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Challenging the Role of a Volunteer and Sharing your Experience

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Presentation on theme: "Challenging the Role of a Volunteer and Sharing your Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenging the Role of a Volunteer and Sharing your Experience

2 Session Objectives: What to Avoid – Volunteer Stereotypes
Challenging the role of a volunteer Why recording your experience is a good idea Ways to record and share your experience Best Examples Benefits to you and others

3 The role of the volunteer has been disputed due to social media posts such as…

4 The role of the volunteer has been disputed due to videos such as…

5 Lattitude Core Competencies
Team Working Self-Awareness Adaptability Commitment Communication Cross Cultural Awareness

6 Why Record your Experience Ways to Record your Experience
Share your experience with others Challenge the stereotypes of being a volunteer Keep friends and family updated See how you develop during your placement Memories to look back on Keep in touch with Lattitude in the UK Photos Videos Blogs Video diary – 30 day challenge

7 Photos, Videos & Blogs - The best examples
Louise – currently in Australia!!

8 Photos, Videos & Blogs - The best examples

9 Photos, Videos & Blogs - The best examples
Ashley and Phoebe in Vietnam

10 Photos, Videos & Blogs - The best examples
Fiji – created by Meghan Rogers

11 Photos, Videos & Blogs - The best examples

12 Benefits to You and Others
Friends – keep them posted with where you are and what you’re up to Family – stay in touch with them easily You – monitor your personal development during your placement and have something to look back on Lattitude - can help share your experience with people

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