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Application Authentication using Azure AD

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1 Application Authentication using Azure AD

2 Who am I? Ashish Gupta .NET Developer by background
Currently working as an Identity and Access Management Architect/Developer for LPL Financial, Charlotte Contact :- Website : Twitter

3 Agenda Authentication/Authorization Authentication techniques
Basic Authentication techniques SAML, WS-Federation OAuth Open ID Connect Azure AD Overview Authentication using Azure AD

4 Back to basics Popular Authentication Techniques
Pre-claims authentication techniques Passwords Domain authentication Claim-based identity SAML, WS-Federation OAuth, OpenID-Connect

5 Pre-claims Auth techniques Passwords
Application specific – Not meant for the multi application access.

6 Pre-claims Auth techniques Domain Authentication
Works well within the enterprise – but not outside.

7 Claim-based Auth Techniques High level Analogy
Process of Boarding a plane Sign-On Protocol : Go to a check-in kiosk > print the boarding pass >TSA line > Boarding gate > Board the plane Authentication Protocol The passport/driver license Token The boarding pass WS-Federation Storing passwords? Read this :-

8 Claim-based Auth Techniques SAML
Enables an application to send Auth requests and obtain tokens that can be sent across domains SAML was introduced in year It uses SAML token which is XML format, very expressive but very verbose. SaaS vendors are more likely to support it than WS-Federation.  On the other hand, if you are in a mostly Microsoft world, WS-Federation is more ubiquitous.  URL of the image :

9 Claim-based Auth Techniques WS-Federation
Enables an application to send Auth requests and obtain tokens that can be sent across domains WS-Fed supports SAML tokens as well as the JWT. SAML protocol supports only SAML tokens. URL for the image :

10 Claim-based Auth Techniques Oauth 2.0
Authorization Protocol

11 Claim-based Auth Techniques Open ID Connect
Oauth Authentication

12 Azure AD – An overview Identity and Access Management as a service (IDaaS) Identifies Apps, APIs and users using internet ready standards OpenID-Connect, WS-Fed Its free!! And free version is very capable. Up to about ½ million users authentication is supported.

13 Thank you Questions?

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