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Published byKathleen Stone Modified over 7 years ago
West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (WCSSF)
12/1/2017 3:37 AM Coaches Meeting 2016 West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (WCSSF) Welcome everyone to the WSCCF Coaches Meeting and introduce yourself. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Who are we? The West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (“WCSSF”) is an inter-club competitive league designed to provide the Recreational Plus Player a competitive experience, while focusing on fair and equitable play and good sportsmanship while providing a venue for the players to have fun.
14 Participating Clubs Ben Davis, Beech Grove, Danville, Franklin Township, Lebanon, Mill Creek, Montgomery County, Plainfield, Putnam County, Speedway, Tri-West, USAi, Westside United and Zionsville, Each of these clubs are their own individual entity with separate bylaws, rules, governing boards, etc. In order for WCSSF to continue to operate we need a representative from each of the clubs on our board. Unfortunately, right now, there are only four clubs represented.
Code of Conduct Please take a moment to read and sign the “Code of Conduct.” Beginning in the Spring 2016 season, coaches, assistant coaches and managers will only need to sign this form once a calendar year, and it will be binding for future seasons within the WCSSF. The “Code of Conduct” is available online at A signed “Code of Conduct” must be received by April 8th.
Sportsmanship Win or Lose: Take the pressure off the outcome
Practice sportsmanship on and off the field Put the work into teamwork Play the no blame game Only referees call the game Roll with the calls that are made Be the example you want your kids to be Win or Lose: Focusing on your child’s effort and improvement, like extra practice or strong teamwork, instead of the final score. Connect wins or losses to specific behaviors by asking, “What did your team (or you) do that contributed to the win?” or, “What could your team (or you) do differently next time?” Sportsmanship on and off field: Deliberately train your kids on winning and losing gracefully, and good sports character. Work into teamwork: “There’s no I in team” is a valuable lesson on the field and off. Coach your kids on ways to encourage frustrated teammates, play to each other’s strengths and stick together, and you’ll prepare your child for wins far into the future. Make it a goal to encourage each player on your child’s team from the sidelines every game—your child will notice. No blame game: Institute a no-blame, no-excuses policy for your kids. If a player grumbles about a bad call, remind him that like players, referees come with varying skill. Then, since he can’t control the referee or even his teammates, get him thinking about what else he can do to influence the outcome of the game. Call no fouls: Even if the other team is hurling insults, keep your comments to yourself—and encourage your kids to do the same. Teach your kids not to “trash talk;” their performance on the field will speak for itself. And of course, follow the “Act like you’ve been there before” guideline of being courteous and gracious to your opponent when your team wins. Roll with the punches: Turn each missed goal, slip-up or foul into a learning opportunity for next time. If your child is upset about missing a tackle, ask, “If you could do that play over again, what would you do differently?” and then move on—your child already feels bad enough and is relying on you to help him make the best of his mistake. Be the example: You can talk about good sportsmanship, but your kids will clue in on your actions. Model all the behaviors you’re teaching your kids, whether you’re on the couch, on the sidelines or on the basketball court yourself.
Sportsmanship – Set the tone
The players & parents, feed off of the coach. Keep calm -- it’s just a game no one is going straight to World Cup from these games. Coaches are required to have each player participate in at LEAST HALF of the game regardless of skill, etc. Coaches, do not address the referees during a game in order to disagree with a call. If there is a sportsmanship issue at a game, do not hesitate to talk to the coach afterwards so he/she can address it with their team immediately.
Player Sportsmanship Talk to your team, and let them know what the expectations of good sportsmanship. In the past, we have seen problems with the use of profanity, physical threats towards players, sexual comments, racial slurs, etc. These problems will NOT be tolerated, but are usually minimized if the coach takes a pro-active approach. Although our divisions are labeled “BOYS”, we do have a large number of girls participating. Encourage your male players to be gentlemen on the field. After the game, all players and coaches are expected to shake hands with the opposing team and the referees. If a player is injured and can’t walk through the line, take the extra step to go to them and shake their hand.
Equal Strength Simply, it means that teams must match the number of players from the other team. This applies to the games during the season as well as the tournament. Two incidents where equal strength does NOT apply: If a red card has been issued to a player and that player is “sent off”/ejected from the game. Then that team must play down a player for the rest of the game. If Team A has 10 players but decides to play with only 9 players so they can have a substitute, Team B can play with 10 players. If a player gets injured or leaves the game for any reason, causing Team A to drop below 11 players, Team B must match the number of players.
Referees The decision of the referees are final.
Do not yell, argue or insult the referees. Most of our referees are teenagers, just learning how to referee. Each referee is different; and referees vary at the different fields. Referees WILL make mistakes. Have your team captain address the center referee if there is a problem. If you are concerned for the safety of your players, you have the ability to stop the game and go home. DO NOT let your emotions control you so that you are asked to leave a field. Coaches that are sent off are given an automatic two-game suspension. (it is the equivalent of a red card for the coach)
Team Composition Coach and club are responsible for making sure that only age appropriate players are rostered on their team. High School teams must only be composed of players who are enrolled in High School at the beginning of the current school year. With the exceptions below. Middle School or Junior High may also be registered on a High School team if they are playing up.
