep Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 2

31 Graduation Requirements
All students are required to take and pass: Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 All students will take the PARCC exam in the Spring each year they are enrolled in any of the above courses. A passing score will fulfill the NJ graduation requirement.

32 Geometry Algebra 2 Course Progression General College Prep Honors

33 Other Math Courses In order for any student to enroll in any of the following courses, certain prerequisites must be met. Pre-Calculus Calculus Statistics College Prep Honors College Prep AP AB AP BC College Prep AP

34 Calculator Questions? A graphing calculator is highly recommended for all Freshmen enrolled in Algebra 1. A graphing calculator is used on the PARCC test. A graphing calculator will assist students in answering more challenging and real world based questions. Suggested Models: TI-83, TI-84, TI-84 Plus

35 Helpful Tips for Next Year
Be Present. Set up Parent Access in Genesis with an active account. Monitor your child’s grades on a regular basis. Homework will be assigned daily – Don’t let them fall behind. If Math is not your child’s strongest subject, make sure they ask questions and take advantage of extra help.

36 English Department Requirements & OFFERINGS
4 years of English; five credits each Honors, College, Applied Advanced Placement courses offered to upper classmen (AP Language and AP Literature) SAT preparatory classes offered (extra- curricular) English electives: Journalism, Drama, Making and Analyzing Comics, Novel to Film

37 How to schedule level For ex: “Romeo & Juliet” at all three levels-
All levels cover the same curriculum. For ex: “Romeo & Juliet” at all three levels- APP: translated, parallel text College Level: text book with footnotes Honors: West Side Story as supplemental text

38 College Preparatory English I
College Prep English I academic student moderate pace class notes, regular homework, vocabulary, research paper, etc.

39 Honors For the student who reads and writes outside of school and/or enjoys it. Rigorous and higher expectations at this level Accelerated pace and greater depth of analysis Summer reading (two novels; literary analysis) Vocabulary (double units, cumulative testing, etc.) Research and Literary Analysis (length and depth) Supplemental, independent reading (book and test date issued – no further class discussion or notes) Access COURSE OF STUDY under GUIDANCE tab on website in order to review department guidelines, requirements, and offerings!

40 You have questions, we have answers!
PHS World languages You have questions, we have answers!

41 Requirements New Jersey requires one year of language for graduation.
Most 4 year colleges and universities require 2 consecutive years of the same language at the college prep level or higher. Some colleges now prefer 3 years of a language.

42 Languages and Levels We offer the following levels of both French and Spanish: French 1 and Spanish 1 (General level) College Prep French 1/Spanish 1 College Prep French 2/Spanish 2 Honors French 2/Spanish 2 College Prep French 3/Spanish 3 Honors French 3/Spanish 3 AP Spanish Language/AP French Language

43 Helpful tips for planning
Assessments are aligned in both French and Spanish. Both have same grading system and similar assessments. Have a plan in place before choosing. Try to choose a language that you have a genuine interest in and/or one that will benefit your future career path. If you are not as successful the first you, you can try the other language the next year.

44 Phillipsburg High School Elective Programs
~ Unlocking the door to exploring your potential.

Computer Programming AP Computer Science Intermediate Programming Introduction to Programming GRADES 9-12 GRADES 9-12 GRADES 10-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone enjoys solving problems logically Anyone interested in Business Information Technology Anyone interested in Math, Science, Engineering or Technology Anyone going on to a Science, Engineering or Technology major

46 Computer IT, Networking and Security
Computer Networking and Security 2 Computer Networking and Security 1 PC Technician, IT Essentials GRADES 9-12 GRADES 10-12 GRADES 10-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like a career in computer network or cyber security Anyone interested who would like to get a part time job as a PC technician Anyone going on to a Computer Engineering or Technology major

Business Management Accounting Business Management Introduction to Business GRADES 9-12 GRADES 10-12 GRADES 10-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like to a career in Business Anyone interested who would like to work in the school store Anyone going on to a Business major(Finance, Marketing, Management)

Web Design Advanced Web Design Web Design Introduction to Programming GRADES 9-12 GRADES 9-12 GRADES 10-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like to a career in online multi media Anyone interested in designing multimedia graphics and webpages Anyone going on to a Multimedia or Game Design major

Automotive Electives Advanced Mechanics System Maintenance Basic Engines Basic Car Care GRADES 9-12 GRADES 9-11 GRADES 10-12 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who will own a automobile or machinery Anyone who enjoys using tools and machines Anyone who likes maintaining and fixing equipment Anyone who wants to find out how things work

50 Engineering and Drafting Electives
Architecture/Engineering Drafting Basic Drafting GRADES 9-11 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone that thinks they may be interested in Engineering or Architecture as a career Someone that can visualize things in 3D Someone with a good imagination, likes puzzles, and enjoys solving problems Anyone that enjoys using tools or a computer to draw

51 Woodworking Electives
Intermediate Woodworking Basic Woodworking GRADES 9-11 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone the likes to take things apart and put them together Anyone that has an interest in working with their eyes, hands, and minds Anyone that likes to work with hand tools and power tools Someone that likes to start with a plan and finish what they start

52 Culinary Arts Electives
(Tentative) Restaurant & Hospitality Management Culinary Arts II Culinary Arts I GRADES 9-11 GRADES 10-12 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like to have a career in the nutritional field, culinary or pastry arts. Anyone who enjoys hands on projects and working with others in lab settings. Anyone interested in cooking, meal preparation, math measuring and following directions. Math, Reading, or Science.

53 Fashion & Design Electives
(Tentative) Fashion Merchandising Interior Design Sew Cool/Textiles GRADES 9-12 GRADES 9-12 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like to have a career in fashion, textiles, or designing living spaces. Anyone interested who enjoys hands on projects and eager to learn how to sew using a sewing machine. Anyone interested in Math, Technology or Art.

Agriculture Agricultural Construction/Vet Science/Floral Design Plant Science/Animal Science/Landscape/Wildlife Agricultural Science GRADES 9-11 GRADES 9-12 GRADES 11-12 WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS ELECTIVE Anyone who would like to have a career in Plant or Animal Sciences Anyone interested who enjoys hands on projects and eager to own their own business Anyone enjoys the outdoors

55 We look forward to seeing you at our Freshman Scheduling Meetings And At Freshman Orientation (more details to follow) For the entire course of study book and a copy of this PowerPoint presentation, please visit the guidance website:

56 Thank you for your time and attention
and hope you enjoy the rest of the evening. Class of 2021

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