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Pertemuan 7 Bahasa Rakitan: III

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1 Pertemuan 7 Bahasa Rakitan: III
Matakuliah : T0324 / Arsitektur dan Organisasi Komputer Tahun : 2005 Versi : 1 Pertemuan 7 Bahasa Rakitan: III

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mendemonstrasikan penggunaan bahasa rakitan dalam instruksi mesin ( C3 ) ( No TIK : 3 )

3 Assembly Language: III
Chapter 2. Assembly Language: III (OFC1)

4 Figure 2.33. A program for computing the dot product of two vectors.
Mo v e #A VEC,R1 R1 p oin ts to v ector A. Mo v e #BVEC,R2 R2 p oin ts to v ector B. Mo v e N,R3 R3 serv es as a coun ter. Clear R0 R0 accum ulates the dot pro duct. LOOP Mo v e (R1)+,R4 Compute the pro duct of Multiply (R2)+,R4 next comp onen ts. Add R4,R0 Add to previous sum. Decremen t R3 Decremen t the coun ter. Branc h > LOOP Loop again if not done. Mo v e R0,DOTPR OD Store dot pro duct in memory . Figure A program for computing the dot product of two vectors.

5 for (j = n 1; j > 0; j = j 1) { for ( k = j 1; k > = 0; k = k 1 ) { if (LIST[ k ] > LIST[ j ]) { TEMP = LIST[ k ]; LIST[ k ] = LIST[ j ]; LIST[ j ] = TEMP; } } } (a) C-language program for sorting Mo v e #LIST,R0 Load LIST in to base register R0. Mo v e N,R1 Initialize outer lo op index Subtract #1,R1 register R1 to j = n 1. OUTER Mo v e R1,R2 Initialize inner lo op index Subtract #1,R1 register R2 to k = j 1. Mo v eByte (R0,R1),R3 Load LIST( j ) in to R3, whic h holds current maxim um in sublist. INNER CompareByte R3,(R0,R2) If LIST( k ) [R3], Branc h NEXT do not exhange. Mo v eByte (R0,R2),R4 Otherwise, exchange LIST( k ) Mo v eByte R3,(R0,R2) with LIST( j ) and load Mo v eByte R4,(R0,R1) new maxim um in to R3. Mo v eByte R4,R3 Register R4 serv es as TEMP . NEXT Decremen t R2 Decremen t index registers R2 and Branc h INNER R1, whic h also serv e Decremen t R1 as lo op coun ters, and branc h Branc h > OUTER bac k if lo ops not finished. (b) Assembly language program for sorting Figure A byte-sorting program using a straight-selection sort.

6 Figure 2.35. Linked-list data structure.
Link address Record 1 Record 2 Record k Head T ail (a) Linking structure Record 1 Record 2 Ne w record (b) Inserting a new record between Record 1 and Record 2 Figure Linked-list data structure.

7 Figure 2.35. Linked-list data structure.
Link address Record 1 Record 2 Record k Head T ail (a) Linking structure Record 1 Record 2 Ne w record (b) Inserting a new record between Record 1 and Record 2 Figure Linked-list data structure.

8 Memory Key Link Data address field field field (ID) (Test scores) 1 word 1 word 3 words First record 2320 27243 1040 Head Second record 1040 28106 1200 Third record 1200 28370 2880 Second last record 2720 40632 1280 Last 1280 47871 Tail record Figure A list of student test scores organized as a linked list in memory.

9 INSER TION Compare #0, RHEAD Branch>0 HEAD ne w record Mo v e RNEWREC, RHEAD becomes a not empty Return one-entry list HEAD Compare (RHEAD), (RNEWREC) Branch>0 SEARCH insert ne w record Mo v e RHEAD, 4(RNEWREC) ne w record becomes some where after Mo v e RNEWREC, RHEAD ne w head current head Return SEARCH Mo v e RHEAD, RCURRENT LOOP Mo v e 4(RCURRENT), RNEXT Compare #0, RNEXT Branch=0 T AIL ne w record becomes ne w tail Compare (RNEXT), (RNEWREC) Branch<0 INSER T insert ne w record in Mo v e RNEXT , RCURRENT an interior position Branch LOOP INSER T Mo v e RNEXT , 4(RNEWREC) T AIL Mo v e RNEWREC, 4(RCURRENT) Return Figure A subroutine for inserting a new record into a linked list.

