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Teaching and Learning Communication
In todays session; The range of speech, language and communication skills developed in the early years Research into supporting the development of speech, language and communication skills Current practice in teaching to support the development of speech, language and communication skills
What skills do children need to master in Speech, Language and Communication?
There are 3 sheets of flip chart paper around the room, each with a different heading – Speech, Language and Communication Start at one of the sheets, you will have 2 minutes to add as many skills as you can think of that may come under that category After two minutes, move on to the next sheet. Try to add different points to those already listed
Listening to children activity
Two rows of chairs, facing each other One row are the children, the other the practitioners You will each be given an instruction Once you are told to start, you must follow your instructions for a minute, until you are told to swap After each minute is up, the ‘children’ will move down a space, then the activity will be repeated
Communication task Two rows of chairs, facing each other
One row of participants has a sheet of paper and a pen The others have to try and communicate a message to them, without using speech, vocalisations or writing on their paper. Once you think you know what the message is, write it down.
Informal observations from practitioners;
Increase in speech and language difficulties – what could be behind this? Are children not being spoken to? Links to areas of deprivation? Increase in referrals to SALT There is a fear this may become a perpetual problem, if these kids grow up not experienced enough to break the cycle.
The links between speech, language and communication needs and social disadvantage
Epidemiological data on children aged about 5 years indicate that around 7% have SLCN (Tomblin, J. B., Records, N. L., Buckwalter, P., Zhang X., Smith, E. and O’Brien, M. (1997). Small scale studies in very socially disadvantaged areas have suggested that around half of the children in these areas may have significant language delays.(Locke, A., Ginsborg, J. and Peers, I. (2002) and Law, J., McBean, K. and Rush, R. (2011). Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations.
A study using data from a UK birth cohort of 17,196 children, following them from school entry to adulthood, found that, even after adjustment for a range of other factors, vocabulary difficulties at age 5 are significantly associated with poor literacy, mental health and employment outcomes at age 34 (Law, J., Rush, R., Schoon, I. and Parsons, S. (2009). Rates of identification of both SLCN and ASD have increased substantially over the period , from 0.94% to 1.61% of all pupils for SLCN (72% increase) and from 0.48% to 0.87% for ASD (83% increase)(Strand & Lindsay (2012) ibid)
Where’s the evidence? National Literacy Trust . of_existing_research_ conducted_to_support_the_commission The links between speech, language and communication needs and social disadvantage. An All- party parliamentary group on SLCN, National Literacy Trust (2012) Family Matters: The Importance of Family Support for Young People’s Reading. DfE (2012) Understanding speech, language and communication needs: Profiles of need and provision (2012)
Talk4writing Pie Corbett – Talk 4 Writing on Today’s Schools
Ideas for talk for writing – story mapping
Story mapping – The Tortoise and the Hare Task - Choose a well known story and translate it into a story map. Another example, this time using a non-fiction theme;
Rainbow Groups Research Task
Family Matters: The Importance of Family Support for Young People’s Reading Findings from the National Literacy Trust’s 2011 annual literacy survey Boys’ Reading Commission 2012 A review of existing research conducted to underpin the Commission Boy’s Reading Commission Final Report
Rainbow Groups Research Task
Early Literacy Practices at Home in 2015: Third annual survey of parents Victoria Knowland and Susie Formby National Literacy Trust Use the paper documents you have been given and the Internet to research the document given. What does it cover? What are the key points or findings of the research? What might the implications be for practitioners?
The Communication Trust What works database
Searchable database of interventions For practitioners and SLT’s Includes case studies Evidence based practice – and is clear about the level and type of evidence
Extension task English Curriculum Review and Planning Tool for Schools and ITT providers National Literacy Trust sets/0001/9202/Curriculum_Revie w_and_Planning_Tool.pdf Access the review document Choose one of the areas included, for example reading for enjoyment Use the prompts to review current practice in your setting. What are your areas of strength? Are there areas to develop? What recommendations for practice would you make?
Further reading and resources
- The National Literacy Trust, including The Children’s Communication Charity - Supporting those who work with children and young people to support their speech, language and communication
References Tomblin, J. B., Records, N. L., Buckwalter, P., Zhang X., Smith, E. and O’Brien, M. (1997), ‘Prevalence of Specific Language Impairment in Kindergarten Children’, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 40, pp Locke, A., Ginsborg, J. and Peers, I. (2002) Development and disadvantage: implications for the early years and beyond, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 37(1), pp Law, J., McBean, K. and Rush, R. (2011) ‘Communication skills in a population of primary school- aged children raised in an area of pronounced social disadvantage’, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 46(6), pp Law, J., Rush, R., Schoon, I., and Parsons, S. (2009) ‘Modeling developmental language difficulties from school entry into adulthood: literacy, mental health, and employment outcomes’, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 52(6), pp
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