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Pass The Candy.

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Presentation on theme: "Pass The Candy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pass The Candy

2 A system that changes over time according to a specific rule.
Pass the Candy-A simulation of what is known as a Dynamical System A system that changes over time according to a specific rule. We can use math to analyze the behavior of a dynamical system over time. Jose

3 Pass the Candy We will form groups of 3 and 4 people. Appoint a record keeper. We will each get a bag with some candy and plastic pieces (that are equivalent to candy). Count the number of pieces of candy and plastic in your bag and tell your record keeper that number so they can record it on the Tally Sheet. When I say “Pass the Candy”, we will each pass half of our candy to the person on our left. We will count the “new” number of pieces of candy and plastic and record that number on the Tally Sheet. Jose

4 Briana passes to Jamal, Jamal passes to José, and José Passes to Briana

5 If we continue this process,
What do you wonder?

6 Some questions to Consider
If we continue this process, What do YOU predict will happen in the long run? Who will end up with the most? The least? Now continue the process and record your results. Salma

7 Keep passing the candy until you think we should stop.
Iterate Keep passing the candy until you think we should stop.

8 Record your results on the board
What was the initial number of candies for each person in your group? What was the final outcome for each person in your group? Look at the results on the board. Do you have questions for your classmates?

9 Create Graphs Let’s create a graph of the number
of pieces of candy/plastic over time for each member of the group. You will plot your entire group’s data on one graph. Do this at your desks. #pieces of candy Time/Round

10 Sample Graph: Discrete Points
# pieces Time/Round Erick

11 Sample Graph: Connected/Continuous Graph
# pieces Time/Round Erick

12 The process is called a recursive or iterative process
We repeated the process over and over again. What do you wonder?

13 Important Mathematical Ideas
The system settles down and reaches what is known as an equilibrium – we each end up with the same amount of candy  (or close to the same) Can we predict what will happen with other dynamical systems? -Will the system reach equilibrium? - If so, can we predict that equilibrium value? Jose

14 How does this mathematical idea relate to other important systems?
How a substance moves through your body – from the blood to the organs to the bones? How does pollution move through various connected bodies of water? How does a disease move through a population? Others?

15 Reflect on the Activity
What did you find interesting about the activity? How do you think the mathematical ideas in this activity connect to other math topics you have studied? What kinds of questions would you want to explore after having participated in this activity?

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