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The Great War, 1914−18, and its aftermath
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective The Great War, 1914−18, and its aftermath Topics: Overview: the world economy 1914−39 The gathering storm: world tensions before 1914 The Great War, 1914−18 (a.k.a. World War I, First World War) Economic impact of the war Domestic policy objectives after the armistice Economic consequences of the political settlement Financial policies in the early 1920s Restoration of the Gold Standard International trade: the war and its aftermath Summing up: economic performance in the 1920s Reading: get started with Eichengreen, B. Globalizing Capital, pp. 45 – 72 Key issues: What were the key factors driving the development of the world economy in the years immediately preceding the outbreak of war in 1914? What were the economic effects of the Great War, 1914–18, including the peace settlement that followed? How were states’ domestic and international economic policies affected? What were the main features of the world economy in the 1920s (to 1929)? How is it possible to account for the different experiences among the major industrialised countries in this period? How is it possible to account for the monetary upheavals following the war and their effects on economic performance? How, why and with what implications was the Gold Standard restored in the 1920s? Why was restoration so fraught with difficulty? Key concepts: fluctuating exchange rates; Treaty of Versailles; reparations; hyperinflation; Gold Exchange Standard EC120, week 19
Overview: the world economy, 1914−39
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Overview: the world economy, 1914−39 Four phases: The `Great War’, World War I, 1914−18 The aftermath of war in the 1920s The Great Depression, late-1920s to mid-1930s Recovery from mid-1930s and rearmament Four phases: The `Great War’, World War I, 1914−18 Marked a watershed of political, social and economic affairs Dislocation of economic life, massive destruction, esp. loss of life. Influenza pandemic at the end of the war may have killed more people, world-wide, than the hostilities themselves. The aftermath of war in the 1920s A decade of upheaval as Governments sought, with only partial success, to restore the stability and prosperity of the pre-war era: circumstances had changed Fractured international relations, partly stemming from: (i) reparations from Germany; (ii) inter-allied debts; (iii) geo-political divisions resulting from re-drawn national boundaries. International policy focused on restoration of the Gold Standard, and trade policies (tariffs and import quotas) The Great Depression, late-1920s to mid-1930s From 1929 the U.S. led the world into deep economic decline Continued retreat from open international trade to autarky Recovery from mid-1930s and rearmament Abandonment of the GS enabled nations to pursue recovery policies, e.g. New Deal in U.S., building boom (albeit mild) in UK Germany adopted National Socialism: the militaristic Third Reich As another war loomed, many nations adopted rearmament policies EC120, week 19
The Gathering Storm: the world before 1914
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective The Gathering Storm: the world before 1914 Instabilities in the world economy: Globalisation created tensions: the “great specialisation” of international trade had reached its limits Political developments had international implications Europe drifted to war, propelled by national rivalries Instabilities in the world economy (identified with hindsight): Globalisation created pressures for economic change as the “great specialisation” of international trade reached its limits: “South”: as primary producers seek to industrialise they impose tariffs “North”: declining agricultural sector secures protection Era of low primary product prices may have been drawing to a close Political developments had international implications Extensions of the franchise fuel nationalist ideologies and policies: Demands for government intervention to address social ills, expanding the role of governments into costly welfare programmes, requiring higher taxes Simmering ethnic tensions, especially antisemitism in Europe Support for protection from foreign competition (e.g. tariffs) Europe drifted to war propelled by national rivalries: A nexus of “isms”: nationalism, imperialism, militarism and socialism nationalism – ethnic allegiances, not necessarily reflected in geographical boundaries imperialism – quest for colonies, partly for “status”, partly for economic gain militarism – increased wealth paid for military power to assert nationhood and acquire colonies socialism – mass working-class movements given voice with the extension of the franchise “Balance of power” is upset with the consolidation of Germany, together with uneven population growth (esp. in Russia and Germany) EC120, week 19
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective
