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Presentation on theme: "Wetlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wetlands

2 beaver These large rodents have webbed feet, a broad flat tail for swimming, and a thick, waterproof coat.

3 crayfish Crayfish, which look like little lobsters, have five pairs of legs, with the front pair modified as claws with pincers. They use these pincers for feeding and defense.

4 pond skater They have specialized, paddle-like legs that enable the insect to "skate" over the surface of the water, riding on the surface tension that lies between the water and the air.

5 black swan The Black Swan has from 22 to 25 vertebrae in its elongated neck that allows it to simply duck its head under the water to reach deep aquatic vegetation.

6 mussel By displaying specially adapted tissues that look like fish prey, they try to lure a “host” fish to swim near them. Sensing a fish nearby, the female releases her young into the water, ready to clamp onto the fish. This is how her young can survive.

7 alligator Their eyes, ears, and nose are positioned to peek out just above the waterline so they can locate prey without being easily identified. 

8 water starwort These plants are supported completely by water, so their stems do not contain strengthening tissues.

9 duckweed The upper surface of the duckweed plant has a thick, waxy cuticle to repel water.

10 Cattails Cattails tolerate perennial flooding, reduced soil conditions, and moderate salinity.

11 water lily Floating leaves are generally tough because they have to withstand the weather and water movement.

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