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Open House Information from SHS Student Services

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1 Open House Information from SHS Student Services
Fall, 2016

2 Vision and values for sustained excellence
Excellence in Education Success for Every Student Teaching and Learning Student Responsibility -98% of students will attend college upon graduation. -We will hold high expectations for student achievement and character and will guide students to make responsible choices for their lives and the learning process.

3 Our Vision Life Long Learners Active Participants Self Advocates
Social Emotionally Healthy People Healthy Balance Global Citizens Responsible and Respectful -From Visions and Values – these are the responsibilities that students have committed to do -Students will possess high expectations of success

4 Student Support team (SST)
Each student is assigned to a multidisciplinary team consisting of a Counselor, Dean, Social Worker and School Psychologist. The Student Support Team (SST): Monitors and supports student’s academic & social emotional development Meets weekly to problem solve and discuss student progress Recommends students for appropriate academic and social emotional interventions

5 dean Responsible for monitoring behavior and maintaining discipline at Stevenson Contact your dean with questions/concerns about your child’s… Attendance Behavior Safety Peer relations Issues that involve a violation of school policy Privilege system

6 Social worker Supports students with academic, social, behavioral, or family concerns Supports students in crisis Facilitates student support groups Maintains liaison relationship with area social service organizations and provide referral information to families

7 Social WOrker Contact your social worker with questions/concerns about any social emotional issues including but not limited to: Stressors that are affecting your student Family or peer issues Crisis situations at home or school Changes in behavior/ mood Substance use and abuse Assessment and referrals to supports in the school & community

8 Support Groups SST members run support groups during the school day based on a variety of student social/emotional needs Students can be recommended by adults in the building, family members, other students or they can self-refer If you feel that any of these groups would be beneficial for your student, please contact your student’s SST or the group leader Link to Support Groups

9 School psychologist Works with students and families to identify and address learning and behavior issues that interfere with school success Evaluates eligibility for special education services with a multidisciplinary team Supports students’ social, emotional, and behavioral health

10 School psychologist Contact your school psychologist with questions/concerns about your child’s learning needs including: Standardized test results Motivational concerns Underperformance Identification of educational support services

11 counselor Your child’s advocate in the school
Your “go to person” who will answer your questions or direct you to someone who can help The adult in the building who develops and maintains a supportive relationship with student throughout all four years I am the one constant- four year relationship

12 Why Contact your counselor?
Academic Academic performance and grade trends Organizational Skills/ Study Skills Course selection and four-year planning Personal/Social Personal or family challenges Peer relationships Transition to high school Health concerns Career/Post Secondary Planning College Long- Term Planning Academic performance and grade trends Organizational skills Personal or family challenges Peer relationships Transition to high school Course selection and four-year planning Post-secondary planning Health concerns Substance use and abuse Identification of supports in the school & community Mood, stress or motivational concerns Assistance with communicating with other stakeholders Long-term planning Study skills Consultation and referrals

13 freshman year Highlights
Advisory - Once a week Transition to High School Freshman curriculum including healthy balance, goal setting, four year planning, SEL, study skills Course Selection- November/ December Naviance CCC program for freshman families- April 19th SEL Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Relationship Skills Responsible Decision Making SEL programming is often carried out via Advisory & across the curriculum in all subject areas. CCC Program- Look ahead at how to utilize Stevenson resources, college process and Q & A session

14 beyond freshman year Increased independence and self-advocacy
Monitoring academic and social/emotional progress Annual Course Selection & Four Year Planning Post-secondary Planning CCC Programming College Search Process Standardized Testing (PSAT/SAT) Remind parents students will no longer have advisory and will be need to be more independent about seeking services Sophomore year; sophomore parent evening CCC Finding the Fit program (fall) Junior Parent Evening (spring) Junior timeline Goal Setting College representative visits NYO appointments ACT Finalizing post-secondary planning CCC programming College application process

15 Additional student services PERSONNEL
Post Secondary Counselors Career Specialist Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator School Nurse Registrar Attendance Office

