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Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

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1 Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
The 4th Workshop of France China Particle Physics Laboratory Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) Project and its present progress Xiangdong SHENG Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS April , 2011

2 Outline 1. Scientific Problems
2. Design of the complex experiment of LHAASO project 3. Experimental progress of the prototypes 4. Site preparation and status of proposing 5. Conclusion

3 A centennial puzzle: Origin of high energy cosmic rays
The only matter from the universe P、He…C、N、O…Mg、Al、Si…Fe… neutrinos few e, , … All particle spectrum : power law Energy range: >10 orders Flux: >30 orders 2 Knees, 1 Ankle, GZK cutoff Messenger of:particle acceleration and propagation, astronomical objects: forming and evolution, inner structure and environment, medium and background… Origin is the key question, while the Sun is the only known source (E < 100GeV) How to study? Spectrum Energy Distribution、composition、anisotropy Fig. All particle spectrum

4 Origin of UHE cosmic rays
1. Scientific Problems EHE cosmic ray HIRES,AUGER TA/TALE 50km VHE γ、EHE CRs and Neutrinos can reserve the primary direction information. VHE γ Astronomy HESS,MAGIC YBJ,MILAGRO Origin of UHE cosmic rays VHE/UHE ν astronomy ICECUBE,KM3 CRTNT,NUTEL, ANITA

5 Cosmic ray study: Energy above the “knee”
Anisotropy: AGN & EHE CRs ( Auger) Spectra Energy Distribution: energy scale (calibration, interaction model), narrow Composition: inconsistency Anisotropy: poor statistics, confirmation

6 The “Knee” — a 50-year puzzle Direct measurement:
balloon & satellite borne experiments 1015eV un-reachable by now Indirect measurements: Ground-based measurements But there is inconsistency in ground-based measurements. — Difficulty in composition identification (model dependent , poor measurement, statistics, Observations at different altitudes, low flux… — Energy scale (Calibration) Model dependent & LHCf results (QGSJET II?)

7 The VHE g-ray Physics Program
Interstellar magnetic fields affect CRs. Pulsars SNRs Origin of Cosmic Rays Microquasars AGNs GRBs Cold Dark Matter cosmological g-Ray Horizon Test of the speed of light invariance

8 TeV γRays

9 (Leptonic model) RXJ1713 (Hadronic model)
VHE  astronomy—the first light (Leptonic model) RXJ (Hadronic model) Standard candle Crab Nebula Hadronic model /Leptonic model? Spectra Energy Distribution Morphology

10 VHE  ray astronomy success of the Imaging air Cherenkov telescopes IACTs and the bottleneck
Ferni ~100 VHE  ray sources Galactic: 60 (after 2009: 3) extra-galactic: 38 (after 2009: 16) FOV, duty cycle (10%) Full duty cycle, full sky survey Lower threshold, higher sensitivity CTA: 100 tels, 1km210GeV, 1mCrab HAWC: 150mx150m, 900 water tanks

11 Possible Solutions: (1) TeVγray observation has an opportunity of finding CR origin. Observation ofγat high energy (>30TeV) is crucial, which needs the detectors with high sensitivity and high energy resolution. All-sky survey forγsource population is necessary, and the detectors have the abilities of full duty cycle, wide FOV and sufficient sensitivity. (2) PeV CR spectra of individual composition Bridge between space/balloon borne measurements and ground based UHECR measurements Ground-based Extensive Air Shower (EAS) detector is the only choice to cover the wide (about 6 orders of) energy range.

12 4300m a. s. l.:near shower maximum (knee region), low energy threshold
ARGO AS 4300m a. s. l.:near shower maximum (knee region), low energy threshold The best high altitude site for cosmic ray observation (YBJ Cosmic Ray Observatory) Science,2006, Vol. 314, pp. 439 Anisotropy distribution E >7-8TeV CRs

13 2. Design of the complex experiment of LHAASO project
4 major components: KM2A, WCDA, and SCDA, WFCTA. Figure Detector array layout of the LHAASO project The LHAASO project is proposed to study gamma ray astronomy from 40GeV to 1PeV by searching for cosmic ray sources using gamma rays above 30TeV, survey in the whole northern sky for gamma ray sources above 100GeV and gamma ray source observation using high resolution telescopes and cosmic ray physics from 5TeV to 1EeV in energy spectrum for individual composition above 5TeV and energy spectrum and composition above 100PeV.

