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ITEC324 Principle of CS III

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1 ITEC324 Principle of CS III
Chapter 3 (Horstmann’s Book) Guidelines for Class Design Hwajung Lee ITEC324 Principle of CS III

2 Objective of this chapter
Have “bottom up point of view” Learn how to write a single class well.  The classes will Be useful Be reusable Increased pride and satisfaction for you, the designer.

3 Quality of Class Interface
Customers: Programmers using the class Criteria: (5Cs) Cohesion Completeness Convenience Clarity Consistency

4 Cohesion A class is an abstraction of a single concept. A class is cohesive if all of its methods are related to a single abstraction. Methods should be related to the single abstraction Bad example: public class Mailbox { public addMessage(Message aMessage) { ... } public Message getCurrentMessage() { ... } public Message removeCurrentMessage() { ... } public void processCommand(String command) { ... } }

5 Completeness A class interface should support all operations that are a part of the abstraction that the class represents. Potentially bad example: Date start = new Date(); // do some work Date end = new Date(); //How many milliseconds have elapsed?  No such operation in Date class Does it fall outside the responsibility? After all, we have before, after, getTime

6 Convenience A class should be convenient to use. A good interface makes all tasks possible and common tasks simple. Bad example: Reading from BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (; Name = in.readLine(); Why didn't have a readLine method?

7 Clarity (1) A class interface should be clear to understand to programmers. Confused programmers write buggy code Bad example: Removing elements from LinkedList LinkedList countries = new LinkedList(); countries.add("A"); countries.add("B"); countries.add("C"); ListIterator iterator = countries.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) System.out.println(; 

8 Clarity (2) iterator.remove(); //A|BC
Iterator between elements is like blinking cursor in a word processor. Thus, if X is added before B: ListIterator iterator = countries.listIterator(); // |ABC; // A|BC iterator.add("France"); // AX|BC Then, to remove first two elements, you can't just "backspace." The remove() method does not remove element to the left of the iterator. Will the following work? iterator.remove(); //A|BC iterator.remove(); //|BC

9 Clarity (3) In fact, void remove() from API documentation says: Removes from the list the last element that was returned by next or previous. This call can only be made once per call to next or previous. It can be made only if add has not been called after the last call to next or previous.  Huh?

10 Consistency (1) The operations in a class should be consistent with each other with respect to names parameters return values behavior Bad example: new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day) Why is month 0-based?

11 Consistency (2) Bad example:
String class s.equals(t) or s.equalsIgnoreCase(t) But boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) Why not regionMatchesIgnoreCase?

12 Recap (5Cs) Cohesion Completeness Convenience Clarity Consistency

13 Law of Demeter A method should only use objects that are
instance fields of its class parameters objects that it constructs with new A method shouldn't use an object that is returned from a method call

14 Importance of Encapsulation Avoid Side Effects
Side effect: change to another object Explicit parameters Avoid side effects--they confuse users Good example, no side effect: a.addAll(b); mutates a but not b * Note: Accessor is a getter and Mutator is a setter.

15 Importance of Encapsulation Stop Sharing Mutable References (1)
References to immutable objects can be freely shared. Don't share mutable references Example: Class Employee { public String getName() { return name; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public Date getHireDate() { return hireDate; } private String name; private double salary; private Date hireDate; }

16 Importance of Encapsulation Stop Sharing Mutable References (2)
Pitfall: Employee harry = . . .; Date d = harry.getHireDate(); d.setTime(t); // changes Harry's state!!!

17 Importance of Encapsulation Stop Sharing Mutable References (1)
Remedy: Use clone public Date getHireDate() { return (Date)hireDate.clone(); }

18 Importance of Encapsulation Final Instance Fields
Good idea to mark immutable instance fields as final private final int day; final object reference can still refer to mutating object private final ArrayList<Integer> elements; elements can't refer to another array list The contents of the array list can change

19 Programming by Contract
Spell out responsibilities of caller  of implementer Increase reliability Increase efficiency

20 Programming by Contract
We will look through the ideas on Preconditions Postconditions Exceptions in the Contract Class Invariants Assertions

21 Preconditions (1) A precondition of a method
is a condition that must be fulfilled before the method may be called. Is a condition that the method caller must fulfill.

