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What strategies could you use to learn more effectively?

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Presentation on theme: "What strategies could you use to learn more effectively?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What strategies could you use to learn more effectively?
For Modern Foreign Languages and beyond

2 Look, say, cover, write, check…repeat!
This is a great way to learn single words or simple phrases, equations, facts or spellings. It is also a good pair work task as well as being a good way to test yourself for numerous subject areas.

3 Write a poem, make up a rhyme or put it to a song!
People who can learn song lyrics easily can find putting facts or phrases to the tune of their favourite song really helps them. Alternatively, poems and mnemonics (memory poems) help with spellings, putting things in order such as the planets and recalling facts.

4 Teach someone else! In order to teach something, you need to be very sure that what you are teaching is correct. Simply explaining how it works or what it means to others is a really good way of getting it fixed in your head.


6 TASK You have a selection of cards and on each card is a fact, a list of words or spellings that you should try to learn off by heart. Choose one or more of the strategies and have a go at learning them! Remember: Look, say, cover, write, check…repeat A poem, rhyme or a song Teach someone else

7 What strategy did you use? Why? Was it helpful?

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