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X-ray backlog in radiology

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1 X-ray backlog in radiology
Rab McEwan Chief Operating Officer

2 Background The Trust had a backlog of X-rays to be reported by radiology, including 5,754 from January to August 2016, and 6986 unreported films from 2015 and 2014. An action plan has been developed to tackle the backlog, and we will clear the backlog of higher priority X-rays by the end of August, and the remainder in the 6 month backlog by October 2016. A clinically led review of the backlog in 2013 suggested no harm could be found as a result of delays in radiology reporting A formal harm review will be conducted and as the backlog is cleared, any incidental findings will be logged on DATIX for review. Any potential harm to patients identified as the backlog is reported will be followed up and the outcome reviewed at the Trust’s Quality & Governance Committee. We have commissioned the Royal College of Radiologists to review our radiology service to ensure we are following best practice guidelines.

3 Action The Trust became aware of the increasing backlog in May 2016 and took a number of actions which include: Recruitment of 8 radiographers (with start dates for August and September 2016). Consultant Radiologist vacant post out to advert (there are 5 out of 29 posts vacant). From July 2016 the Trust outsourced 500 X-ray reports per week for reporting by an accredited UK based reporting company (Medica), and this doubled to 1,000 reports from August 2016. Demand and capacity analysis is being refreshed to determine the level of reliance on outsourcing once an equilibrium position has been reached during October. Regular updates to CQC on the backlog reduction.

4 Current position (16th Sept 2016)
No of unreported plain films by calendar year Event Year Films 22/08/2016 29/08/2016 02/09/2016 09/09/2016 16/09/2016 2013 18632 2014 3214 3194 2015 3423 3355 3285 2016 5004 3574 2851 2390 1247

5 Current position (16th Sept 2016)

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