10 Figure 2.38. A subroutine for deleting a record from a linked list.
DELETION Compare (RHEAD), RIDNUM Branch>0 SEARCH Mo v e 4(RHEAD), RHEAD not the head record Return SEARCH Mo v e RHEAD, RCURRENT LOOP Mo v e 4(RCURRENT), RNEXT Compare (RNEXT), RIDNUM Branch=0 DELETE Mo v e RNEXT , RCURRENT Branch LOOP DELETE Mo v e 4(RNEXT), R TEMP Mo v e R TEMP , 4(RCURRENT) Return Figure A subroutine for deleting a record from a linked list.

11 Figure 2.39. Encoding instructions into 32-bit words.
8 7 7 10 OP code Source Dest Other info (a) One-word instruction OP code Source Dest Other info Memory address/Immediate operand (b) Two-word instruction OP code R i R j R k Other info (c) Three-operand instruction Figure Encoding instructions into 32-bit words.

12 T able 2.1 Generic addressing modes Name Assem bler syn tax Addressing function Immediate #V alue Op erand = V alue Register R i EA = R i Absolute (Direct) LOC EA = LOC Indirect (R i ) EA = [R i ] (LOC) EA = [LOC] Index X(R i ) EA = [R i ] + X Base with index (R i ,R j ) EA = [R i ] + [R j ] Base with index X(R i ,R j ) EA = [R i ] + [R j ] + X and offset Relative X(PC) EA = [PC] + X Autoincremen t (R i )+ EA = [R i ] ; Incremen t R i Autodecrement (R i ) Decremen t R i ; EA = [R i ] EA = effectiv e address V alue = a signed n um b er

13 Pertemuan 8 Bahasa Rakitan: IV
Matakuliah : T0324 / Arsitektur dan Organisasi Komputer Tahun : 2005 Versi : 1 Pertemuan 8 Bahasa Rakitan: IV

14 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mendemonstrasikan penggunaan bahasa rakitan dalam instruksi mesin ( C3 ) ( No TIK : 3 )

15 Chapter 2. Assembly Language: IV (OFC2)


17 # include < stdio.h > v oid main(void) { long NUM1[5]; long SUM; long N; NUM1[0] = 17; NUM1[1] = 3; NUM1[2] = 51; NUM1[3] = 242; NUM1[4] = 113; SUM = 0; N = 5; asm { LEA EBX,NUM1 MO V ECX,N MO V EAX,0 MO V EDI,0 ST AR T ADD: ADD EAX,[EBX + EDI*4] INC EDI DEC ECX JG ST AR T ADD MO V SUM,EAX } printf ("The sum of the list v alues is %ld \ n", SUM ); } Figure D.2. IA-32 Program in Figure 3.40a encapsulated in a C/C++ program.

18 Machine instructions Assembly language instructions (hexadecimal) 03 04 BB STARTADD: ADD EAX,[EBX + EDI*4] 47 INC EDI 49 DEC ECX 7F F9 JG ST AR T ADD (a) Loop body encoding OP code ModR/M byte SIB byte 03 04 BB 00 000 100 10 111 011 ADD (see T able D.2) (see Figure D.1 c ) (doubleword (b) ADD instruction OP code Offset 7F F9 JG 7 (short offset) (c) JG instruction Figure D.3. Encoding of the loop body in Figure D.2.

19 T ABLE D.1 Register field enco ding in IA-32 instructions Reg/Base/Index* Register field EAX 1 ECX 1 EDX 1 1 EBX 1 ESP 1 1 EBP 1 1 ESI 1 1 1 EDI *ESP (100) cannot be used as an index register.

