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A new Integrating Activity for Particle Accelerator R&D

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1 A new Integrating Activity for Particle Accelerator R&D
Slides from Maurizio Vretenar Coordinator for the IA proposal preparation 16 July 2016

2 3 pillars Higher budget in H2020 from FP7, but so far more competition (EU members have reduced their internal programs and there is more interest in EU instruments)

3 Research Infrastructures

4 The EC Roadmap for RI Traditionally, in the accelerator community we use Integrating Activities to close the loop: development of new concepts and ideas feeding Design Studies

5 12 years of EU support to accelerators
*: only programs coordinated by the ESGARD committee, with particle physics as primary objective ESGARD Design Studies, Preparatory Phases Integrating Activities CARE 01/2004 – 12/2008 5 years, 15.2 M€ EU contribution EuroNu DS, 2008/12, 4M€ FP6 SLHC-PP, 2008/11, 5.2M€ ILC-HiGrade, 2008/12, 5M€ EuCARD 04/2009 – 03/2013 4 years, 10.0 M€ EU contribution TIARA-PP, 2011/13, 3.9M€ FP7 HiLumi LHC, 2011/15, 4.9M€ EuCARD-2 05/2013 – 04/2017 4 years, 8.0 M€ EU contribution Reduced budget for general R&D, increasing competition Low prioritiy of long-term R&D for large laboratories focused on short-term projects, while small institutions lack critical mass and the experience to be effective → a joint collaborative effort with the EU support is the most effective way to push the limits of our technologies. The EuCARD magic formula

6 Integrating Activities in H2020
3 components: Networks Transnational Access Joint Research Activities

7 EuCARD-2 in a nutshell Ongoing Integrating Activity project (4 years), will finish in April 2017

8 Roadmap for the new IA For the moment we call the new project EuCARD3 (final name to be decided) Timeline: The new project should start in May 2017 after the end of EuCARD-2, duration 4 years. Goal: apply at the next IA call expected for November 2015 with deadline for applications March 30th, 2016. Process: Consultation of the community on possible topics with deadline end 2014, 54 Letters of Intent collected (last still coming…). ESGARD meeting in April 2015 has defined the main themes and nominated theme conveners to propose coherent Workpackages within specific budget guidelines. : first meeting of Theme Conveners for Networks and JRAs. End of August 2015: first meeting of Theme conveners for Transnational Access. October 2015: preliminary organization of the proposal from the inputs of Theme Conveners. December 2015: freeze the project structure and budget, start preparation of the proposal. today

9 RI 2016/17 Work Program Information based on a draft of the Research Infrastructure 2016/17 Work Programme received (unofficially) on June 22nd, expected to be more or less final. Opening of the call 10 Nov 2015, deadline for submission 30 March 2016. Budget 160 M€, “suggested” 10 M€/project, 27 communities invited to submit projects. → Expected success rate 59.2%, very low (used to be 75%). The reason is that not only us, but other 4 communities were moved to 2016 without increasing the budget! This call is going to be very competitive, and we must be really excellent! Our competitors come from the most diverse (and challenging!) fields: DNA sequencing, vaccines, marine biology, biomass conversion, offshore renewable energy, earthquake risk assessment, synchrotron radiation, neutron scattering, radio astronomy, hadron physics, social science, etc. Note that in H2020 there is no negotiation: either the project is approved as it is with the requested budget, or it is rejected.

10 Translating guidelines into a project structure
Go for the recommended EC contribution of 10 M€, keep the ESGARD principle of EC contribution at 50% of total cost (i.e. build a project for 20 M€ total cost with 50% matching funds from partners). Try a more balanced share of 30% Joint Research Activities (JRA), 20% Transnational Access (TNA), 40% Networks (NA), 8% management (EuCARD2: 60%, 9%, 23%, 8%). Introduce Networks for Innovation and Education&Training. Expand TNAs: look for Test Stands in European Laboratories and Universities used for Accelerator R&D where access could be provided under the new project (to researchers and industry!), with the option to charge operational costs to the EU. Improve links with accelerators for applied science: synchrotron light facilities and neutron sources. Enlarge the basis: include new countries and laboratories (but limit the total to ~ 40 partners as now in EuCARD2).