14 LHAASO-KM2A the highest sensitivity at the highest  ray energy
Discovery of the 1st GCR source Survey of the northern sky with the highest sensitivity (1%ICrab), exploring the origin of galactic cosmic rays acceleration and propagation astroparticle physics new Expectation: if HESS sources are in the field of view LHAASO 10 years CTA 1 year LHAASO 1 year For γ Sources, good SED at UHE (10y)

15 LHAASO-WCDA Full Sky Survey of TeV  Ray Sources (extra-galactic): the most sensitive (2% Icrab) surveying All the known TeV  ray sources will be observed by LHAASO in one year Hundreds of TeV  ray sources are expected in 10 years More sensitive than CTA for extended sources LHAASO 1 year LHAASO 10 years CTA 1yr Light curve in minute scale for Mrk421 as an IACT can do but with full sky survey and full duty cycle. Two times better than HAWC for detecting GRBs

16 Study of Cosmic Rays: Energy beyond the Knee Hybrid observations (ARGO-YBJ,KM2A,WCDA,WFCTA and SCDA): the widest energy coverage (5× eV), accurate measurement of composition and energy spectrum through multiple parameters (core, muon, Xmax, etc) Extending the energy range to EeV by Fluorescence observation (cost free re-configuration) Transferring the energy scale by WFCTA Anchoring the energy by ARGO-YBJ

17 Other Physics Goals of LHAASO
Dark Matter g-rays from the sub-halos LHAASO sensitivity g-rays from smooth bkg ARGO sensitivity E-W width  = 0.43°0.06 Anti-proton/proton ratio Extra-galactic sources Galactic sources CRs blocked by the Moon Solar activity--forecast magnetic storms

18 3. Experimental progress of the prototypes
For 4 major components, KM2A, WCDA, and SCDA, WFCTA, the performances and characteristics of their prototypes have been studied or being measured in different steps. To study the characteristics of 4 kinds of Detector Units by calibrating the candidate PMTs, assembling the detectors and measuring their performances. To install the responding engineering array and take data, which aims at the absolute time calibrations, confirmation of the capabilities of the electronics and DAQ system, as well as the development of a data analysis package. To construct a LHAASO complex engineering array (<1% LHAASO scale) at Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory. with 42 EDs, 3 MDs, a prototype WCDA, 2 WFC telescopes and a SCDA prototype array. Coincident with ARGO array, the helpful experiences of complex experiment would be accumulated.

19 Primary study of WCD prototype in IHEP
Fig. Response to muons Water circulation system Water attenuation length is more than 17m. 2 R5912 PMTs A water tank 7m in diameter and 5m in height was constructed at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS, with a water circulation system to keep the water pure. A three-fold coincidence in the telescope (3 scintillation detectors ) can identify muons passing through the water tank.

20 ED engineering array at YBJ
The engineering array (consisting of 42 EDs) has been deployed inside the hall of ARGO-YBJ experiment with the same spacing as in the KM2A, fully overlapping with the ARGO-YBJ array. A match between the Engineering array events and the ARGO-YBJ ones in a time window of 2 microsecond is performed based on the event times. The engineering array have kept taking data smoothly at YBJ. Matched with ARGO data, the results from array data show its performance, such as direction reconstruction. more physical work are in progress. Fig. An example shower front observed by ARGO-YBJ experiment (blue) and the engineering array (red).

21 7m 1.2m Muon detectors’ optimization and its prototype at YBJ
Ground Concrete housing Plastic water tank 2.5 m Pile of dirt 1.2m 7m The optimization of MD’s prototype benefits from a GEANT4-based simulation package. By restraining the punching-through effects, the simulation optimization gives the sizes of Muon detectors, such as its diameter and height, and the height of the convertor (dirt) on the top of MDs . 2 MD prototypes based on water Cherenkov technique would be completed at YBJ this year.

