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Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Time Keeper.

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1 Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Time Keeper


3 KEY CONCEPTS Process of Classification and Assignment
Types and Levels of Prisons Rehabilitation Services Security Measures The Function of Jails Probation and Parole Privatization of Prisons


5 Did you know the United States is the World Leader in Incarcerating Criminals!

6 Do you think prisoner’s should be released early from prison because the facility is overcrowded? If so, how should we handle convicted criminals?

7 What things are considered?
Once a prisoner is convicted and sentenced to jail, the prison has to classify and assign his security level What things are considered?


9 SPECIALIZED PRISONS Maximum Security Prisons
Close High-Security Prisons Medium Security Prisons Minimum-Security Prisons Open Security Facilities Multilevel Prisons Supermax Prisons

Punishment for Crime Deterrent to committing more crimes Safeguarding society

11 PROBATION/PAROLE A community-based punishment for lesser offenses that requires the offender to comply with certain court-ordered conditions. The offender is not sentenced to prison or jail Parole is the release of a prison inmate before his or her sentence is completely served. A parole board makes this decision. If released, a parole officer will perform supervision for a given period of time

12 Common Criminal Defenses

13 Types of Defenses A defense consists of evidence and arguments offered by the defendant to show why he/she should not be held liable for a criminal charge Our system generally recognizes four broad categories of defense Alibi Justifications Excuses Procedural defenses

14 Types of Defenses Alibi – different from the other defenses as it is based on the premise that the defendant is truly innocent An alibi is supported by witnesses and documentation – hotel receipts, eyewitness identification

15 Types of Defense Justification – claim of moral high ground; a choice between the “lesser of two evils” Example: a firefighter who sets a “control” fire to create a firebreak to save the town; The setting of the fire is arson, but the intent was to save the town. Self-defense; defense of others; defense of home and property, necessity, consent, and resisting unlawful arrest

16 Justifiable Use of Force Self Defense
You must use only the force necessary to protect yourself, your dwelling, your property, or to prevent a crime. Deadly force can only be used to protect you from imminent death or bodily harm. You must not have provoked the attack, and there must be no alternative. You must have a reasonable belief that death or bodily harm will otherwise occur.

17 Types of Defenses Excuses – the person who engaged in the unlawful behavior was, at the time, not legally responsible for his/her actions Recognized excuses include: Duress - Involuntary Intoxication Age - Unconsciousness Mistake - Provocation Insanity -Diminished capacity Mental incompetence Necessity

18 Duress The wrongful threat of one person induces another person to perform an act that she or he would otherwise not perform. Girlfriend helps boyfriend commit a robbery as he threatens to kill her kids The threat must be immediate and inescapable

19 Duress The threat must be of serious bodily harm or death
The defendant must have become involved in the situation through no fault of his or her own

20 Age (infancy) as a Defense
Under a certain statutory definition you do not meet the maturity level to make the decisions necessary to commit a crime.

21 Mistake Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse
Mistake of fact – getting into a car that looks just like yours and putting the key in the ignition and it works and you drive away is not a crime.

22 Insanity Case Law Insanity – a legal definition not a medical definition M’Naghten Rule – the inability to distinguish right and wrong must be the result of some mental defect or disability Irresistible Impulse – Defendant knew it was wrong but could not stop doing it because of some irresistible impulse Schizophrenia

23 Insanity Case Law Durham Rule--a person is not criminally responsible for his /her behavior if the person’s illegal actions were the result of some mental disease or defect Substantial capacity rule—lacks capacity to appreciate the wrong/or to conform to the law

24 “Guilty but mentally ill”
Jury may decide---defendant mentally ill, but not insane Responsible for his acts Defendants spend early years in mental hospital; to prison at some point

25 Insanity Defenses Temporary Insanity – Insane only at the time of the criminal act Diminished Capacity – Used not to be declared not guilty, but a lesser sentence; from Murder 1st degree to Murder 2nd Mental Incompetence – Incapable of understanding the charges against them, consulting with attorney, or in aiding in their own defense

26 Intoxication Involuntary intoxication is when a person is physically forced to ingest a substance. Involuntary can also be a reaction to a legal prescription drug which caused psychotic episodes as a side effect. Voluntary intoxication is becoming intoxicated on your own. (Claim that there is no mens rea) 12 states have eliminated it as a defense.

27 Necessity (Lesser evils)
A defense against criminal liability in which the defendant asserts that the circumstances required her or him to commit an illegal act. Justifiable if harm avoided by your illegal conduct was greater than that sought to be prevented in the offense charged Violating a restraining order to save your former spouse from drowning would avoid the greater evil

28 Procedural Defenses Procedural Defenses – claim the defendant in some manner was discriminated against in the justice process, or some important aspect of official procedure was not properly followed entrapment Double jeopardy police fraud selective prosecution denial of speedy trial Prosecutorial misconduct

29 Entrapment When police deceives defendant into wrongdoing
Defendant would not otherwise have committed crime Police cannot “plant the idea” in defendant Defense used in some undercover drug cases

30 Legal Safeguards Substantive criminal law---defines specific acts government will punish Procedural criminal law---defines procedures which must be followed in adjudicating defendants

31 Bill of Rights First ten amendments to U. S. Constitution, adopted in 1791 U. S. Supreme Court has interpreted all of them Serve as a safeguard for accused criminal defendants Procedural safeguards come primarily from 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments

32 Fourth Amendment Protects from unreasonable searches and seizures
No warrants for a search or arrest can be issued without probable cause Probable cause is reasonable grounds to believe the existence of facts warranting certain actions, such as a search or arrest.

33 Fifth Amendment No one may be deprived of “life, liberty or property” without due process of law. No double jeopardy No person can be forced to be a witness against himself (“taking the fifth”)

34 Sixth Amendment Guarantees a speedy trial, trial by jury, a public trial Right to confront witnesses, right to a lawyer

35 Eighth Amendment Protects against excessive bail and fines
Protects against cruel and unusual punishment (Does not include the death penalty)

36 Due Process of Law — 14th Amendment
Government cannot act arbitrarily or unfairly Must stay within the boundaries of reason and the law Procedural due process—law must be carried out fairly and orderly Substantive due process—laws themselves must be reasonable Supreme court has big role in interpreting these requirements



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