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Presentation on theme: "LUBBOCK BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS"— Presentation transcript:


2 America’s Kids 1 out of 5 kids live in poverty
1 in 5 kids won’t graduate on time 90% of Club Alumni graduates From 3pm to 7pm juvenile crime escalates 15.1 million kids are left unsupervised 3 out of 10 kids are obese or overweight 80% of Club alumni said the Club had a positive impact on their attitude toward fitness and health You can add ‘Facts’ to your presentation to help emphasize certain information.

3 Volunteer Orientation
OF LUBBOCK You can click on the text box containing ‘OF ANY LOCATION’ and re-type your Club name.

4 be great role models for our members be patient and encouraging
OF LUBBOCK Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our Clubs. Our Clubs rely on volunteers to: be great role models for our members be patient and encouraging be sensitive to members’ needs be enthusiastic and FUN be good listeners commit for a certain time period be consistent and reliable understand stages of development in youth build on youth’s strengths love learning love helping Lubbock Boys & Girls Club Mission Statement To inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

5 Code of Ethics and Rules
OF LUBBOCK Code of Ethics and Rules Smoking is not allowed on BGC property. Using, possessing, or being under influence of alcohol or drugs will not be tolerated. Volunteers must treat children of all races, religions, and cultures with respect. Volunteers must use positive techniques of guidance, including positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than competition, comparison or criticism. Volunteers shall not use profanity in the presence of children or parents. Volunteers must be free of physical and psychological conditions. Volunteers will portray a positive role model for youth by maintaining an attitude of respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, tact and maturity. Volunteers will do everything in their power to avoid being put in a situation where they are alone with a child. Texas State Law requires that all citizens report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child, to the Texas Department of Human Services or a law enforcement agency. Volunteers will be relieved of duties if found guilty of any major violations. Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

6 OF LUBBOCK About Us: Began in 1940 providing a safe place for boys and girls and is 75 years old in 2015 We serve about 3,000 youth in Lubbock County Three Club locations in Lubbock and one in Shallowater Accept members 6-18 years old After school pick up program available Kid’s Café serves a hot meal daily after school $10 membership for the school year United Way Agency Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

7 John Wilson Club Optimist Club Shallowater Club Ted Phea Club
OF LUBBOCK Four Club Locations John Wilson Club Established in 1974 th 79413 Optimist Club Established in 1961 3301 Cornell 79415 Shallowater Club Established in 2007 1100 Ave. K in the school 79363 Ted Phea Club Established in 1954 1801 E. 24th 79404 Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

8 OF LUBBOCK Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

9 Five Core Program Areas
OF LUBBOCK Five Core Program Areas Education & Career Development Homework help, tutoring, Junior staff , robotics Character & Leadership Development Keystone Club (14-18) Torch Club (10-13) Youth of the Year Healthy Lifestyles Passport for Manhood, SMART Girls, SMART Moves The Arts Photography, Arts & Crafts, National Fine Arts Program Sports, Fitness & Recreation Organized Sports Leagues, Triple Play (recreation, physical fitness Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

10 Key Elements for Positive Youth Development
OF LUBBOCK Key Elements for Positive Youth Development Safe and positive environment The Club provides structure and clearly defines acceptable behavior. Fun Members develop a strong sense of belonging through connections they establish with staff, peers and volunteers. Supportive relationships Staff members actively cultivate such relationships to ensure that every member feels connected to one or more adults and peers. Opportunities and Expectations Clubs encourage members to develop moral character and behave ethically. Recognition Staff members encourage youth and provide positive reinforcements as they make improvements and experience successes. Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

11 OF LUBBOCK Volunteer Checklist Decide which of the four locations works best for you. Complete background form and turn in to Administrative office. Once background check is completed, volunteers will be entered into club computer and need to check in upon arrival and check out when leaving. This will keep a running total of your hours. Think about which area you would enjoy. All Clubs have game rooms, arts and crafts, gym activities, outdoor activities, computers, book clubs, teen centers and many other activities. Staff members are assigned to specific areas of responsibility within the club. Cell phones are not allowed during volunteer hours. Dress code for LISD is followed for students, staff and volunteers. Discuss volunteer opportunities at the Club of your choice with the Unit Director at that location. Each club will vary somewhat in what opportunities are available for that location. If you have any questions, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Julie Lackey at or at Be sure to give the slide a title/name in case you need to refer to it later in the presentation. Be sure to keep your bullets short and precise.

12 It Just Takes One One opportunity can make a lasting difference in the life of a child. One dream can give a sense of purpose for a lifetime. One voice can relay wisdom that resonates for generations. One Boys & Girls Club can give hope to an entire neighborhood. One person can fulfill the dream of a brighter tomorrow for more children in our community. Be the One.

13 Mentoring Our Youth *The fact that the mentoring needs of at-risk youth are growing while there is a shortage of mentors to help them is troubling. *Studies show that youth who have mentors experience fewer unexcused absences, less likely to use drugs and displayed more positive attitudes. They also display greater confidence in their schoolwork and improved academic performance. *One in three youth in America grow up without a father in the home. Studies show that youth without a positive role model are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior. *One to one work with each member is the key ingredient to deepening impact –a volunteer mentor’s personal attention and guidance can truly open new doors of hope and opportunity for them. *Through our Mentoring Programs, our Clubs can help fill an important gap in their members’ lives and help guide them to a better future.


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