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Presentation on theme: "Flexibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexibility

2 Why is flexibility important??
Stretch muscles Protect against injury Allow the maximum range of motion in joints

3 A point at which 2 or more bones come together
Joints A point at which 2 or more bones come together fixed joint sliding joint pivot joint ball-and-socket joint hinge joint

4 Pivot Joint Example of a pivot joint?
Permits a rotating motion on an axis Neck

5 Fixed Joint Ideas of an example?? A joint that does not move skull

6 Gliding Joint Ideas?? Allows bones to slide over one another or past one another Ankle & Wrist

7 Ball & Socket Joint Ideas??
Allows for radial movement in almost any direction Hip & Shoulder

8 Hinge Joint Ideas?? Allow a back & forth motion Extension/Retraction
Elbow & Knee

9 What can limit range of motion??
Ligaments Strong fibrous tissues that attaches bone to bone Muscles Meaty tissue surrounding the bone Tendons Connective tissue that anchors muscle to bone

10 Ligaments

11 Sprained Ligaments

12 Muscles

13 Tendons

14 Torn Tendon

15 Ligament or Tendon???

16 Why is flexibility important in each of these sports?
Which joints are used most in each sport??

17 Things to know… Soft tissue (tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, fat, skin) limits flexibility. However, it is possible to improve the motion in a joint by performing exercises that alter the soft tissue

18 Importance of Flexibility
Reduces Injuries A lack of flexibility can result in joint or muscle injury during exercise or daily activity Importance of Flexibility

19 Importance of Flexibility
Prevention of post-exercise pain by warming up and cooling down sessions Important to warm up before stretching Think of a rubber band. If you stretch a frozen rubber band, what happens?? If you stretch a rubber band after it was in the microwave, what happens?? Importance of Flexibility

20 Importance of Flexibility
Reduces chances of lower back pain Reduces aches Improves posture to help prevent low back problems in adulthood Helps relieve emotional tension Relaxes tense muscles Importance of Flexibility

21 Safety Precautions Avoid ballistic stretching Avoid using partners
Avoid increasing drastically Avoid imitating flexibility of others Safety Precautions

22 Ballistic Stretching A bouncing motion while stretching
Dangerous because: This technique relies on momentum to force the muscles to lengthen. This can lead to tears

23 Dynamic Stretching Performing stretches while moving

24 Static Stretching Stretching while still Holding a stretch

25 PNF Stretching Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Combination of stretching & contraction Usually performed with a partner. Dangerous because partner is unaware of limitations

26 Harmful Stretching Positions
Head/arm circles Plow Seated Quadriceps Stretch Four count toe touch Hurdle Stretch Deep knee bends

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