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Budget 2017: Indigenous Youth and Sport Outline of Proposed Results

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1 Budget 2017: Indigenous Youth and Sport Outline of Proposed Results
Canadian Heritage / Patrimoine canadien Budget 2017: Indigenous Youth and Sport Outline of Proposed Results June 2017

2 Initial five years ($18.9 million)
Budget 2017 announcement Budget 2017 proposes to invest $18.9 million over five years, starting in 2017–2018, and ongoing funding of $5.5 million every four years thereafter, to support Indigenous youth and sport. (Note: Component amounts provided by TBS and rounded) Initial five years ($18.9 million) Ongoing every four years ($5.5 million) Leadership sunsetting ($3.8 million) Includes funding for Aboriginal Sport Circle North American Indigenous Games, every four years starting in 2024 Ongoing ($3.5 million per games) Culturally Relevant programming sunsetting ($9.2 million) Includes funding for Bilateral agreements & community initiatives Operating and Maintenance Ongoing ($0.5 million annually) Sport Canada Operating and Maintenance includes $0.3 million per year for data and research and $0.2 million for one FTE Indigenous Multisport Games For NAIG 2020 ($3.5 million) See ongoing Sport Canada Operating and Maintenance For initial five years ($2.5 million)

3 Overview of Strategic Approach
Budget 2017 investments will complement current initiatives in Indigenous Sport delivered through Canadian Heritage’s Sport Canada branch’s established transfer payment programs, specifically the Sport Support Program and the Hosting Program. The overarching result of these investments is to engage more Indigenous Youth in culturally relevant sport programming. More Indigenous children and youth are participating in culturally relevant sport programming Leadership Indigenous Multisport Games Culturally relevant programming By providing access to culturally relevant sport, there will be more opportunities for Indigenous youth to engage in sport, and incentives to remain involved

4 Next Steps Sport Canada is working with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) to further define the structure of these investments and secure spending authorities In order to provide all the required information, Sport Canada has engaged and discussed the expected results for the proposed investments with the Aboriginal Sport Circle on May 3, 2017. Once authorities are obtained by TBS, the funding will be available to spend. Collection of results in the early years of the investment will be essential to allow for renewal of investments not identified as ongoing. Therefore, the selection of indicators and results that show early progress will help build the case for renewal.

5 Sources considered in developing results
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Final Report Aboriginal Sport Circle Business Plan 2016 Federal Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Survey Ministerial priorities Federal Provincial/Territorial Priorities for Collaborative Action

6 Delivery and Expected Results
Expected results represent the difference an investment is intended to make. Treasury Board Secretariat requires the articulation of short, medium and long term outcomes, specific to the funding for which authorities are sought. For example: Short Term: Organizations in the delivery network are strengthened and have the capacity to deliver culturally relevant sport programming for Indigenous children and youth Medium Term: Organizations in the delivery network are offering culturally relevant programming for children and youth Long Term: Indigenous children and youth experience culturally relevant programming and participate in Indigenous Multisport Games Short-Term (2017-April 2019) – In the short term, the Indigenous Youth and Sport investments will establish the underpinnings for the delivery of culturally relevant sport programming for Indigenous children and youth. Short term investments will strengthen the delivery network and enable those organizations to assess their programming and services for alignment with the Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Pathway (ALTPD) resources. Medium-Term (April April 2021) - In the medium term, the Indigenous Youth and Sport investments will build on the strengthened delivery network to offer culturally relevant programming for children and youth at the community level. Long-Term – (April ) In the long term, the Indigenous Youth and Sport Initiative investments will result in an increase in the number of Indigenous children and youth experiencing culturally relevant programming at multiple stages of athlete development and participating in Multisport Games.

7 Output(s)/Outcomes(s) Performance Indicators(s)
Result Tracking Output(s)/Outcomes(s) Performance Indicators(s) Targets Data Strategy Short-Term - The Aboriginal Sport Circle has the capacity to assume and maintain a national leadership role on Indigenous sport. Number of staffing actions completed by the ASC. % of MOUs of formal working relationships between the ASC and PTASBs by April 2019. The ASC hires two full time employees executive coordinator and event coordinator) by April 2018. 70% Interim and annual activity report from the ASC. Medium-Term - More Indigenous children and youth participate in culturally relevant sport programming based on the ALTPD principles. Number of communities (both reserve/non-reserve & urban/remote) providing culturally relevant sport programming based on the ALTPD principles. Baseline (April 2017) +4% (April 2019) Canadian Fitness & Lifestyle Research Institute (CFLRI) Interim and annual activity report from the ASC (based on the number of ALTPD Community Resource workshops delivered)

8 Output(s)/Outcomes(s) Performance Indicators(s)
Result Tracking Output(s)/Outcomes(s) Performance Indicators(s) Targets Data Strategy Long-Term - The NAIG hosts have the resources and expertise to leverage the games to promote healthy lifestyles, building self0image and promoting Indigenous role models through sport an legacy. % of NAIG 2020 participants that feel more confident after competing at the Games. 90% (we need to examine data from previous games social impact studies) Canadian Fitness & Lifestyle Research Institute (CFLRI) Social impact study - More Indigenous children and youth participate in culturally relevant sport programming based on the ALTPD principles. Number of communities (both reserve/non-reserve & urban/remote) providing culturally relevant sport programming based on the ALTPD principles. Baseline (April 2017) +6% (April 2022) Interim and annual activity report from the ASC (based on the number of ALTPD Community Resource workshops delivered)

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