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Female reproductive physiology

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1 Female reproductive physiology

2 Reproductive functions of female
Discussed under four headings Preparation of female body for conception and gestation Gestation itself Labor Lactation

3 Physiological anatomy
Main structure are Ovaries Fallopian tubes Uterus Vagina

4 Female reproductive organs

5 Female reproductive organs

6 Monthly Reproductive cycle
A single ovum is expelled from the ovaries in every cycle The ovum then passes through fallopian tube Preparation of endometrium for implantation If no fertilization menstruation occurs If fertilized, ovum passed into and implanted in the uterus Development of fetus, placenta and fetal membranes

7 Development of primordial follicle
In fetal life ovaries covered by germinal epithelium Primordial ova differentiate and migrate into cortex of the ovaries Each ovum collects around it a single layer of granulosa cells from ovarian stroma Primordial ovum surrounded by a single layer of granulosa cells called “primordial follicle”

8 Development of primordial follicle
Number of primordial follicle At 30th week of pregnancy - 6 million At birth only 1 million At puberty ,000 to 400,000 only During reproductive life About 400 primordial follicle may ovulate Rest of all degenerate – atresia of follicles Depletion of Follicles → menopause

9 Primordial follicle The granulosa cells provide nourishment for the ovum They secrete oocyte maturation inhibitory factor (OMIF) OMIF keep the ovum in primordial state Suspended in the prophase of 1st meiotic division

10 The female hormonal system
Hypothalamus GnRH (LHRH) Adenohypophysis FSH & LH Ovaries Estrogen and Progesterone Drastic cyclic variations in the female hormones during different phases of the monthly reproductive cycle

11 Hypothalamo hypophyseal feed back control
LH and FSH Glycoprotein in nature Produced by gonadotropes in adenohypophysis LH cyclic release according to cyclic fluctuations of GnRH- exactly follows FSH also increases or decreases with the fluctuations in GnRH- more slowly GnRH also called as LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) Without GnRH no secretion of LH & FSH

12 Pulsatile release of GnRH
5-25 minutes release every 2-3 hour Corresponding pulsatile release of LH and FSH Frequency and duration of pulse determines the level of gonadotrophic hormones Continuous infusion of GnRH cause stoppage of production FSH and LH So pulsatile release is necessary (reason not known)

13 Pulsatile release of GnRH

14 Female hormonal fluctuations

15 Negative feed back inhibition
Estrogen strongly inhibits Both LH and FSH Progesterone potentiates this inhibitory effect Both hormone also inhibit Hypothalamic GnRH INHIBIN Produced by granulosa cells of CL This also has inhibitory effect on Anterior pituitary (LH, FSH) and hypothalamus (GnRH) FSH is inhibited in direct relation with level of inhibin

16 +ve feed back for LH surge
1-2 before ovulation estrogen stimulates the secretion of LH & FSH Reason not understood Experimental infusion at this stage of cycle have been able to demonstrate this +ve feed back effect of estrogen The response of hypothalamus and adenohypophysis to estrogens changes due to some unexplained reason They are stimulated instead of normal negative feed back inhibitory response

17 Monthly reproductive cycle
Monthly rhythmic changes in the rates of secretion of different hormones and corresponding changes in the female sexual organs – called female sexual cycle Also called menstrual cycle Average duration = 28 days May range between 20 – 45 days Abnormal cycle length → ↓fertility

18 Effects of gonadotrophic hormones
Without LH & FSH no activity in the ovaries – throughout the childhood At 10 years of age LH & FSH secretion starts Onset of monthly sexual cycle between 11 & 16 years of life – average 13 years Puberty Menarche

19 Female monthly sexual cycle
Discussed under two headings Ovarian cycle Comprising of cyclic changes in the ovaries under the influence of FSH & LH Endometrial cycle Comprising of cyclic changes taking place in the endometrium under the influence of estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries

20 Ovarian cycle Follicular phase Ovulation Luteal phase
Involution of the corpus luteum

21 Ovarian cycle

22 Follicular phase FSH (& LH also) from the adenohypophysis →
Growth starts in 6-12 follicles Growth of one follicle is more than the rest Enlargement of the ovum Proliferation of the granulosa cells into several layers Surrounding stromal cells also proliferate to form several layers of theca cells Theca interna - cellular and hormone secreting Theca externa – vascular and fibrous forming capsule

23 Follicular phase Primary follicle – additional layers of granulosa cells Granulosa and theca cells secrete fluid containing hormones estrogen Antral follicle – fluid collects to form antrum Vesicular follicle - more growth and collection of more fluid in a single large cavity Estrogen increases the receptors for FSH and LH (+ve feedback) → accelerated growth Mature graffian follicle Enlarged ovum surrounded by several layers of granulosa cells is on one pole of the follicle

24 Ovarian Cycle

25 Ovulation Occurs 14 days before the next menstruation
Protruding outer wall swells rapidly A nipple like protrusion called ‘stigma’ develops on the surface Fluid starts oozing out Stigma bursts out Viscous fluid along with ovum surrounded by several granulosa cells called corona radiata, is expelled

26 Preovulatory LH surge LH necessary for final growth and ovulation
2 days before ovulation LH level suddenly rises 6-10 folds FSH also rises 2-3 folds This surge causes rapid growth and onset of progesterone secretion This will cause Prostaglandin secretion Hyperemia Proteolytic enzyme secretion More fluid formation weakening of the wall rupture → ovulation

27 Preovulatory LH surge

28 Ovulation

29 Luteal phase After ovulation the granulosa and theca cells change into lutein cells - luteinization Enlargement Filled with lipid inclusions Develop yellow color Well developed blood supply The whole mass of lutein cells is called corpus luteum Granulosa cells produce estrogen and progesterone Theca cells produce male hormones (androgens) Androstenedione & testosterone Androgens are converted into female hormones by granulosa cells

30 Luteal phase Corpus luteum grows to 1.5 cm diameter size in 7-8 days after ovulation Estrogen and progesterone are secreted from corpus luteum LH surge programs the follicular cells to Proliferate Enlarge Secrete hormones & then Degenerate HCGH causes persistent activity of Corpus Luteum in pregnancy

31 Involution of corpus luteum
Estrogen and progesterone from CL cause Negative feed back inhibition of LH and FSH CL also produces hormone ‘Inhibin’ which inhibits FSH secretion Reduction or absence of LH and FSH → degeneration of CL This is called “Involution of CL” Involution is complete 12 days after ovulation → absence of estrogen and progesterone This leads to new cycle of production of FSH & LH and follicular phase of new cycle

32 Key steps of regulation
Involution of CL → ↓Estrogen & progesterone ↓Estrogen & progesterone → ↑FSH (& LH) ↑FSH (& LH) → ↑ estrogen (follicular phase) LH surge → ↑ Progesterone Ovulation ↑ estrogen and progesterone (luteal phase) ↑ estrogen and progesterone → ↓GnRH → ↓FSH & LH ↓ FSH & LH → Involution of CL

33 Regulation of Ovarian Activity

34 The Ovarian Cycle

35 The Ovarian Cycle

36 Thank-you Questions ??

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