20 IA-32 addressing modes selected by the ModR/M and SIB bytes ModR/M b
ABLE D.2 IA-32 addressing modes selected by the ModR/M and SIB bytes ModR/M b yte Addressing mode Mod R/M field field b b b b b 7 6 2 1 Reg Register indirect EA = [Reg] 1 Reg Base with 8-bit displacement EA = [Reg] + Disp8 1 Reg Base with 32-bit displacement EA = [Reg] + Disp32 1 1 Reg Register EA = Reg Exceptions 1 1 Direct EA = Disp32 1 Base with index (uses SIB b yte) EA = [Base] + [Index] Scale When Base = EBP the addressing mo de is: Index with 32-bit displacement EA = [Index] Scale + Disp32 1 1 Base with index and 8-bit displacement (uses SIB b yte) EA = [Base] + [Index] Scale + Disp8 1 1 Base with index and 32-bit displacemet (uses SIB b yte) EA = [Base] + [Index] Scale + Disp32

21 T ABLE D.3 Scale field encoding in IA-32 SIB b yte Scale field Scale 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 8

22 ^ Table D.4 – page 1 T ABLE D.4 IA-32 instructions Mnemonic Size
Operands Operation CC flags (Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C ADC B,D reg reg dst [dst] + [src] + [CF] x x x x (Add with reg mem carry) mem reg reg imm mem imm ADD B,D reg reg dst [dst] + [src] x x x x (Add) reg mem mem reg reg imm mem imm AND B,D reg reg dst [dst] ^ [src] x x (Logical reg mem AND) mem reg reg imm mem imm BT D reg reg bit# = [src]; x (Bit test) reg imm8 CF bit# of [dst] mem reg mem imm8 BTC D reg reg bit# = [src]; x (Bit test and reg imm8 CF bit# of [dst]; complement mem reg complement bit# mem imm8 of [dst] BTR D reg reg bit# = [src]; x (Bit test reg imm8 CF bit# of [dst]; and reset) mem reg clear bit# of [dst] to mem imm8 Table D.4 – page 1

23              Table D.4 – page 2 T ABLE D.4 ( Continued )
Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags (Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C BTS D reg reg bit# = [src]; x (Bit test reg imm8 CF bit# of [dst]; and set) mem reg set bit# of [dst] to 1 mem imm8 CALL D reg ESP [ESP] 4; (Subroutine mem [ESP] [EIP]; call) EIP EA of dst CLC CF (Clear carry) CLI IF (Clear int. flag) CMC CF [CF] x (Compl. carry) CMP B,D reg reg [dst] [src] x x x x (Compare) reg mem mem reg reg imm mem imm DEC B,D reg dst [dst] 1 x x x (Decrement) mem DIV B,D reg for B: ? ? ? ? (Unsigned mem [AL]/[src]; divide) AL quotient; AH remainder for D: [EAX]/[src]; EAX quotient; ED X remainder Table D.4 – page 2

24              Table D.4 – page 3 T ABLE D.4 ( Continued )
Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags (Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C HL T Halts execution un til (Halt) reset or external in terrupt o ccurs IDIV B,D reg for B: ? ? ? ? (Signed mem [AL]/[src]; divide) AL quotient; AH remainder for D: [EAX]/[src]; EAX quotient; ED X remainder IMUL B,D reg (double-length product) ? ? x x (Signed mem for B: m ultiplication) AX [AL] [src] for D: ED X,EAX [EAX] [src] D reg reg (single-length pro duct) ? ? x x reg mem reg [reg] [src] IN B,D dst = AL AL or EAX [src] (Isolated or EAX input) src = imm8 or [D X] INC B,D reg dst [dst] + 1 x x x (Increment ) mem INT D imm8 Push EFLA GS; (Software Push EIP; in terrupt) EIP address (determined b y imm8) Table D.4 – page 3

25 ^ ^ T ABLE D.4 ( Continued) Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags
(Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C IRET D P op EIP; x x x x (Return from P op EFLA GS in terrupt) LEA D reg mem reg EA of src (Load effectiv e address) LOOP D target ECX [ECX] 1; (Lo op) If ( [ECX] ) EIP target LOOPE D target ECX [ECX] 1; (Lo op on If ( [ECX] equal/zero) ^ [Z] = 1 ) EIP target LOOPNE D target ECX [ECX] 1; (Lo op on If ( [ECX] not equal/ ^ [Z] 1 ) not zero) EIP target MO V B,D reg reg dst [src] (Mo v e) reg mem mem reg reg imm mem imm MO VSX B reg reg reg sign extend [src] (Sign extend reg mem b yte in to register) Table D.4 – page 4

