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Bleddyn Woodward 4th year medical student

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1 Bleddyn Woodward 4th year medical student
Abnormal Labour Bleddyn Woodward 4th year medical student

2 Labour dystocia Definition: Abnormal or inadequate progress in labour.
Also known as “failure to progress”.

3 Aetiology Powers Passage Passenger Labour dystocia
Inefficient uterine contractions Passage Mechanical interference with the passage of the fetus through the birth canal Passenger Abnormalities of the foetus e.g. malpresentation, abnormal lie

4 Powers Inefficient uterine activity
Aetiology: dysfunctional uterine contractility, unclear reason. Clinical features - Abnormalities of the 1st stage Prolonged latent phase (>20h in nulliparous women) Prolonged active phase (cervical dilation < 1 cm/h OR rate of descent of fetal head < 1 cm/h) Secondary arrest of cervical dilation

5 Powers Management: Rule out Cephalopelvic disproportion.
Wait for active phase to begin. OR Augmentation: ARM/oxytocin. Caesarean if this fails.

6 Passenger Lie - relationship of fetus to long axis of uterus
Longitudinal = normal Presentation - the part of the fetus that occupies the lower segment of pelvis Cephalic = normal Attitude - degree of flexion of the head on the neck Fully flexed = normal Position - degree of rotation of the head on the neck OA = normal

7 Breech Incidence: Risk factors: Commonest malpresentation.
3-4% of singleton pregnancies at term. Risk factors: Maternal: Grand multiparity → uterine laxity Uterine abnormalities e.g. septate uterus Pelvic tumours/bony abnormalities preventing engagement of head. Placental: Placental praevia Oligohydramnios/ polyhydramnios Fetal: Multiple pregnancy

8 Breech Clinical features: Investigations: Management:
↑risk of cord prolapse preterm labour birth trauma (fetal head can get trapped in pelvis, maternal morbidity. Investigations: Suspected on clinical examination. Ultrasound confirms presentation Management: External cephalic version – successful in ~50% of cases. Elective caesarean – at 39 weeks. Normal vaginal delivery not recommended.

9 Occipitoposterior position
Incidence: 10% of pregnancies Clinical features: Delivery is usually prolonged and difficult for mother. The head may rotate to OA position as it enters the pelvis leading to normal delivery. It may rotate to full OP position/ OT position and require forceps delivery. 5-10% require caesarean section.

10 Transverse/oblique lie
→ shoulder presentation Incidence: 0.3% of term pregnancies Risk factors: Placenta praevia/uterine or pelvic anomalies preventing engagement Grand multiparity (lax uterus) Management: ECV Caesarean section if unsuccessful

11 Face/brow presentation
Incidence: Face =1 in 500 births, usually occurs by chance. Brow = 1 in 1500 births. Management: Operative vaginal delivery may be possible. Otherwise caesarean section.

12 Passage Cephalopelvic disproportion Definition:
Cephalopelvic disproportion is diagnosed when a woman has been unable to deliver a fetus despite: adequate uterine activity and no malposition of the fetus Incidence: Uncommon in the UK.

13 Passage Aetiology: Management: Macrosomia
Small/abnormally shaped pelvis Management: Trial of delivery may be possible 30% then require instrumental delivery 30% require caesarean section Otherwise, elective caesarean

14 Shoulder dystocia Incidence: rare Aetiology:
Fetal head is born but the shoulders cannot be delivered because of failure of rotation of the shoulders to enter the transverse diameter of the pelvic brim.

15 Shoulder dystocia Management: Prognosis:
Obstetric emergency – fetal demise can occur due to entrapment of the cord. H: call for help E: pt. evaluated for episiotomy L: Mc Roberts position. Legs hyperextended onto abdomen P: Suprapubic pressure applied to the back of the fetal shoulder E: Enter- to manually rotate or perform Woods Screw Manoeuvre R: Remove the posterior arm R: Roll over onto all fours Prognosis: Maternal: damage to the lower genital tract is common Baby: brachial plexus injury (Erb’s palsy), fractured clavicle/humerus

16 Cord prolapse Cord lies lower than the presenting part.
1 in 300 deliveries Obstetric emergency – fetal blood supply is compromised Management: Cervix > 9cm dilated, immediate instrumental delivery may be possible. Cervix < 9cm dilated, caesarean section.

17 References Pocket Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Barry O’Reilly, Cecilia Bottomley, Janic Rymer. Elsevier Saunders 2005. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties 8th Ed., J Collier, M Longmore, T Turmezei, A. R. Mafi. Oxford University Press, 2008. Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 8th Ed., J Oats, S Abraham. Mosby, 2004.

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