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By: Dustin Horn.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dustin Horn."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dustin Horn

2 Synaptic Plasticity During Learning
Overview of a Neuron Short Term Early Long Term Potentiation Late Long Term Potentiation The “Synaptic Tag”

3 The Neuron

4 Function

5 Other Terms Receptors: NMDA and AMPA
Glutamate receptors with integrated ion channels Plasticity: change within the synapses that results in new electrical properties Cytoskeleton: Actin fibers within the cell Allow transport Support cell shape

6 Short Term Happen on timescale of seconds
Actin dependent post-synaptic plasticity


8 10 % change in shape could significantly change synaptic communication
Possible mechanism: Actin polymerization affects NMDA receptor NMDA receptor affects actin polymerization

9 Early Long Term Potentiation
Changes properties of existing cellular processes Proteins move to new locations Proteins are chemically altered Lasts for hours NMDA and AMPA receptors

10 AMPA and NMDA

11 Late Long-Term Potentiation
Requires protein synthesis FMRP- Fragile-x Mental Retardation Protein binds to mRNA

12 Unlocking of mRNA Local Glutamate receptors are activated
Results in phosphorylation of FMRP Frees mRNA Local synaptic ribosomes translate proteins

13 ARC/PSD-95 Located in the post-synaptic density
Regulates # of glutamate receptors inserted into plasma membrane

14 BDNF -Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Autocrine signal that regulates: Scaffold Proteins Neuro-transmitter Receptors Inactive synapse elimination

15 “Synaptic Tag” Experiment Proposal
mRNA molecules are guided to proper location by a “Synaptic Tag” Transcription in Nucleus Loaded into vesicles Transported along cytoskeleton Molecular Identity is Unknown Hypothesis: Protein attached to FMRP or CAMKII What and where?

16 Tracking Vesicular Movement

17 Magnetic Immuno-Precipitation

18 Gel-Electrophoresis & Mass Spec.

19 Gene Knock Out CRISPR/Cas-9 Transgenic GFP-ARC

20 Immuno-Gold SEM Develop anti-bodies against candidate protein
Add in gold particle-antibody complex Use SEM to locate protein

21 In Conclusion Neuronal synapses are dynamic structures
Changes last from seconds to weeks Modulation of synapses underlies our ability to learn Not all molecules involved in the processes are known Synaptic “tag” is an important molecule in ability to form long-term memory

22 Questions?

23 References Slides 2-5: Levitan, I. The Neuron: Cell and Molecular Biology. Oxford Univeristy Press Ch 1-4 Slides 6-8:Rapid Actin-Based Plasticity in Dendritic Spines. Fischer, Maria et al.Neuron , Volume 20 , Issue 5 , Slides 9-14: Levitan, I. The Neuron: Cell and Molecular Biology. Oxford Univeristy Press Ch 11, 17, 19 15-16: Ralf Dahm, Manuel Zeitelhofer, Bernhard Götze, Michael A. Kiebler, Paolo Macchi, Visualizing mRNA Localization and Local Protein Translation in Neurons, Methods in Cell Biology, Academic Press, 2008, Volume 85, Pages Slides 15-20: Cox, M. Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice. W.H. Freeman and company. New York

24 Pictures Slides 2,6-8: Figures from
3: connections3-revised.jpg 4: 10: NGM5My05ZTA4LTk0NGMyOGM4OTYwOA.png 16: Figure from: 17: analysis/immunoprecipitation/_jcr_content/MainParsys/accordion_5def/itemspar/accordionit em_ddcd/itemParsys/textimage_eeff/backgroundimg.img.jpg/ jpg 18: 19: 20: Figure from:

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