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Welcome to 5th Grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade!

2 Being Offered This Year!!
Activity Donation Cost 5th Grade Class Shirt $15 Stone Mountain Field Trip tba Civil Rights Trip HiTouch HiTech Forensic Science Trip (in school) $10.00 Driftwood, 3 day overnight St. Simons Island $235.00 End of the Year Celebration $20 Total

3 DRIFTWOOD Driftwood Education Center is located on St. Simons Island, one of the Georgia Barrier Islands, surrounded by miles of salt marsh and acres of maritime forest. The program we offer is intended to be a valuable extension of classroom studies. We have incorporated math, science, language arts, and social studies into our curriculum, and developed these topics into activity-oriented classes. Your child will have an opportunity to learn about: marine biology, salt marsh ecology, reptiles, low country cultures, and other science related areas. We also provide a chance for social growth through learning to live and work closely with others in a community setting.

4 DRIFTWOOD Our 5th grade end of year trip will be to Driftwood Educational Center located at St. Simon Island. Students will engage in CRA standards based lessons that gear them up for the milestones and create long lasting memories. To find information about lodging, what to bring, what to expect and general information please visit Mrs. Stephens’ website which can be directly accessed via the school website under her name. We have an information packet here for you tonight.

5 DRIFTWOOD Cost- $235 for all inclusive three day trip. (transportation, food and lodging are included) How to Pay- All at once, in payments (using payment schedule provided) or unique payment installments (ex. half now, payments on rest) Hidden Cost- none. You may send extra spending money for use at gift shop if you would like but that is optional.

6 DRIFTWOOD 5 chaperones- We would like for at least 5 chaperones to attend. You do have to pay the same cost as the student. Your housing, food and transportation are included in that total as well. Background checks- Henry County requires a background check for anyone that will be with students. You can just go down to district office to take care of that.

7 DRIFTWOOD Here are some important items you should bring to Driftwood:
2 pairs of long pants (at least one pair non-jean), 2 pairs of quick drying shorts (nylon or mesh) 1 sweater or sweatshirt (seasonal), 1 lightweight long sleeved shirt, 4 T-shirts 4 changes of underwear, 3 pairs of socks 2 sets of closed toed, lace up shoes 1 set of rain gear 1 baseball hat 1 sleeping bag or set of twin sized bed linens 1 pillow 2 towels (none provide), Toiletries (hand soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.), Hand soap (none in cabin), Sunscreen, Insect Repellant Water bottle – a must! Any bottle that has a lid that can be closed will work Sunglasses Day pack or back pack Plastic bag for muddy clothes

8 Driftwood Ed. Center Cabin Layout
Bathroom 8 Kids 2 Beds for Adults CABIN 2 CABIN 1 Side A Side B

9 Luella 5th Grade Team

10 Personalized learning will provide your child increased voice and choice as their lessons become more individualized with the goal of becoming students who are college and career ready.

11 Your 5th grade school year will be filled with great learning opportunities, noteworthy milestones, and priceless memories!

12 5th Grade Team Dr. Davis Ms. Johnson Mrs. Stephens Mrs. Stone
Mrs. Talley

13 Flipped Classroom

14 Map Learning Maps (Davis & Talley)

15 Map Learning Map (Stone)

16 Project Based Learning (PBL)
PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. This year, each content area teacher will conduct two (2) PBLs for your child to develop. We have two Luella staff members who attended a three day training on PBL from the Buck Institute of Education this past April. This week we have eight teachers who are currently receiving training from the Buck Institute of Education (BIE).

17 100% - 90% = A 89% - 80% = B 79% - 74% = C 73% - 70% = D 69% - 0% = F
Grading Scale 100% - 90% = A 89% - 80% = B 79% - 74% = C 73% - 70% = D 69% - 0% = F


19 5th Grade Timeline of Topics
Citizen's Rights Civil War Reconstruction A Changing Nation WWI, The Jazz Age, The Great Depression WWII and Aftermath The Age of Civil Rights America's Role in the 21st Century

20 Mrs. Stone’s Learning Map

21 Accelerated Reader Goal
5th Grade 135pts

22 Accelerated Reader Average Goal

23 Math

24 Math CFA Score 85%

25 MAP Testing Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level. You’ll have assessment data—and essential information about what each student knows and is ready to learn—within 24 hours. - See more at:

26 Map i-Ready

27 First in Math Goal 5th Grade: 7,500 Stickers

28 Science

29 5th Grade Science Curriculum
Life Science Cells Microorganisms Genetics and Heredity Classification Earth Science Constructive and Destructive Processes Physical Science Mass, Parts, and Wholes Properties and Changes of Matter Electricity and Magnetism

30 Georgia Milestones

31 Student Led Conferences
Will be held in November

32 Behavior Class Dojo Check with your child’s homeroom teacher to create your account!

33 Homework Visit individual teacher websites for information on homework in each subject area:

34 Extra Information! Graded papers go home weekly
Check their math learning map for their grades Visit the office to get your IC codes

35 Working together will help to ensure a successful school year
Working together will help to ensure a successful school year! Visit our websites weekly for vital information.

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