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OBJECTIVES 1. Achieve a general knowledge of things to consider when choosing a communication application. 2. Achieve a general knowledge of features available.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVES 1. Achieve a general knowledge of things to consider when choosing a communication application. 2. Achieve a general knowledge of features available."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVES 1. Achieve a general knowledge of things to consider when choosing a communication application. 2. Achieve a general knowledge of features available on a variety of communication applications. 3. Achieve a general knowledge of how to program a variety of communication applications.

2 CONSIDERATIONS After trials, avoid changing communication applications over time or across settings to prevent learning and re-learning. Symbols should be kept in the same location on the device to facilitate more efficient retrieval of vocabulary by reinforcing consistent motor patterns that lead to automaticity in accessing vocabulary. Total communication requires access to both core and extended vocabulary. Core Vocabulary = a small set of simple words, in any language, that are used frequently and across contexts (Cross, Baker, Klotz & Badman, 1997). Some language representation methods are better for core and others are better for extended vocabulary. Therefore, the most effective communication using an AAC system is often achieved through the use of two or more language representation methods (LRMs).

Thorough, careful, and ongoing assessment is important to determine the LRMs that achieve optimal communication for the individual (analyze frequency of use and communication rate of LRMs during trials). For individuals who do not have reading and spelling skills, alphabet-based methods are not an option. For individuals with limited vocabulary and limited or no literacy skills, the use of single meaning pictures may be appropriate. However, many individuals can benefit from the use of single meaning pictures for access to extended vocabulary and semantic compaction/multi-meaning icons for access to core vocabulary. For individuals who do have reading and spelling skills, alphabet-based methods can be used for access to extended vocabulary (single meaning pictures may be considered for extended vocabulary also depending on how the symbols are accessed or organized). However, these methods can be too slow for use with core vocabulary. For these individuals, semantic compaction/multi-meaning icons may provide the best performance for access to core vocabulary.

Consider communication applications with the option to color code pictures/icons to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format (ex. Fitzgerald Color Coding Key; Goossens’, Crain, & Elder Coding System; etc.). If using picture symbols, consider communication applications with the option to combine pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills/foster word recognition. Consider communication applications with the option to quickly hide vocabulary when training to decrease response field size. Consider communication applications with rate enhancement features (increase speed/decrease keystrokes) such as prediction and encoding.

5 LAMP Words for Life: Features
Cost = $299.99 Symbols = MinSpeak LRMs = multi-meaning icons (one motor plan per word & does not change; every word can be accessed in 3 hits or less), alphabet-based, and single meaning pictures Color coding available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format Rate Enhancement Features = encoding and prediction Words are combined with pictures to facilitate development of literacy skills Can hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Includes transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Includes language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Provides access to , Facebook, and Twitter Access Method = direct select

6 LAMP Words For Life: Settings
Editing (you must make a copy of the default vocabulary files in order to edit/personalize) = “vocab;” “choose new vocab;” “menu;” “copy a vocab;” select vocab file you want to copy; provide a new title; “save” Color Coding (already color coded but can change) = “menu;” “edit page;” touch button you want to change; “edit this button;” tap on box under “body color;” select color; “save;” “done” Prediction = “menu;” “edit page;” select “spell/number key;” “edit this button;” scroll down to “button actions” and select “add;” “navigate;” “84 SPELL WP;” select “no animation” (even though it is already checked); “save;” “done” Add Words to Pictures/Symbols = words are already added with pre-stored symbols; can change words individually which will be demonstrated in next slide Access to Transitional Vocabulary Files = “vocab;” “choose new vocab;” select a file Language Activity Monitoring = “menu;” “settings;” “enable logging;” “done” (to see file, connect iPad to computer and run the iTunes software) Access to Social Media = “menu;” “settings;” “allow social networking;” “done” Access Method = direct select only Finding A Word = “menu;” “word finder;” type word to search for; “find” (if “find” is shadowed out then word is not available in that vocabulary file)

