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The Virtual Art Museum of Claude Monet

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1 The Virtual Art Museum of Claude Monet
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2 To Biography To Gallery 2 To Gift shop Exit

3 To Biography Exit Back to Gallery one To Gift shop

4 Claude Monet T-shirts Claude Monet T-shirts To Gallery 1 To Gallery 2

5 $20 Back to Gift Shop

6 $40 Back to Gift Shop

7 $45 Back to Gift Shop

8 $60 Back to Gift Shop

9 The Garden of the Princess, Musée du Louvre, 1867, oil on canvas, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, Ohio. Reference Back to gallery 1

10 Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe (The Picnic), detail, 1865.
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11 A Corner of the Studio, 1861, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
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12 The Hôtel des Roches Noires at Trouville, 1870, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
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13 La Grenouillère, 1869, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
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14 Terrace at St. Adresse, 1866. Reference Back to Gallery 2

15 Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre in the Garden, 1866, oil on canvas, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
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16 The Studio-Boat, 1874 Reference Back to Gallery 2

17 The Luncheon, 1868, oil on canvas, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt.
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18 To continued Biography
Claude Monet was an Impressionist; he has many famous, works of art. He was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris. He spent most of his childhood in Le Havre. Monet died on December 5, 1926 at Giverny. Monet was the son of Claude Adolphe Monet, and Louis Justine Aubree Monet. His father Claude was a grocer, and he wanted Monet to take on the family business, but Monet had other plans of being an artist. It is unknown where and when Monet’s father died. However his mother who was a singer died on January 28, After her death Monet moved in with his poor, childless aunt- Marie Jeanne Lacadre. In his later years Monet married Camille Doncieux, they were married from After her death in 1879 Monet began to create some of his best paintings of the 19th century. Several years later he married Alice Hochede, they were married from Monet’s children were Jean Monet, and Michel Monet. The Académie Suisse was an art school founded by Charles Suisse. It was located at the corner of the Quai des Orfévres and the Boulevard du Palais, in Paris. Like most major French artists Claude Monet enrolled in this school. Artists visited this place to meet colleagues or to study. Monet learned art from school and many individuals. He had his first drawing lessons from Jacques- Francios Orchard, who was a former student of Jacques-Louis David. Monet’s mentor was Eugene Boudin. Both Monet and Boudin received influence from Johan Barthold Jongkind. Monet left school at the age of 16 to live with his aunt. Claude Monet was a French Impressionist. Impression is art that is unblended, and emphasizes the light and shadow rather than a crisp outline of the subject matter. Some examples of Monet’s impression works of art are… Impression Sunrise, and Water lilies. Monet is a Landscape painter; all of his paintings will consist of a beautiful landscape. A landscape painter focuses on the depiction of landscapes of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests. An example of one work of art that reflects off of a natural scenery is Monet’s Wild Poppies. It is also known that sometimes Monet would go around the city, stop at natural scenery, and paint what inspired him. To continued Biography

19 A famous artist like Claude Monet has many famous works of art
A famous artist like Claude Monet has many famous works of art. While being a landscape painter and an impressionist Monet has many options of scenes to paint. This may be why he has so many paintings. Some of Monet’s most famous works of art are… Impression Sunrise, Water Lily Pond, Water lilies, San Giorgio Twilight, Red Boat Argenteuil, Women with a Parasol, Magpie, Water lilies evening effect, and Poppies at Argenteuil. And more like Field of Tulips, Monet Sunflowers, Monet Water Lilies, Green Reflections, and Bridge at Argenteuil, Port at Argenteuil, Haystack Morning Effect, and Houses of Parliament. You may have noticed that many of Monet’s paintings are inspired by Water Lilies. About 10 years after moving to Giverny he purchased a piece of land with a small brook crossing it. It inspired him so much he decided to make a water garden; this garden often had many Water lilies. Often in Monet’s paintings the name Argenteuil, appears in the names of some of his paintings. Argenteuil is a commune in the Northwestern suburbs of Paris, France. This was one of Monet’s favorite places to study and paint scenery. Claude Monet was not only a wonderful artist, but he was also a very interesting person. His name isn’t actually Claude Oscar Monet, it is Oscar Claude Monet. He moved to Le Havre, at the age of five. Le Havre is a seaside town in northern France. Monet was baptized at Notre-Dame- de Lorette, a local parish church in France. One of Monet’s quotes stated “Colors pursue me like a constant worry. They even worry me in my sleep” Living from to becoming one of the most famous French Impressionist, Claude Monet has had much success in his life. Back to gallery 2 Back to gallery 1

20 This painting shows an artists studio that they have set up, alongside a river, or in a forest. I can see the many lines used to make the outline of this painting, there are also many shapes, they help you to see what the objects in the picture are. I see a form in this painting, the books and the suitcase. A form is a three dimensional shape. I can especially see texture in this painting, I see the texture of the trees and leaves in the background in the river. The artist who is working at this studio must be painting a picture of his/her surroundings. I like this painting because, I enjoy the array of colors that the artist used. I also liked how the artist put together the desk in which you would find inside, and a river and trees in which you would find outside. Back to gallery 1 Back to gallery 2

21 Good Bye! Thanks for Visiting the Virtual Art Museum of Claude Monet!!
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22 Claude Monet Biography Bio. 4/22/15. http://www. biography
The Art Story Contribution: Claude Monet 4/22/15. The association GiVerNet Claude Monet Famous Paintings 4/22/15. Gregory Goldstein10 Interesting and Fun Facts About Claude Monet The Brushstroke 2:04 pm. December 15th, /22/14. The Artist Cellar Claude Monet, Paintings, Biography, and Quotes 4/22/ LN Shapely What type of Work did Monet Do? EHow 4/22/ do_.html From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Landscape Paintings Wikipedia Last Edited on March 29th 2015 at 5:28 4/22/ Givernet, Non-for-profit Organisation Giverny Monet's garden Thursday, 05-Mar :59:39 EST 4/24/15. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Argenteuil Wikipedia This page was last modified on 11 February 2015, at 12:20. 4/24/15. EXIT

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