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President Chair Committee & General Meetings.

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1 President Chair Committee & General Meetings.
Deciding vote on hung decisions. Co signature on bank accounts. Club representative with BMXA/BMXWA. Meet with private, corporate, government sponsors and stakeholders. Ensure the club constitution is current and relevant. Ensure policies & procedures are current and relevant. Overall responsibility of the club. Hold a volunteer National Police Clearance. Manage club volunteer national police clearances.

2 Vice President. Represent the president in their absence.
Assist the president with club and committee decisions. Assist in the coordination and set up of major events. Assist the committee in obtaining government grants. Represent the club in a senior role. Hold a volunteer National Police Clearance.

3 Secretary. Club correspondence. Co signature on bank accounts.
Keep full and correct minutes of all meetings. Manage incoming and outgoing mail. Maintain hard and soft records. Club contact for general inquires. Organise trophies for presentation days. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

4 Registrar. Club contact for membership inquiries.
Manage a current induction for new members. Ensure that club membership is current and correct. Keep an accurate register of club first aid certificates and holders and inform when due for renewal. Ensure accreditation and certificates are current for club officials Develop a volunteer policy and proceedure. Manage Transponder, Registrations and BEM. Train and coach successors in BEM. Hold a volunteer National Police Clearance.

5 Treasurer. Responsible for all monies incoming and outgoing
Co signature on bank accounts. Ensure club financial records comply with ATO and other organisational requirements. Competent in MYOB including BAS. Follow up on grants outstanding. Submit acquittals for grants received. Prepare and issue invoices. Manage cash floats for registration purposes. Prepare and disseminate club financials for the committee. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

6 Canteen Manager. Overall responsibility of the canteen reporting to the committee. Train and develop successors to manage the canteen. Ensuring a hygienic and food safe environment. Stock control and menu decisions. Coordinate canteen staff and menus during major events. Manage cash floats and balances with the treasurer. Co signature on bank accounts. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

7 Track Manager. Responsible for the overall care of the track and facilities. Responsible for the set up of major events. Ensure equipment is in good working order. Including the Pro Gate. Coordinate busy bees and other maintenance events. Report to the committee any major maintenance issues. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

8 Club Coaching Coordinator.
Coordinate any visiting coaching clinics. Coordinate club coaching and training sessions. Ensure qualifications of registered coach’s is maintained. Comply with external and internal stakeholders such as DSR and SSA. Monitor development of club riders to ensure correct grading. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

9 First Aid Coordinator. Ensure that first aid room and supplies are clean, organised, stocked and in date. Comply with all incident reporting as per BMXWA procedure. Develop a concussion management plan. Organise club first aid training as required. Ensure a first aid attendant back up plan is in place for race events. Hold a current certificate in first responder or equivalent.  Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

10 Media Coordinator. Moderator for social media sites Face Book, Instagram etc. Maintain club website in conjunction with BMXWA and EGBMX. Develop a club social media policy. Point of contact for media outlets. Promote the clubs activities via various media outlets Reports to the committee. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

11 Chief Steward. Point of contact to the committee and the club members in relation to rider rules and regulations. Assists Track Manager in relation to major events. Senior track official with the final say in any rider disputes or appeals. Back up first aid coordinator. Holds a level one accreditation as a minimum. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

12 Fundraising Coordinator.
Organise fund raising events in the club. Coordinate raffles. Work in with the president in obtaining sponsorship. Investigate and obtain government grants working with the club secretary and committee. Report to the committee. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

13 Social Club Coordinator.
Coordinate a social club that meets with the clubs needs and future, complying with government regulations. Coordinate events to help generate and foster a good club atmosphere. Assist in the coordination of raffles and other fund raising events. Report to the committee. Hold a volunteer National police clearance.

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