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Duncan Exley Director

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1 Duncan Exley Director twitter: @equalitytrust



4 FTSE 100: average pay (red area) compared to CEO pay (blue area)
1997 2012


6 Health and Social Problems Worse in More Unequal Countries
Index of: Life expectancy Maths & Literacy Infant mortality Homicides Imprisonment Teenage births Trust Obesity Mental illness – incl. drug & alcohol addiction Social mobility

7 Health and social problems are not related to average income in rich countries
Worse Index includes: Life expectancy Maths & literacy Infant mortality Homicides Imprisonment Teenage births Trust Obesity Mental illness (inc. drug and alcohol addiction) Social mobility Index of health and social problems Better National income per person ($) Source: Wilkinson & Pickett, The Spirit Level (2009)

8 Valued or devalued? More inequality More superiority and inferiority
More status competition and consumerism More status insecurity More worry about how we are seen and judged More “social evaluation anxiety” (threats to self-esteem & social status, fear of negative judgements) Source: Wilkinson & Pickett, The Spirit Level (2009)

9 What kinds of stressful tasks raise stress hormones most?
Cortisol response (effect size) Tasks with ‘social evaluative threat’ (uncontrollable) Other tasks Dickerson SS, Kemeny ME. Acute stressors and cortisol responses. Psychological Bulletin 2004; 130(3): Source: Wilkinson & Pickett, The Spirit Level (2009)

10 Health Mental health Physical health Infant mortality Healthy life years - cost

11 Crime & Violence “The link between economic inequality and both property crime and violent crime is well established” “Economic inequality affects violence by influencing the way we think, act and relate to others”

12 “a correlation between low scores in maths and reading and inequality”
Social mobility “it is likely to be very hard to increase social mobility without tackling inequality” (“Social Mobility: A Literature Review”; Crawford, Johnson, Machin, Vignoles; 2011, BIS) “a correlation between low scores in maths and reading and inequality”

13 Social cohesion & participation
“Unequal societies have lower rates of both social and civic participation (including lower engagement with political parties)” Damage to community cohesion (H Jordahl “Inequality and Trust” IFN Working Paper No. 715; 2007)

14 Children Educational attainment Family Attitudes to work and society

15 Economic impacts of inequality
Instability & crises Debt Regional Decreased productivity Warnings on inequality: IMF OECD  

16 Democratic impacts of inequality
Lower voter turnout Distrust of institutions (public and private sector)

17 Public Attitudes 82% of the public say “the gap between those with high incomes and those with low incomes” is “too large” (British Social Attitudes Survey, Released 2013) Median answer to how much more should the person running a large company be paid than a shopfloor worker = 6 times (British Social Attitudes Survey, Released 2010)

18 Fairer, Stronger Businesses
UK: Higher proportion of low-skilled jobs than all OECD except Spain. UK: 5th-highest proportion of low-paid jobs in OECD. Regional inequality: Median earnings, UK: £22,044 Median earnings, E.Midlands: £20,890 Median earnings, London: £27,999

19 Policy Responses Local “industrial policy”.
Leadership: internal practice, procurement, ambassadorship. Progressive spending as a correction to regressive taxation.

20 Our main proposal: A goal:
That the net impact of policies will be to reduce the gap between the richest and the rest

21 Duncan Exley Director twitter: @equalitytrust

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