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Victoria Torres, Director of Learning and Development, OneOC

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Presentation on theme: "Victoria Torres, Director of Learning and Development, OneOC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Victoria Torres, Director of Learning and Development, OneOC
Volunteer Management Retaining and Replacing Victoria Torres, Director of Learning and Development, OneOC

2 Recruitment and Placement

3 Steps to Recruiting and Placing Volunteers
1. Develop a Volunteer Position Description 2. Develop a Targeted Recruitment Plan 3. Screen Volunteers 4. Interview and Match Volunteers to the Appropriate Positions

4 Develop a volunteer position description
Step One Develop a volunteer position description

5 The Volunteer Position Description
The volunteer position description outlines the volunteer tasks, skills, abilities and interests The position should align with the organization’s needs, goals and mission The position description is the foundation upon which to base all recruitment and placement efforts

6 Foundation of Recruitment
The Position Description Identifies skills and attributes needed in the volunteer Helps to focus (i.e., target) recruitment efforts Attracts the right people for the position Sets expectations for the position

7 Recruitment Warm Body Recruitment Sending a message about a volunteer opportunity to as broad an audience as possible (e.g., advertisements, PSA, brochures) Targeted Recruitment Sending a message about a volunteer opportunity to an audience who has the specific time, skills and/or traits required for the position

8 Purpose of Targeted Recruitment
“When you send a message to the community in general, you often wind up speaking to no one in particular” (Rick Lynch)

9 Targeted Recruitment 1. Target Your Market
2. Identify Benefits and Features 3. Craft a Powerful Message 4. Design a Communication Strategy

10 Ask The Following Questions
Who is your target audience? What are important features of position? What would appeal to them about the position? What are some possible barriers? What additional things do we need to know about the audience? What strategies should you use to reach your audience?

11 Step 1 –Target Your Market
Seniors Board of directors College students Children Youth Baby Boomers Persons with disabilities Faith-based groups Skills-based volunteers Corporate volunteers Disaster volunteers Self-directed volunteers Volunteer leaders Virtual volunteers Others

12 Step 2: Identify Benefits and Features
Benefit: What volunteering does for the volunteers, such as teaching them a skill, having fun, meeting people, etc. Feature: Descriptive elements of the volunteering, such as when, where, doing what with whom, etc.

13 Step 3: Craft a Powerful Message
Share benefits and feature Keep the message simple Make the message attractive Example: Senior Swim Club Driver

14 Step 4: Design a Communications Strategy
Different audiences require different communication strategies Be strategic about communication

15 Marketing Your Message
Distribute brochures or posters Make public service announcements on television, radio, or newspaper Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! Speak to community groups (e.g., faith-based, neighborhood groups, community forums) Post to online venues (e.g., Websites, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, blogs, etc.) Word of mouth - “The personal ask” Talk to current volunteers, staff, and board members Set up a booth at a local events (e.g., farmers markets, festivals, etc.)

16 Online Recruitment What are current trends related to online technology? What are the benefits of using online technology to recruit volunteers? What are some online tools that can be used to recruit volunteers?

17 Online Recruiting Resources
Blogs Widgets Handout Pg. 6

18 Social Media Who are you targeting? What methods are appropriate?
Which message works best? Do you have a large enough reach? Ex. If you don’t have a lot of “Likes” on your Facebook page then you might not get a lot of exposure. See Social Media Worksheet

19 Are you Training and Orienting well?
Four Steps in Training Volunteers Step 1: Identify Training Needs Step 2: Design Training Step 3: Deliver Training Step 4: Assess and Refine Training

20 Are you Supervising your Volunteers well?
Steps in Supervising Volunteers Step 1: Define and Communicate Clear Expectations Step 2: Guide and Support Volunteers Step 3: Ensure that Volunteers Feel Rewarded and Recognized Handout Pg. 9

21 Thank You! Victoria Torres, OneOC
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