7 LAMP Words for Life: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = “menu;” “vocab builder;” “disable all;” “quick edit;” type in words to show (the rest will be hidden); “add word” after each selection; “save;” “on/off” mask button to green to turn on vocab builder; “done” – “on/off” mask button to black to unhide/show all words again Copy/Paste = go to page of button you want to copy; “menu;” “edit page;” select button you want to copy; “copy button and style;” “done;” go to page you want to paste; “menu;” “edit page;” select a blank button; “paste button;” “done” OR go to page you want to copy an existing button; “menu;” “edit page;” select a blank button; “copy existing button;” select page where button is you want to copy; select word/button to copy; “done” Change/Edit Picture = go to page with picture you want to edit; “menu;” “edit page;” select button; “edit this button;” change feature; “save;” “done” Create a New Page = “menu;” “edit page;” “menu;” “add new page;” name page to represent its content; “save;” add words/pictures to blank page by following instructions for “add picture” below Add Picture = go to page you want to add a picture; “menu;” “edit page;” select blank button; “create new button;” type a “button label;” type a “button message;” “select image;” “save;” “done” Add Folder/Category that Links to Page = go to page you want to add a folder; “menu;” “edit page;” select blank button; “create new button;” fill in “button label;” “select image;” tap on magnifier icon and type name of image you want to search for; “search;” select image you want; scroll down to “button action;” click “add;” “visit;” choose a page to link to; select “no animation” (even though it is already checked) to maintain motor planning and avoid visual distractions; “edit;” tap “-” next to “speech message” if you don’t want folder button to speak; “delete;” “done;” “save;” “done” Delete Picture/Folder/Category = go to page you want to delete picture/folder/category; “menu;” “edit page;” select button you want to delete; “delete this button;” “okay;” “done”

8 Speak for Yourself: Features
Cost = $199.99 Symbols = Smarty Symbols LRMs = multi-meaning icons for access to core vocabulary, alphabet-based, and single meaning pictures Color coding available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format Rate Enhancement Features = encoding Combines pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills Can hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Does not include transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Includes language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Provides access to texting through iMessage Access Method = direct select

9 Speak for Yourself: Settings
Editing = go to iPad settings to manually turn on edit function/enable programming Color Coding (already color coded but can change) = “edit;” touch button you want to change; “cell color;” tap new color; “done;” “done” Prediction = not a feature Add words to Pictures/Symbols = words are already added with pre-stored symbols; can change words individually which will be demonstrated in next slide except for words on first screen (can only edit cell color and image) Access to Transitional Vocabulary Files = not a feature Language Activity Monitoring = “settings” (gear icon at top right corner); turn on “record history” (to see file tap on “history” in “settings;” tap on “summary” and “data” at bottom; can or reset history summary using icon in upper left corner) Access to Social Media = tap on purple envelope icon at top right corner to access text messaging Access Method = direct select only Finding a Word = tap on magnifier at top left corner; type word to search for; follow the highlighted icons to navigate to word

10 Speak for Yourself: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = “open/close words;” select “close all” at bottom right corner; tap on words you want open; “done;” make sure “babble” (top right corner) is turned “off” by tapping it until it is a faded purple – to unhide/show all words, turn on “babble” by tapping it until it is a bright purple Copy/Paste = not a feature Change/Edit Picture = go to page with picture you want to edit; “edit;” tap picture to edit; change features you want to edit; “done; “done” Add a Picture = go to page with picture you want to add; “edit;” tap an empty cell; add image, cell color, word to speak, and label; “done;” “done” Delete a Picture = go to page with picture you want to delete; “edit;” tap on picture; “delete word;” “delete word;” “done” Link a Picture to a Second Screen (some main screen words can link to a secondary screen to add vocabulary) = from main screen select “edit;” choose a picture to link to a second screen (ex. “call”); turn on “link to second screen” by sliding to green; “done;” “done” – you can add pictures to the second screen by following the instructions above to “add a picture”

11 Sono Flex: Features Cost = $99.99 Symbols = SymbolStix
LRMs = single meaning pictures and alphabet-based Color coding available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format Rate Enhancement Features = encoding Combines pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills Not able to hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Does not include transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Includes language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Does not provide access to social media Access Method = direct select

12 Sono Flex: Settings Editing = go to iPad settings to manually turn on enable editing Color Coding (already color coded by Fitzgerald Key Categories but can change) = long-hold button; “edit ___;” “category;” change the category the word is stored in; “done” Prediction = not a feature Add Words to Pictures/Symbols = words are already added with pre-stored symbols; can change words individually which will be demonstrated in next slide Access to Transitional Vocabulary Files = not a feature Language Activity Monitoring = go to iPad settings and scroll down to Sono Flex app; under “history view” turn “record history” on (to see history tap “history” button in upper left corner on home screen inside of app) Access to Social Media = not a feature Access Method = direct select only Finding a Word = long-hold any button; “find;” type word to find in search box; tap word you want to find; look at “available here” for location