22 Preconditions (2) Why do we need to define preconditions?
Excessive error checking is costly Returning dummy values can complicate testing Contract metaphor Service provider must specify preconditions If precondition is fulfilled, service provider must work correctly. Otherwise, service provider can do anything When precondition fails, service provider may throw exception return false answer corrupt data

23 Preconditions (3) Example:
/** Remove message at the message at the size() > 0 */ Message removeFirst() { return (Message)elements.remove(0); }

24 Preconditions (4) What is better?
(Ex) What should happen if a programmer attempts to remove a message from an empty queue? What is better? MessageQueue can declare this as an error MessageQueue can tolerate call and return dummy value

25 Postconditions A postcondition of a method
is a condition that holds after the method has completed is a conditions that the service provider (the method developer) guarantees In Java doc, you can to represent a postcondition. Example: add() method @postcondition size() > 0 Postcondition of one call can imply precondition of another: q.add(m1); m2 = q.remove(); 

26 Exceptions in the Contract
Exception throw is not an error. It is a part of the contract Example: /** . . IllegalArgumentException if queue is empty */ public Message removeFirst() { if (count == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Message r = elements[head]; }

27 Class Invariants (1) A class invariant is a logical condition that is
true after every constructor preserved by every mutator (if it's true before the call, it's again true afterwards) Useful for checking validity of operations

28 Class Invariants (2) Example: Circular array queue (Ch2/mail/ 0 <= head && head < elements.length First check it's true for constructor Sets head = 0 Need precondition size() >= 0 Check mutators. Start with removeFirst() Sets headnew = (headold + 1) % elements.length We know headold + 1> 0 (Why?)  % operator property: 0 <= headnew && headnew < elements.length What's the use of a class invariant? Every array access of the form element[head] is legal!

29 Assertions (1) An assertions:
is a condition that a programmer expects to be true is a mechanism for warning programmers Useful for warning programmers about precondition failure can be turned off after testing Syntax: assert condition; assert condition : explanation; Throws AssertionError if condition false and checking enabled

30 Assertions (2) Example:
public Message removeFirst() { assert count > 0 : "violated precondition size() > 0"; Message r = elements[head]; } How to execute the assertion: During testing, run with java -enableassertions MyProg or Java -ea MyProg

31 Unit Testing Unit test = test of a single class How to test?
Design test cases during implementation Run tests after every implementation change When you find a bug, add a test case that catches it Download the JUnit tool

32 JUnit (1)

33 JUnit (2) Test class name = tested class name + Test
A name of a test method starts with test Example: import junit.framework.*; public class DayTest extends TestCase { public void testAdd() { ... } public void testDaysBetween() { ... } }

34 JUnit (3) Each test case ends with assertion. Test framework catches assertion failures Example: public void testAdd() { Day d1 = new Day(1970, 1, 1); int n = 1000; Day d2 = d1.addDays(n); assert d2.daysFrom(d1) == n; }

35 JUnit (4) Compiling Run
javac –classpath .:junit.jar Run java –classpath .:junit.jar –ea junit.swingui.TestRunner DayTest

36 JUnit (5)

37 Encapsulation using Private, Public, or Protected:
public: a field, method, or class that is accessible to every class. protected: a field, method, or class that is accessible to the class itself, subclasses, and all classes in the same package or directory. private: a field or method that is accessible only to the class in which it is defined. Note that a class can not be declared private as a whole. Encapsulation using Private, Public, Friendly, or Protected: These are always asked in an interview!!! public: a field, method, or class that is accessible to every class. protected: a field, method, or class that is accessible to the class itself, subclasses, and all classes in the same package or directory. friendly: a field, method, or class that is accessible to the class itself and to all classes in the same package or directory. Note that friendly is not a separate keyword. A field or method is declared friendly by virtue of the absence of any other access modifiers. private: a field or method that is accessible only to the class in which it is defined. Note that a class can not be declared private as a whole. Question: Write a class containing a private, public, and friendly field. Then try to access these fields from another class? We need to write two classes: one class with various fields, and a second class to attempt to access these fields. Class AccessTest { // declare each of the fields private int privateNum = 1; public int publicNum = 3; int friendlyNum = 4; } class Tester { // instantiate a methods public static void main(String args[]) { AccessTest a = new AccessTest(); System.out.println(a.privateNum); System.out.println(a.friendlyNum); System.out.println(a.publicNum); } } Variable privateNum in class AccessTest not accessible from class Tester. Good Luck!

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