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Aylmer Lodge Cookley Partnership

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1 Aylmer Lodge Cookley Partnership
An update March 2017

2 Where are we now? Independent Practice based on 2 sites
Part of the Wyre Forest GP Federation 14,000 patients 9 Doctors, increasing to 10 Summer 2017 Advanced Nurse Practitioner, full compliment of skilled Practice Nurses and HCA

3 Hume Street Modern state of the art healthcare facility
Newly equipped consulting rooms On-site pharmacy Physiotherapy Minor Surgery suite Consulting Rooms hosting secondary care services Free parking

4 Cookley Medical Centre
Traditional small village practice Not a ‘branch surgery’ - fully medically staffed 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday Fully linked with Hume St, with shared staff and integrated computer system/notes On site dispensary with 4 fully trained dispensers ‘Best of both worlds’ - patients can access more specialised clinics in Hume St

5 Medical Education GP Training - currently 2 GP Registrars ; Dr Waqas Safdar and Dr Hannah Hutchinson Medical Students - currently 2 years from University of Birmingham Student Nurse training practice Physicians Associates Dr Carter sits on Hereford and Worcester GP Education Committee Dr Jenkins trains GPs in Family Planning Dr Singh and Dr Jenkins are GP Appraisers Dr Martin is a Training Program Director for South Worcs GP training scheme -we believe that being involved in education is part of our duty to the NHS, benefits the whole practice team and enhances patient care .

6 Hume Street Clinics Physiotherapy and MCATs
General and Colorectal Surgery ENT Gynaecology Community Dermatology service Vasectomy Aortic Aneurysm Screening

7 Primary Healthcare Team
District Nursing Team based onsite Enhanced Care Team Palliative Care team meetings Practice Based Pharmacist - medicines optimisation Counselling Gateway Worker from community mental health team Drug Misuse Worker Safeguarding meetings with Health Visitors and School Nurses Bereavement Counselling

8 Information Technology
Practice Website New Practice Intranet - major improvement for staff Electronic Prescribing On-line ordering of repeat prescriptions Text reminders and flu jab messages

9 New Staff Jayne Barraclough - practice manager
Dr Ruth Snowball - started Jan 2017 Dr Louise Stepien - weekly Women’s Health Clinic Sister Eleanor Williams - returned to District Nursing team Currently recruiting another GP Currently interviewing for reception and dispensary

10 Care Quality Commission
Inspection October 2016 Overall Rating ‘Good’ Outstanding in Care of Vulnerable People’

11 Challenges Whole of NHS is under growing pressure - we are no exception. Underfunding Growing workload - in mid 90’s 200 million appointments per year in England compared to 300 million today GP shortage - how do we fill the gaps? Reduced numbers of trainees on North Worcs Vocational Training Scheme

12 Practice Based Pharmacist
For a few years now the practice has employed a pharmacist to assist with day-to-day medication related tasks and queries. We are currently looking to expand this role by applying for funding for more clinical pharmacist support. This would help us to extend the practice pharmacist role to be more ‘patient-facing’ and embed them in the surgery team with an aim to improving the patient experience whilst directly reducing  the workload on GPs. As part of the application we would like your views on whether you think it is a good idea and how you think this proposal might work in practice to directly support patients, particularly around accessibility and support with medicines.

13 Practice Based Pharmacist
What is a clinical pharmacist? Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to resolve day-to-day medicine issues and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medications and better access to health checks. The role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and ensuring patient safety. Having a clinical pharmacist in GP practices means GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with complex conditions. This helps GPs manage the demands on their time.

14 And Finally…. Thank you Fred Holland - British Citizen Award for services to local diabetes care. Julia - PPG secretary for 4 years Barbara - PPG Chair for 4 years

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