13 Sono Flex: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = not a feature Copy/Paste = long-hold word to copy; “edit ___;” “contexts;” select all contexts you want word copied to; “done” Change/Edit Picture = long-hold picture to edit; “edit ___;” change features you want to edit; “done” Create a New Context Page = long-hold a context button; “full context list;” “add context;” type a title; select a symbol (type in search box to find symbols); “done;” add words to new page (see below) Add Picture = go to folder you want to add a picture; long-hold on an empty button; “add word” in message box; choose a symbol; choose a category; “done” Change Picture/Word Order = long-hold a context or category button; select “words” if changing word order from context button; select and hold triple lines on far right side of screen next to word you want to move; draw the word to the new location; release button; “done” Delete Picture/Word = long-hold a context or category button; “edit ___;” select “words” if deleting from context button; select red “-” button; select “delete;” “done” Delete a Context = long-hold a context button you want to delete; “edit __;” select trash can icon at bottom right corner; “delete;” “done”

14 Avaz for Autism: Features
Cost = $99.99 Symbols = SymbolStix LRMs = Single Meaning Pictures and Alphabet-Based Color coding option available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format; high contrast is also an option Rate Enhancement Features = encoding and prediction (word prediction option has icons paired with text) Can combine pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills Can quickly hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Includes transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Includes language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Provides access to , Facebook, and Twitter Access Method = direct select

15 Avaz for Autism: Settings
Editing = select “edit” button at top of screen to enter “edit” mode Color Coding = “settings;” “color coding;” select option of choice Prediction = word prediction is always on when using the keyboard; can turn picture icons on/off in word prediction by going to “settings;” “predict pictures;” turn on/off Add Words to Pictures/Symbols = “settings;” “caption size;” choose “no caption (only image),” image size for caption and image, or “only text (no image)” Access to Transitional Vocabulary Files = “settings;” “starting screen;” choose from one of the vocabulary files Language Activity Monitoring = “settings;” “track session start/stop;” name session; “ok” (to access file go to settings and stop track session – a file will open with log, option to add therapy notes, and option to save or – access saved file by connecting iPad to iTunes) Access to Social Media = “settings;” “share on social media;” hold trumpet for 2 seconds until options open; select a media for sharing Access Method = direct select only Finding a Word = “search;” type a word in the search box; choose a word; “done”

16 Avaz for Autism: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = go to screen showing vocabulary to hide/unhide; “edit;” “disable” to hide or “enable” to show; select picture to disable/enable; “edit” to exit edit mode Copy/Paste = “edit;” go to screen showing vocabulary to copy; “copy;” select picture or folder to copy; go to screen showing where you want to paste; “paste” (it will default to bottom); “edit” to exit edit mode Change/Edit Picture = “edit;” go to screen showing picture or folder to edit; “change;” select picture or folder to change; edit features you want to change; “done;” “edit” to exit edit mode Add Folder/Category = “edit;” go to screen you want to add a folder; “add new;” “new category;” type folder name in “caption” box; “next;” arrow through to find a symbol; “done;” “edit” to exit edit mode Add Picture = “edit;” go to screen you want to add a picture; “add new;” “new message;” type picture name in “caption” box; “next;” arrow through to find a symbol; “done;” “edit” to exit edit mode Change Picture/Folder Location = “edit;” long-hold on picture/folder to move; drag to new location on page; “edit” to exit edit mode Delete Picture/Folder/Category = “edit;” go to screen you want to delete a picture/folder/category; “delete;” select picture/folder/category to delete; “delete;” “edit” to exit edit mode

17 Proloquo2Go: Features Cost = $219.99 Symbols = SymbolStix
LRMs = single meaning pictures and alphabet-based Color coding available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format (based on Goossens, Crain, Elder, 1992) Rate Enhancement Features = encoding and prediction Can combine pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills Can hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Includes transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Includes language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Provides access to , Messages, Facebook, and Twitter Access Method = direct select; 1 and 2 switch scanning

18 Proloquo2Go: Settings Editing = select the pencil icon at the bottom of the screen to enter “edit” mode Color Coding = “options” (gear icon at bottom of screen); “appearance;” scroll down to “buttons” and select “advanced options;” “border color;” slide “color code” on Prediction = “options;” “prediction;” slide “prediction” on Add Words to Pictures/Symbols = “options;” “appearance;” scroll down to “buttons” and select “display;” choose “image and label,” “image only,” or “label only” Access to Transitional Vocabulary = “options;” “users;” choose “basic” or “core” vocabulary Language Activity Monitoring = select “views” button (overlapping squares in bottom left corner); select “recents” Access to Social Media = tap on buttons to send message to message window; tap “action” button (rectangle with an arrow in far right corner of navigation toolbar below the message window); you will see a pop-up with available options listed; select an option Access Method = direct access is default; to change to switch access select “options;” “access method;” under “switch access” turn “scanning” on