11 Results of the consultation
50 LoI’s received until February 2015, for a total requested budget of 32.6 M€ (3.2 x maximum budget!). Proposals: 10 Networks, 40 R&D, no TNA. Origin of LoI’s: 25 Germany, 7 UK, 7 CERN, 5 Spain, 2 Switzerland, 2 shared, 1 Sweden, 1 France. A few new potential partners. Received after deadline: 2 from Sweden, 1 from France, more in the last weeks

12 Main topics from the community
All the 5 EuCARD2 Networks willing to continue Focus on beam instrumentation (6 proposals) Electron lenses (2 proposals) Thin SC films (3 proposals) SC cavitites (4 proposals, quite different) Special magnets (4 proposals, quite different) Advanced materials (2 proposals) Compact accelerators for isotopes (2 proposals) Photocathodes (2 proposals) Laser-driven acc., wakefield and dielectrics (2 proposals) Ion sources (2 proposals)

13 EuCARD-3 Preliminary structure
8 Networks Education and Training Innovation Energy Efficiency Accelerator Applications Extreme Beams Diagnostics and Instrumentation Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAC) Low-emittance-rings 5 Transnational Access: Magnet testing Material testing New Techniques Beam testing RF testing 3 Joint Research Activities Technologies Materials Novel techniques Networks: 6 already in EuCARD2, but more focused and including perspective studies, 2 new networks TNAs: 10 facilities grouped in 5 topics JRAs: only 3 grouping the main R&D themes (HTS, e-lenses, thin films, thermal materials, PWFA) Main features: Continue 5 successful EuCARD2 networks Use Networks for workshops AND for common studies Improve Technology Transfer and Innovation Add Innovation and Training Network (from TIARA) New Network on diagnostics and instrumentation Transnational Access grouped into 5 subjects Large JRA on Technologies, grouping different subjects Continue support to plasma wakefield acceleration

14 Diagnostics and Instrumentation
The EuCARD-3 Matrix Lepton machines Hadron machines Societal applications Plasmas Low e-rings X-beams EuroNNAC Innovation NA Education Diagnostics and Instrumentation Energy Applications Beam TNA RF Plasmas Materials Magnets JRA Technologies New techn. Materials

15 Preliminary structure: WPs, budgets, theme coordinators
Type Preliminary Name Theme Coordinator Budget EU (k€) Proposed Content 1 NA Management & Communication M. Vretenar (CERN) 800 as EuCARD2, incl. newsletter, booklets, events 2 Education & Training P. Burrows (STFC) 400 Studies, coordinate PhD positions, contact with schools and ITN, … 3 Innovation G. Anelli (CERN), … EuCARD meets industry events, Innovation fund, Market pull actions, Industry Advisory Board 4 Applications R. Edgecock (HUD) 500 Focused on few themes, includes studies 5 Energy efficiency M. Seidel (PSI) Energy Management in Large Facilities; RF Power Sources; Beam Guidance Systems; Conv. to Secondary Radiation; Recovery Systems 6 Novel accelerators R. Assmann (DESY) Roadmap to plasma acceleration 7 Accelerator Design & Control F. Zimmermann (CERN) Beam Quality Control in Hadron Storage Rings; Advanced Ring Optics Design; Improved Beam Stabilization; Far Future Concepts 8 Low emittance rings Y. Papaphilippou (CERN), R. Bartolini (UOXF), M. Biagini (INFN) Improve synergies with synchrotron light sources 9 Diagnostics & Instrumentation P. Forck (GSI), …  Workshops, standardisation, database of equipment 10 TA Magnet testing M. Bajko (CERN) CERN magnet test, CEA test stand, CIEMAT test stand 11 Material testing A. Fabich (CERN) HiRadMat (CERN), GSI 12 Beam testing ANKA (KIT), IPHI (CEA), … 13 RF testing R. Ruber (UU) FREIA (UU), XBOX (CERN) 14 New techniques B. Cros (CNRS), O. Lundh (LLC) CILEX (F), LOA (F), Lund Laser Center (S) 15 JRAt Technologies – Magnets L. Rossi (CERN) HTS with industry, Bruker + CERN + CEA Technologies – Thin films O. Malyshev (Cockroft) Daresbury + CERN + CEA + HZB + others Technologies – E-lenses H. Schmickler (CERN), P. Spiller (GSI) 300 CERN + GSI + others 16 JRA Collimator materials A. Rossi (CERN) CERN + GSI + others, Materials for Extreme Thermal Management 17 A. Specka (CNRS) LDDS dielectric (DESY) + ?