GotSoccer Coaches Information
First step of the season, please update your contact information in GotSoccer. Please list YOUR personal address instead of the club’s . Also, if your main contact is your cell phone, list that as your main number in the section labeled “PHONE” in addition to the cell phone section. You can list your home phone in the “Phone 2” section. It only takes a couple of minutes. (Directions on Page 11 of Coach’s Packet.) Need to put in link to the packet on the website Please check OFTEN! At least once a week.
Schedules Schedules are final and a link is posted on our website ( If you need to change a game due to weather or an unforeseen emergency please request it through GotSoccer. (Page 13) Remember, that the opposing team is not required to change. When requesting a change, check the other team’s schedule to see when they are available and put in an actual date and time. Sometimes it is easier to the coach and confirm a date and time before putting it into GotSoccer. In text box put multiple alternate dates and times to make up the game. If you receive a request, please acknowledge somehow (approve, denied, the coach).
Weather Cancellations
FIRST! If a game is cancelled at your field due to weather, please make sure you contact the opposing team’s coach or team manager, your team, and your club’s assignor. (You may want to check with your own club to see who has the authority to cancel a game.) SECOND! If your club has a website, post the closure on your website. THIRD! Please talk with the opposing coach and reschedule the game as quickly as possible. FOURTH! Please us at to let us know the game has been cancelled. (Please include game number.) The WCSSF will move the game to a date AFTER the tournament which will give you a little time to confirm a new date. ALL games MUST be rescheduled within 24 hours; and played within 7 days.
Weather/Storms Game time
There are times that storms come through at game time or the weather conditions worsen. Here are the procedures to follow: At the first sight of lightning, the referees or field monitors should suspend the game for 30 minutes. All players and coaches need to seek shelter in their cars or a grounded shelter building Each time lightning is spotted, the clock is reset. At the end of 30 minutes, the referee and/or field monitor will check the conditions to see if it is safe to return to the fields. If it is safe, the game will resume at the point of the suspension of the game.
Weather/Storms cont. A game can be delayed for up to an hour before it becomes necessary to reschedule unless... If the game reaches half-time, completing the first half of the game, the game is considered played in full and the score stands as the final score. If the game did not reach half-time, the game must be rescheduled and played in its entirety from the beginning of the game.
Weather/Storms cont. Important FYI’s:
If there is a potential for weather to occur during a game and the referees are young, the coaches need to talk with the center referee before the game starts and have a plan. Coaches are not the ones to suspend a game. It is the responsibility of the referee or the field monitor. If a Coach decides to leave a game without the referee officially ending the game, the team automatically forfeits.
Game Day Checklist Official Roster (laminated)
Player Cards (pictures, signature, laminated) Virtual player passes are NOT accepted within the WCSSF. Game Card (Spring HS especially, if more than 18 are rostered) only players listed on the Gotsoccer game card will be allowed to play. Coach’s Packet or WCSSF Rules & Regulations Pinnies for substituting If both teams are the same color, the home team must wear pinnies or change shirts. Home Team – provide 3 game balls A good attitude! Pinnies must be used. This is essential to keep the flow of the game going so that the referee does not have to delay the game for constant counts after substitutions.
Game Day Check List cont.
When you arrive at the field… Are the referees there? They are required to arrive 30 minutes before a game. If the referees aren’t there within 15 minutes of game time, as the home team, you may want to check with someone. Is the other team there? If the other team hasn’t showed up within 15 minutes of game time, you may want to find out why.
Players - FYI WCSSF does not allow “GUEST” players for any game.
A “GUEST” player is a player that is not rostered on your team. Any player that participates in a game must be on the printed Gotsoccer game card, have a player pass with a picture with your team name on the pass.
Players – FYI cont. If you are down players and do not have the number to field a full team, you have three options: #1: You can play down; and the opposing team must match your numbers. #2: You can forfeit, and not play. #3: You can forfeit, but turn the game into a “friendly” game. In this situation, you may use another player that is registered within your club for the current season. However, regardless of the outcome’, the score will be recorded as 4-0 in favor of the opposing team. (Please check with the opposing team, to see if this option is acceptable to them first.)
Uniforms Please make sure your team meets the requirements.
Each player MUST have the same uniform. This includes the following… same color sock same predominate color shorts same color shirt unique Jersey # Goalies should have a different color shirt/jersey/pinnie than his teammates and the other team. Goalies are allowed to wear different shorts and socks than team mates while in goal. However, when the goalie changes position, he must match the team completely. Please make sure your team meets the requirements.