19 Proloquo2Go: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = “edit;” tap picture/vocabulary to hide/move to storage (a check mark will appear); “move to storage;” “done” Copy/Paste = “edit;” tap picture to copy; “copy;” double tap folder you want to paste word inside of; “paste;” “done” Change/Edit Picture = “edit;” tap picture you want to change/edit; tap “properties;” edit features you want to change; “done” Add a Picture = “edit;” “add button;” type in picture to add in “text to speech” box; choose a picture symbol; “done” Add a Folder = “edit;” “add folder;” “new folder;” type in name of folder in “folder” box; “done;” “done;” “done” Change Picture/Folder Location = “edit;” long-hold picture/folder you want to move until it bounces; drag picture/folder to new location; “done” Delete Picture/Folder = “edit;” tap picture you want to delete; “delete;” “permanently delete;” “done”

20 So Much 2 Say: Features Optional “training” application to build sentence structure Cost = $18.99 Symbols = SymbolStix LRMs = single meaning pictures Color coding is not available to facilitate visual organization of vocabulary in a grammatical format Rate Enhancement Features = encoding Can combine pictures with words to facilitate development of literacy skills Can hide vocabulary to decrease response field size when training Does not include transitional vocabulary files to support ongoing language development Does not include language activity monitoring for analyzing frequency of use Does not provide access to social media Access Method = direct select

21 So Much 2 Say: Settings Editing = touch the “edit” button at the top right corner of the screen to enter “edit” mode Color Coding = not a feature Prediction = not a feature Add Words to Pictures/Symbols = words are already added with SymbolStix images; can change words individually which will be demonstrated in next slide Access to Transitional Vocabulary Files = not a feature Language Activity Monitoring = not a feature Access to Social Media = not a feature Access Method = direct select only Finding a Word = not a feature

22 So Much 2 Say: Programming
Hide/Unhide Vocabulary = “edit;” touch the picture you would like to hide; “touch the red “-”; “hide card;” “done” Copy/Paste = “edit;” “editing menu;” “card library;” tap a folder the word is located in; “open;” select a picture to copy; “copy;” tap the copied picture; “move;” “move to card library;” “card library;” tap copied card; “move;” choose folder to move card to; “library menu;” “exit;” “done” Change/Edit Picture = “edit;” “editing menu;” “card library;” tap a folder the word is located in; “open;” select a picture; “edit;” make changes to image/label/voice; tap outside of edit box; “card library;” “library menu;” “exit;” “done” Add/Create a Picture in Card Library = “edit;” “editing menu;” “card library;” “create new;” “create card;” select from where to choose the image for the new card; select an image; edit the “label” field to give the card a name; tap “edit voice” then touch “record” to begin recording your voice; touch back arrow at top left side of “edit voice” box; tap outside of box; “library menu;” “exit;” “done” Add Folder/Category in Card Library = “edit;” “editing menu;” “card library;” “create new;” “create category;” select from where to choose the image for the new category; select an image; edit the “label” field to give the category a name; tap outside of box; “library menu;” “exit;” “done” Delete Picture/Folder/Category = “edit;” “editing menu;” “card library;” tap a folder the word is located in; “open;” select a picture; “remove;” “remove card;” “card library;” “library menu;” “exit;” “done” Change Page Layout = “edit;” “editing menu;” “homepage layout;” choose layout from list; “editing menu;” tap outside of box to exit; “done” Add a Card to Homepage = “edit;” touch “insert card/category;” scroll down the list of cards/folders and select one you want to add (can also search favorites, all, or search box); “done” Homepage Navigation (card or category based navigation) = “edit;” “editing menu;” “homepage navigation;” choose card or category based; “editing menu;” tap outside of box to exit; “done” Enable a Sentence Strip to Work on Building Sentence Structure = “edit;” “editing menu;” “sentence strip;” “sentence strip enable;” “editing menu;” tap outside of box to exit; “done”

23 REFERENCES AAC Institute. “AAC Language Representation Methods”, Farrall, Jane. “AAC Apps”, Prentke Romich Company. Speak for Yourself LLC. Tobii Technology. Invention Labs. AssistiveWare. Close 2 Home Apps, LLC.

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