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Open Access and Open Data Services at the University of Cambridge

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1 Open Access and Open Data Services at the University of Cambridge
Dr Lauren Cadwallader Office of Scholarly Communication, University Library SBS Admin Group, 23rd February 2016

2 Open Access: making scholarly research outputs freely available to access online
Photo credit Nic McPhee


4 Open Access Publications

5 Types of open access Gold open access Green open access
The version of record is open access at the time of publication. Usually costs money. Green open access A version of the work, typically the author accepted manuscript (AAM), is made available in an open access repository. Often has to be embargoed. No charges are payable.

6 The Open Access service aims to meet funder expectations
HEFCE Policy (announced) HEFCE Policy (enforced) RCUK Policy COAF Policy 2013 2014 2015 2016

7 HEFCE Open Access Policy
In force from the 1st of April HEFCE runs the Research Excellence Framework (REF) which administers the block grant funding to universities Green open access policy (max. embargo 12 months) To be eligible for the next REF, authors' accepted version of their journal article or ISSN conference manuscripts must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository as soon as possible after being accepted for publication.

8 Open Access Data

9 “Publicly funded research data are a public good (…), which should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible…”

10 Some funders actually check it…
Random checks on all publications from 1 May 2015 that acknowledge EPSRC + sanctions for not sharing

11 How to share data? Store data for (at least) 10 years
Describe your data Deposit your data in suitable data repositories Provide a persistent link to your data as a reference in your publication

12 Cambridge support for achieving open access

13 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data


15 Guidance on data management plans

16 Guidance on data management plans

17 Sharing makes your grant application more impactful:
The more you share, the more discoverable your results, the better! Indicate this in your impact statement and in your data management plan

18 Budget for Open Access publication costs if applicable

19 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data


21 Funder names arranged alphabetically. Click on the hyperlink below to see the full-length policy. Key policy highlights Date of the last update/policy check

22 Frequently Asked Questions
They really are! From discussion with over 1450 researchers

23 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data

24 Training and support: Data

25 Training and support: Publications

26 Other session we offer:
Workshops on research data management Software management and sharing Data provenance Data licensing Introduction to Data Science How to publish useful data? Managing social media research data Research metrics Open Access and ECRs

27 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data


29 Simply send us your Author-Accepted Manuscript on acceptance or when asked to choose an Open Access option and we’ll guide you through what you need to do.

30 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data

31 How to share research data?

32 Cambridge data repository


34 Publishing your papers
Research lifecycle Applying for money Start of the project Grant management Publishing your papers Sharing data

35 Take-home message:

36 Thank you @CamOpenData @CamOpenAccess
Enquiries about research data: Enquiries about Open Access to publications: @CamOpenData @CamOpenAccess

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