What is a Concussion? Concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury, is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Concussions can also occur from a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth-literally causing the brain to bounce around or twist within the skull. This sudden movement of the brain causes stretching and tearing of brain cells, damaging the cells and creating chemical changes in the brain. Is it possible to not let them continue until they go to this site and complete the program
Recognize a Concussion
Concussions can result from a fall or from athletes colliding with each other, the ground, or with an obstacle, such as a goalpost. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. As a coach you are on the front line in identifying an athlete with a suspected concussion. You know your athletes well and can recognize when something is off—even when the athlete doesn’t know it or doesn’t want to admit it.
Spotting a Concussion So to help spot a concussion, you should watch for and ask others to report the following two things: 1. A forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head. AND 2. Any concussion signs or symptoms, such as a change in the athlete’s behavior, thinking, or physical functioning.
Signs and Symptoms – Reported
Headache or “pressure” in head Nausea or vomiting Balance problems or dizziness Double or blurry vision Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Concentration or memory problems Confusion Just not “feeling right” or is “feeling down” Signs and Symptoms Reported by the Player
Signs and Symptoms - Observed
Appears dazed or stunned Is confused about assignment or position Forgets an instruction Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Moves clumsily Answers questions slowly Loses consciousness (even briefly) Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall Can’t recall events after hit or fall Signs and Symptoms Observed by the Coach
Concussion Action Plan
Remove the athlete from play. Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. Do not try to judge the seriousness of the injury yourself. Inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion and give them the fact sheet on concussion. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury. An athlete should only return to play with permission from a health care professional, who is experienced in evaluating for concussion.
Concussion – Final Thought
Safety Concerns Heat/Cold Related illnesses
Safety Straps for Eye Glasses No Jewelry of any kind (medical alert) Shin Guards MUST be worn Lightning/Thunder (each club has different guidelines, please obey!) This includes objects worn in the hair
Substitutions Substitutions are allowed on Kick Offs, Goal Kicks, and Throw-ins. (For throw-ins, both teams may substitute on a throw in as long as the team with possession has a substitute to come in. ) However, you MUST wait for the Referee to call the substitutes onto the field. Each substitute should carry on pinnie and give it to the person going off the field. For Injured players (wait until referee calls you on)
Game Reports After each game, the coach, assistant coach, team manager, someone from the team MUST submit a game report. Teams whose coach does not submit reports, will NOT be able to participate in the tourney. Refer to Pages in Coach’s Packet. The WCSSF reviews each of the game reports. As needed, the WCSSF follows up on the incident and/or problem. You may or may not get an response from us; but, please, know that we are addressing the situation. Feel free to include positive comments as well. The WCSSF will forward these as appropriate.
Special Rules 10U There are no PUNTS allowed
Defenders must move back past the build out line Absolutely NO Headers for 10U’s
New Heading Rule from USSF
Effective with Spring 2016 all players 11U and lower are not allowed to head the ball in practice or games. For 10U games heading the ball results in an indirect free kick for the opposing team. 10U and 11U players on 12U teams heading is not allowed. It is the responsibility of the coach and parents to enforce this rule at the 12U level.
Special Rules – High School
High School (Fall ONLY) Goalies CANNOT punt or drop kick the ball. Goal kicks must NOT travel past midfield in the air. Goalies may throw the ball over midfield. There IS offside.
Division Overview # of Length Length of Minimum # # Allowed
Division Players of Halves Half-Time of Players on Roster 10U 7v7 25 minutes 12U 9v9 30 minutes 15U 11v11 35 minutes HS (Fall) 7v7 35 minutes HS (Spr) 11v11 45 minutes (18) The fall season will mark the changes in the number of players on the field for U10 and U12
Slide Tackle Slide Tackle allowed but highly discouraged due to the possible injury factor 10U – highly discouraged 12U – highly discouraged 15U – discouraged Teaching players proper technique Understand the impact of improper slide tackle Stress the importance of discouraging the use of slide tackles during matches. Talk about how we (coaches) not teaching proper technique and how certain age groups may not be able to comprehend the impact of an improper slide tackle.
Coaching Education Indiana Soccer Licensing US Soccer Licensing
“F” License Two Hour Course, online ($25) Highly recommended for any coach and parent Video: “E” License 18 Hour Coarse Free to all Indiana Soccer Members ($6 Admin Fee) Others Licenses Indiana Soccer Licensing – No longer being offered US Soccer Licensing F License E License Click on video
Final Notes Teams need more than one coach
Teaching of un-sportsman like play Sportsman Like Play Stress the important of needing more than one coach per team. Emphasize the things happen that a coach may not show up, or some incident happens Teaching of un-sportsman like play will not be tolerated Re-cap sportsmanlike play
These slides will be posted on the WCSSF Website.
Coaches Meeting Final Thoughts Please make sure that your club is aware of the changes that will go into effect in the fall season of 2016 Age group changes Field size changes Number of players on the field These slides will be posted on the WCSSF Website. Final Thoughts and Questions Slides posted on WCSSF Website
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