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Sustainability Myth Busters 2016

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1 Sustainability Myth Busters 2016
National security interests trump global challenges? Green Office, 10 October 2016 Jaap de Wilde Centre for International Relations Research


3 I = P A T bottom-line Carrying capacity of the earth:
the total patterns of consumption that the earth’s natural systems can support without undergoing degradation I = P A T I = environmental impact P = population pressure A = affluence T = technology Another game changer? Environmental degradation versus the challenge of creating a so-called sustainable society.

4 Global dimension of environmental security
= North-South & elite-masses dimension Paradox: in order to preserve our affluent life-styles it is necessary to change them fundamentally, given their unsustainability Tension: sustainability, equity, liveability Who is to pay a price today to avoid that others have to pay a higher price tomorrow?

5 Three approaches to environmental security
Neo-Malthusians Distributionalists Economic optimists (techno fix) All caught in state-centric thinking

6 Side-track: What is security?
Definition: Absence of threat How do actors relate to each other and to their natural environment in terms of threats and vulnerabilities? Securitization Theory (Ole Wæver) objective / subjective / intersubjective security security as a speech act securitization & desecuritization

7 Looking for a world society perspective
How do 7.4 billion people organize themselves in terms of cooperation and conflict? See: [the site aggregates all kind of statistical data on a global level. Parameters of social life – the world as one ‘organism’?] How do these global data relate to local security concerns?

8 Caught in an identity, a sovereingty & an economic discourse
A World Society Perspective: How do 7.4 billion people relate to each other in terms of cooperation and conflict? individuals international organizations identity groups Family, Tribe, Class, Firm, Civil Society, Nation sovereign states transnational corporations The approach. markets world society Caught in an identity, a sovereingty & an economic discourse

9 The problem of state-centrism & traditional geopolitics
National Security always comes first Comparative analysis is misleading and misrepresenting actual living conditions Towards a new understanding of geopolitics?

10 Theory: Practice: Urban Security trumps National Security
Combine IR, Urban Sociology, Critical Geopolitics, Security Studies Population density as the ontology of world society Rethink levels of analysis (zooming in/out) Revival of Functionalism Practice: > 50% world population in cities 750 largest cities > 57% of Global GDP (GWP) Cities & Environmental problems: 80% of world’s population within 100 km from sea 3-5°C ↑ by 2025 pollution, heat waves, infrastructure, health issues No subsistance farming or self-reliance


A World Society Perspective: How do 7.4 billion people relate to each other in terms of cooperation and conflict? individuals international organizations identity groups Family, Tribe, Class, Firm, Civil Society, Nation sovereign states URBAN / RURAL SOCIETIES transnational corporations The approach. markets world society Caught in an identity, a sovereignty & an economic discourse

13 Creating a ‘google earth’ for the social sciences, economics and humanities

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