16 What is new from EuCARD-2
Networks: increased budget from EuCARD2, to be used for perspective studies, common databases, standardisation of tools and instruments, possibly carried out by students (link with Education and Training). Transnational Access: 2 facilities per Theme over 5 Themes, indicative budget of 200 k€ per facility, shared between coordination, travel and subsistance for users accessing the facility, operational costs, technical support and special equipment. Joint Research Activities: focused on few selected topics for the next generation of accelerators. New Networks: Instrumentation, Education and training, improved Innovation Network

17 Guidelines for Networks
Networking activities: Networking activities could include (non exhaustive list): dissemination and /or exploitation of project results and knowledge, contribution to socio-economic impacts, promotion of innovation; reinforcing partnership with industry: outreach and dissemination activities, transfer of knowledge, activities to foster the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers, involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies; definition of common standards, protocols and interoperability; benchmarking; development and maintenance of common databases for the purpose of networking and management of the users and infrastructures; spreading of good practices, consultancy and training courses to new users; exchange of personnel and training of staff; foresight studies for new instrumentation, methods, concepts and/or technologies; promotion of clustering and coordinated actions amongst related projects; coordination with national or international related initiatives and support to the deployment of global and sustainable approaches in the field;

18 What do we expect from you?
Theme conveners are expected to come back in October with a proposal defining objectives, structure and budget of their Workpackage or Task, filling in a Template that you can upload from the Indico site of this meeting (we will look at it later on). Note that while the LoI collection was a bottom-up process, we now go top-down: the theme conveners have the freedom to structure their activity accordingly to the agreed scientific objectives, taking into accont the LoI’s if they consider them relevant, or seeking other contributions from different partners. They are expected to contact the perspective partners. Please keep in mind that the main keyword is collaboration: the goal of EuCARD3 is to federate ongoing R&D activities from different partners, where collaborative work provides an added value. The outcome must be well balanced, with a good distribution among the different participating laboratories and countries (you are now working for the European accelerator community, not for your own Institute!)

19 How a Workpackage is structured
Workpackage N (WP Coordinator) Task N.1 Coordination and Communication Task Leader = WP Coordinator Task N.2 XXX Task Leader At least 2 partners Task N.n XXX Task Leader At least 2 partners Production of Milestones and Deliverables

20 Proposed contents Networks
Low-e-rings (Guiducci/Biagini, Papaphilippou, Bartolini): improve collaboration with synchrotron light source community, include manpower for perspective studies, standardisation of equipment – could include a task on electron sources ? Electron sources, photocathodes: proposal for a small Network (150k, more a Task within an existing Network) on e- sources and photocathodes, led by HZB and including STFC, HZD, NCBJ, DESY, INFN.

21 Getting more specific Tailor tasks on common subjects that combine beam dynamics and technology issues in low emittance Rings. For example: Injection optimisation Kickers, pulsers, DA optimisation, thin septa, exotic injection schemes, top-up, swap-out,… Vacuum Coatings, conditioning, ions, e-cloud, impedance, mechanical tolerances, feedback systems RF Efficient klystrons, Solid state amplifiers, harmonic system (active, passive), impedance, HOM reduction,… Magnets Longitudinal gradient bends, High-field quadrupoles, SC wigglers, permanent magnets, errors and non-linear dynamics, model vs machine,… Beam tests and commissioning Support exchange and collaboration between low emittance rings for beam tests covering beam dynamics and technology but also support to commissioning Other (diagnostics,…)s

22 Recalling the deadlines
16 July: 1st meeting at CERN of NA and JRA Theme Coordinators. Agreement on the contents, distribution of work. 2nd half of August: 1st meeting of Transnational Access partners. Special meeting on Innovation. 1st half October: Meeting of all Theme Coordinators, finalise content, participants and budget and assemble a draft of the proposal (Tasks, Workplan, Budget). December 2015: 1st draft of the complete proposal (final workplan and budget, add milestones and deliverables). February 2016: 2nd draft Wednesday March 30st, 2016: submission deadline

23 Thank you! Questions?

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