16 College/career center Room 1123 (WEST)
Sara English, Post Secondary Counselor Dan Miller, Post Secondary Counselor Chris McGurn, CCC Assistant (x4517) Diane Willock, School/Business Liaison- Grade specific programming for students and families throughout the four years Career Exploration/Internships/Job Shadowing/E-mentoring Naviance Naviance is an online tool to assist Stevenson students with college planning. Students will find numerous functions to help them with the college search and selection process. Naviance enables students to create a target list of schools in terms of size, location, major, etc. from a pool of more than 3,600 schools. Scattergrams will help students learn from the past. Admission decisions (accept/deny/defer) from college-bound Stevenson graduates have been loaded into Naviance. These decisions have been plotted on graphs (2 axes--GPA and ACT), so students can assess your admissions chances at hundreds of universities. This insight can further assist your counselor in helping you develop a game plan to achieve your goals.

17 So what can you do to help???

18 academic monitoring Infinite Campus
Login to the Student/Parent Portal to check assignments and progress. Have your own log in so you are not relying on your student to give you their login information Students can monitor grades & progress towards graduation IC is updated weekly Teachers do their best to update IC. There is an informational lag time. Can be an inaccurate portrayal

19 Questions about grades
Call the teacher with concerns about… The course’s grading system Missing assignments Specific assignment or test grades Level placement Suggestions on how your child may find additional support in the subject The relationship between the student and teacher and/or classroom peers Your child’s learning in the class Call the counselor with concerns about… Balance Overall grade trends Overall academic performance Social/emotional well being How to access available supports & resources Rigor and challenge of curriculum ANYTIME YOU DON’T KNOW WHO TO CALL!

20 Resources: Places to know
The Information Learning Center Computer Centers/ Labs: Computer access in the Link, ILC West & ILC East The Quiet Learning Center (QLC) The SMART desk Tutoring Centers (ILC West & ILC East) The Testing Center The Student Activities Office The Athletic Office The College/Career Center The Nurse’s Office (East and West Locations) These locations are available to students during study hall by asking a classroom teacher for a pass Talk about testing centers

21 Learning centers For academic Assistance
West Building ILC, Room :00 am to 6:30 pm East Building ILC, Room :30 am to 4:00 pm Academic tutors are available 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the west, 7:30 am to 4pm in the east Quiet Learning Center (QLC), Room :00 am to 6:30 pm ILC 9th Hour for academic assistance is available Tuesday - Friday 4 p.m. to 6:30p.m. in the Lower ILC Consult the web site. Certified teachers in Mathematics, Science, World Languages, Communication Arts, Social Studies, and Applied Arts. The ILC currently sponsors Peer Tutors in Mathematics, Science, and World Languages.

22 Resources: SMART desk/link labs
The SMART desk in the link (Room 3014) is available to help students with iPad issues. Computers to use with an ID. Open M-F from 7:30am to 4pm Late arrival days - open 10 am to 4 pm Computers for student use are available in the ILC- Monday- Friday 7am-6:30 pm iPads can be locked down, taken off the network,

23 How to get involved Co-Curricular activities are extremely popular at Stevenson. Ninety-two percent of the student body participate in at least one club, sport or activity by the time they graduate. There are over a hundred clubs and activities in which a freshman can participate. Information about all of these activities can be found at: Intramurals & Athletics School Events: Visit the student activities office in the wood commons during open house. Questions? the sponsor

24 Transportation for Activities
Monday through Friday, buses leave the Forum/Parking Lot B at 6:30 p.m. One bus goes east and one goes west. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, buses also leave the Forum at 4:30 p.m. The route each bus will take is determined by the destinations of the students riding.

25 e-published information
The e-Minuteman The Stevenson Daily Digest (delivered to ) The Student Guidebook/ Planner (now online, available for purchase in the school store) The Course Book Countdown To College Co-Curricular Handbook Can request e-minuteman and Daily Digest on the website. Sign up for the mailing list will allow you to chose a number of publications to subscribe to

26 e-published information
Other resources on SHS Website: Forms & Documents Curriculum & Department Information Athletics, Clubs & Activities Student Events & School Calendar

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