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Spanish 2nd Level Classroom Talk!
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Actively take part in daily routine Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sources Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Further develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of language learning including skills for life and work Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others and interests of their choice Ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language Give a short presentation about a familiar topic Pronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning clear Work with others and make a successful contribution to a group presentation in English supported by the target languages
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Read aloud a simple text Read and understand a variety of simple texts Make comparisons between English and target language (including use of a bi-lingual dictionary with support) Write about themselves and others and check the accuracy of own writing Exchange straightforward information in writing using familiar words and phrases
Classroom Talk! Vocabulary
Escucha/Escuchad Listen Mira/Mirad Look Por favor Please (for use when pupil is talking to the teacher, or the teacher is talking to the whole class) Haz-haced la fila Line up Si Yes No No Gracias Thank you Sientate-sentaos Sit down Ponte de pié/poneros de pié Stand up Levanta la mano/levantad la mano Put your hands up Repite/repetid Repeat ¡ Aquí tienes! Here you go! Por favor Please He terminado I’m finished De nada You’re welcome No es problema No problem ¿Puedo ir al servicio? Can I go to the toilet? Everything in bold is additional at First Level. All instructions is Spanish could be given to one person or to a group. The ending of the verb is different. For example: ESCUCHA when you address one pupils and ESCUCHAD when you address more than one person. Apply the same rule to all the other instructions; MIRA or MIRAD
¡Escuchad Listen please! Por favor!
¡Repetid! ¡Repite-repetid! Repeat Please! Por favor!
¡Mirad! Look Please! Por favor!
¡Haced la fila! Make the line!
Sentaos Sit down
Levantaos Stand up
Levantad la mano Put up your hand.
Sí Yes
No No
Por favor Please
¡Aquí tienes! Here you are
¡De nada! de nada Gracias De nada – you’re welcome.
(Literally translates as “it’s nothing”)
¡No es problema!
¡He terminado!
¿Puedo ir al servicio?
Embedding the language
All this language is designed to be used as part of everyday classroom practice. You could do the register with Si and No on some days (hacemos la lista for the register is in the Greetings PPT). For this topic, embedding the language would be the focus as opposed to the language being taught as such. There are example activities however to help teachers reinforce the language being used. I take an active part in daily routines, responding to instructions which are accompanied by gesture and expression. MLAN 2-01b
Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
¿Que significa? Reading activity
Pupils read the word in Spanish and choose from multiple choice options what it means in English. Pupils could write the answer on a whiteboard. The answer is then revealed with image to support understanding. I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b
¡y escribid la respuesta correcta!
¿Que Significa? Los instrucciones Leed A, B o C. Decidid si es… Look at the times, decide if it’s hello, good evening or good night and write the correct answer. To provide more support for this activity you could ask pupils to create 3 cards with Buenos días, Buenas tardes and Buenas noches written on them and then hold up which card they think is correct for each time shown. ¡y escribid la respuesta correcta!
¡Escuchad! Listen please! A: Sit down B: Listen C: Repeat
¡Escuchad! Listen please! B: Listen
¡Mirad! Listen please! A: Line up B: Repeat C: Look
¡Mirad! Listen please! C: Look
Por favor Listen please! A: Please B: Yes C: Thank you
Por favor Listen please! A: Please
Sentaos A: Thank you B: Sit down C: Stand up
Sentaos B: Sit down
¡He terminado! A: Thank you B: I’ve finished C: Stand up
¡He terminado! A: Thank you B: Sit down C: Stand up
Class signs Writing activity
Pupils use the voacb learned to create a set of class signs for the classroom. Pupils can design an image to go on the signs and they can be laminated to be displayed throughout the year. As pupils develop their knowledge of classroom vocab these signs can be developed further. I can ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language. MLAN 2-04a
Jacobo dice… is Spanish for Simon Says
It works exactly the same way whereby if you say Jacobo dice (Jack said) at the start of a command then everyone has to do it. If you just say the command then pupils should stand still. If they do the action, they then sit down. Sample commands are below: ¡Jacobo dice escucha/escuchad! (pupils can cup hand to ear) ¡Jacobo dice mira/mirad! (mime searching) ¡Jacobo dice haz /haced la fila! (pupils get into a line) ¡Escucha/escuchad! ¡Mira/mirad! ¡Haz/haced la fila! Sentaos/ Levantaos Listening activity MLAN 2-01bI can listen to and show understanding of familiar instructions and language from familiar voices and sources. MLAN 2-01c I take an active part in daily routines, responding to instructions which are accompanied by gesture and expression.
Dictionary race Dictionary Skills! Teacher says an instruction and pupils race to find that word in the dictionary. This will teach pupils about searching for the infinitive of a word. They read the definition aloud to the class. I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. MLAN 2-11a
Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. I explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and show understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding. MLAN 2-01a
¡Haz/haced la fila! (to the tune of farmers in his den)
¡Haz/haced la fila! ¡Haz/haced la fila! Todos los estudiantes de la clase, ¡Haz/haced la fila! Todos los alumnus de la clase means all the children in the class.
¡Haz/haced la fila! (to the tune of farmers in his den)
¡Haz/haced la fila! ¡Haz/haced la fila! Todos los estudiantes de la clase, ¡Haz/haced la fila! Todos los alumnos de la clase means all the children in the class.
¡He terminado! He terminado mi trabajo ¡No es problema!
A home-made chanson. Could get a bit annoying if pupils sang it every time they finished their work!! Il n’y a pas de problème is the full version of pas de problème and means There is no problem. He terminado mi trabajo means I have finished my work.
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