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Why Build/Make it Yourself?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Build/Make it Yourself?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Beekeeping Activities Equipment and Supplies You Can Build Yourself Dan O’Callaghan

2 Why Build/Make it Yourself?
Save $$$ Customize – “My Way” Experiment, what if… Recycle stuff Personal Satisfaction

3 What Can You Make/Build?
Just about Anything! Woodenware – boxes, nucs, frames, covers Jigs to help you make/assemble equipment Specialized stuff- bee vac, wax melter, pollen traps, escape boards, queen rearing…. Extraction/Bottling equipment ???

4 Where to Find Ideas and Plans?
YouTube, Google, Bing, Yahoo, Dogpile…

5 Jigs Box Joint – Table Saw or Router Table Jig

6 Jigs Box Joint – Router Jig

7 Jigs Hand-Hold Jig (

8 Jigs Frame Assembly Jig ( NOTE: For Kelley slotted top bar frames, reduce length specified in plan by 3/8”

9 Jigs Foundation wiring board (

10 Woodenware Hive Boxes – Brood and Super (

11 Woodenware Bottom Boards

12 Woodenware Inner Covers

13 Woodenware Frames LOTS of milling and shaping required. Unless you have lots of time and really like a challenge, more cost effective to buy frames from the bee supply vendors.

14 Woodenware Nucleus Hives

15 Woodenware Top Bar Hives

16 Woodenware Observation Hives

17 Beekeeping Tools Solar Wax Melter

18 Beekeeping Tools Bee Vac

19 Beekeeping Tools Extractor

20 Beekeeping Tools Uncapping tank

21 Beekeeping Tools Bottling Bucket Food-Grade Bucket/Lid - $3
Honey gate - $8

22 Beekeeping Tools Colony extraction frames Warming Box

23 Beekeeping Tools Honey House (…but that’s a topic for another day)

24 The End (really just the beginning!)
…and LOTS More! The End (really just the beginning!) Dan O’Callaghan

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