26           Table D.4 – page 5 T ABLE D.4 ( Continued)
Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags (Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C MO VZX B reg reg reg zero extend [src] (Zero extend reg mem b yte in to register) MUL B,D reg (double-length pro duct) ? ? x x (Unsigned mem for B: m ultiplication) AX [AL] [src] for D: ED X,EAX [EAX] [src] NEG B,D reg dst 2's-complement x x x x (Negate) mem [dst] NOP alias for: (No op eration) X CHG EAX,EAX NOT B,D reg dst [dst ] (Logical mem complement) OR B,D reg reg dst [dst] [src] x x (Logical OR) reg mem mem reg reg imm mem imm OUT B,D dst = imm8 dst [AL] or [EAX] (Isolated or [D X] output) src = AL or EAX Table D.4 – page 5

27         Table D.4 – page 6 T ABLE D.4 ( Continued) Mnemonic
Size Operands Operation CC flags (Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C POP D reg dst [[ESP]]; (Pop off mem ESP [ESP] + 4 stack) POPAD D Pop eight doublewords (Pop off off stack in to stack in to EDI, ESI, EBP , discard, all registers EBX, EDX, ECX, EAX; except ESP) ESP [ESP] + 32 PUSH D reg ESP [ESP] 4; (Push on to mem [ESP] [src] stac k) imm PUSHAD D Push contents of (Push all EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, registers ESP , EBP , ESI, EDI on to stack) on to stack; ESP [ESP] 32 R CL B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.32 b ; ? x (Rotate left reg CL src operand is with C flag) mem imm8 rotation count mem CL R CR B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.32 d ; ? x (Rotate righ t reg CL src operand is with C flag) mem imm8 rotation count mem CL RET EIP [[ESP]]; (Return from ESP [ESP] + 4 subroutine) Table D.4 – page 6

28 T ABLE D.4 (Continued) Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags
(Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C R OL B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.32 a ; ? x (Rotate left) reg CL src operand is mem imm8 rotation count mem CL R OR B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.32 c ; ? x (Rotate righ t) reg CL src operand is mem imm8 rotation count mem CL SAL B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.30 a ; x x ? x (Shift reg CL src operand is arithmetic mem imm8 shift count left) mem CL same as SHL SAR B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.30 c ; x x ? x (Shift reg CL src operand is arithmetic mem imm8 shift count right) mem CL SBB B,D reg reg dst [dst] [src] x x x x (Subtract reg mem [CF] with b orrow) mem reg reg imm mem imm SHL B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.30 a ; x x ? x (Shift reg CL src operand is left) mem imm8 shift count same as SAL mem CL Table D.4 – page 7

29 ^ T ABLE D.4 (Continued) Mnemonic Size Operands Operation CC flags
(Name) performed affected dst src S Z O C SHR B,D reg imm8 See Figure 2.30 b ; x x ? x (Shift reg CL src operand is righ t) mem imm8 shift coun t mem CL STC CF 1 1 (Set carry flag) STI IF 1 (Set in terrupt flag) SUB B,D reg reg dst [dst] [src] x x x x (Subtract) reg mem mem reg reg imm mem imm TEST B,D reg reg [dst] ^ [src]; x x (T est) mem reg set flags based reg imm on result mem imm X CHG B,D reg reg [reg] [src] (Exchange) reg mem X OR B,D reg reg dst [dst] [src] x x (Exclusive reg mem OR) mem reg reg imm mem imm Table D.4 – page 8

30     T ABLE D.5 IA-32 conditional jump instructions Mnemonic
code name test JS Sign (negative) SF = 1 JNS No sign (positive or zero) SF = JE/JZ Equal/Zero ZF = 1 JNE/JNZ Not equal/Not zero ZF = JO Overflow OF = 1 JNO No overflow OF = JC/JB Carry/Unsigned below CF = 1 JNC/JAE No carry/Unsigned above or equal CF = JA Unsigned above CF ZF = JBE Unsigned below or equal CF ZF = 1 JGE Signed greater than or equal SF OF = JL Signed less than SF OF = 1 JG Signed greater than ZF (SF OF) = JLE Signed less than or equal ZF (SF OF) = 1

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