22 WFCTA prototype on site
Two WFCTA prototype telescopes have been designed and placed near the ARGO-YBJ experimental hall. They have been operating since 2007 with more than 500,000 Cerenkov events acquired in coincidence with ARGO-YBJ experiment. WFCTA prototype on site 22

23 WFCTA shower at YBJ

24 SCDA Prototypes A SCDA prototype array with 16 detector units have been developed and deployed inside the ASγ EAS array for hybrid observation with the ASγ experiment.

25 4. Site preparation and status of proposing
Tibet Site in Yangbajing Valley A tentative site is located at Yangbajing (4300m a.s.l.), Tibet, China, near the ASγ and ARGO-YBJ experiments. 4360 m

26 Status of Proposing In Nov. 2010, CCDR (Chinese Committee of Development and Reformation) reviewed all proposals in 7 groups and LHAASO was ranked as No. 1 in the group of HEP&NP In Jan. 2011, CCDR reviewed 21 candidate projects and LHAASO was selected as one to be supported in next 5 years The proposal is expected to be approved soon because of its readiness in terms of R/D and site preparation

27 Domestic collaboration:
ARGO collaboration: APC of IHEP Tibet Univ. SW Jiaotong Univ. Yunnan Univ. Shandong Univ. Hebei Normal Univ. New collaborators EPC of IHEP USTC Tsinghua Univ. PKU IAP CSSAR NSMC IMP Communication Members (potential collaborators): Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. Eastern Institute of Science and Technology Nanking Univ.

28 International collaboration
ARGO collaboration: Rome II Univ. Napoli Univ. Turino Univ. France IN2P3 expertise in Water Cherenkov technique (Auger experiment) ASIC (PARISROC) dedicated to PMT readout Russia Tunka; ….. Communication Members (future collaborators): HAWC Coll.

29 Collaboaration on Microelectronics for LHAASO project
IHEP & LAL Yan Xiongbo** Wei Wei ** Wang Zheng ** Chang JinFan ** ** IHEP Beijing Selma Conforti * Christophe de La Taille * Gisèle Martin-Chassard * *OMEGA-LAL Orsay

30 OMEGA/LAL-IHEP collaboration (2008-2011)
Collaboration laid out at Beijing in april 07,2007 Goal : design common chip for PM readout and sharing building blocks Wei Wei has stayed 6 months in Orsay (feb08-aug08) PArISROC1 developped for PMm2 (high speed amplifier, Wilkinson ADC and TDC) Yan Xiongbo stayed one year in Orsay (nov. 08 –oct.09) He participated to measurements of PARISROC1 in Orsay He designed blocs of the second version: PARISROC2 (new slow shaper and bandgap) 30/11/2017

31 Design requirement of readout ASIC chips
Using a current available chip (PARISROC2) or design a new chip for both WCDA or KM2A detectors of LHAASO Specifications: Number of Input Channels: 3 or 4 Charge Dynamic Range :1P.E.~4000P.E. Charge Resolution: Timing Resolution: RMS < 500ps Processing Period: <1us Multi-hit Capacity Output: LVDS Calibration: Calibration input for all the channels Monitor: Some key node can be observed Configuration: JTAG or other readable mode USTC, Shubin Liu 2011/02/18

32 PARISROC 2 general schematic
Designed by LAL (IHEP people joined the design) 30/11/2017

33 Progress of PARISROC2 chip
Demonstrator realized by the IPNO with 16 x 8-inch Hamamatsu tubes. Test stand will be setup soon to check performance of PAROSROC2 chips for LHAASO Necessary modifications of PARISROC2 will be carried out in the next 2 years 30/11/2017

34 Conclusion LHAASO is proposed to explore the centennial puzzle: origin of high energy cosmic rays. Hundreds of TeV  ray sources are expected. and LHAASO will measure accurately the cosmic ray spectrum from 5TeV up to 1EeV, anchoring and transferring the energy scale of ground-based experiments An engineering array is being constructed at YBJ for coincident observation with the ARGO-YBJ experiment.

35 for giving LHAASO this opportunity
Thanks to the FCPPL for giving LHAASO this opportunity

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