The Great War, 1914−1918 Fought mainly in Europe on two fronts, East & West Mostly a land war: stalemate at sea Became a war of attrition Economic policy: `maximum slaughter at minimum expense’ (?) Despite the tensions, Europe had enjoyed relative peace since 1815: Conflict had occurred (e.g. Franco-Prussian War, 1870−1) but mostly outside Europe and, with the exception of the American Civil War, 1861−5, without massive loss of life and property 1914−18 war fought mainly in Europe on two fronts, East & West Also: Mesopotamia, Gallipoli, Balkans, N. Italy & parts of Africa Mostly a land war: stalemate at sea; British naval blockade of Germany; countered by German U-boat action that disrupted merchant shipping Central powers: Germany, Habsburg (Austria-Hungary) & Ottoman Empires Allied powers: France, Russia, Britain, Italy & U.S.A. (from 1917) Initially expected to be `over by Christmas’ 1914 but dragged on to 11/11/1918 Became a war of attrition, mainly on the Western Front in France, which suffered the most physical damage and loss of life among the Allies on the Western Front Even more severe losses on the more mobile Eastern Front; Russia made a separate peace in 1917 (ahead of the Bolshevik Revolution, Oct. 1917), after suffering the greatest loss of life among the Allies (on any front of the war) Economic policy: `maximum slaughter at minimum expense’ (Bertrand Russell quipped somewhat unfairly and probably inaccurately against Keynes’s supposed advocacy) EC120, week 19
Economic impact of the war, 1
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Economic impact of the war, 1 Diversion of industrial resources to the war effort Disruption of international trade: Allies attempted to blockade German imports German U-boat campaign against allied shipping Shipping costs increased: market `disintegration’ International trade did not collapse, it was distorted Diversion of industrial resources to the war effort Increased production of war materials: munitions, armaments, ships Diversion of `human capital’ (increased female labour force participation) Domestic production to substitute for imports deemed inessential Disruption of international trade Allies attempted to blockade German imports, with a `distant’ blockade German U-boat campaign against allied shipping reached a climax in 1917 Belligerent governments’ commercial policies directed trade for strategic goals, e.g., British McKenna tariff, 1915, on imports of `luxury goods’ contrary to Free Trade commitment; tariffs maintained after the war Shipping costs (e.g. insurance) increased: market `disintegration’ But international trade did not collapse: its pattern was distorted in ways that resulted in long-term disruption to international economic relations. Allied imports not reduced as severely as those of Germany. Even so the European allies (esp. Britain) lost overseas markets, that proved very difficult to recover after the war (indeed some markets were lost forever as some countries, esp. North and South America pursued industrialisation themselves). Large falls in belligerents’ exports: substantial trade deficits, matched by surpluses elsewhere, especially USA (which exported armaments and munitions to Europe). Primary producers (e.g. Canada, Latin America, also USA) expanded to meet shortfalls in European production – though the Central powers (most importantly Germany) were excluded. EC120, week 19
Economic impact of the war, 2
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Economic impact of the war, 2 Dislocation of international and domestic finance Domestic Govt debt increased to fund budget deficits Inter-allied debts accumulated Government intervention to control economic activity Physical losses Mainly military and naval personnel Destruction in France, Belgium, Italy and Poland Dislocation of international and domestic finance Domestic Government debt increased to fund budget deficits Depletion of British overseas capital assets, especially in U.S. Gold Standard façade was maintained but direct controls meant that GS was effectively suspended – and European currencies depreciated such that exchange rates no longer matched pre-war gold parities. Most importantly the U.S. dollar became overvalued compared with most European currencies. Inter-allied debts accumulated (plaguing relations after the war’s end) Government intervention to control economic activity Mobilisation achieved with government directives to industry and labour, reversing decades of very limited intervention, e.g., conscription reluctantly imposed in Britain from 1916 Government intervention was only partially dismantled after the war. Demobilisation was swift (and disruptive) but many other controls remained. Physical losses Mainly of human capital, i.e. military and naval personnel (very limited direct civilian losses, unlike World War II) Destruction of parts of France, Belgium, Italy and Poland Allied merchant shipping suffered from U-boat attacks (but not on the scale of World War II) Spanish ‘flu pandemic: the severity of the pandemic became evident in the latter months of (probably its inception was several months earlier), probably stemming from war-time conditions in Northern France and Germany; a particularly lethal variety of ‘flu, what began as epidemic spread throughout the world, arguably resulting in more deaths than directly in war- time action (though spread more widely). EC120, week 19
Policy objectives after the armistice
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Policy objectives after the armistice Government policies remained more interventionist Swift demobilisation of armies Commercial policy: favoured trade barriers Political pressure for greater economic intervention Force Germany to pay punitive reparations Government policies remained more interventionist Attempted, not always successfully, to facilitate the return to a peace-time economy, e.g. swift demobilisation of armies Money & finance: attempted to return to pre-1914 Gold Standard Commercial policy: favoured trade barriers to sustain changed patterns of production in the war Extension of the franchise and the development (which had started before 1914) of socialist political parties continued the shift towards greater state involvement in economic life: State gradually accepts greater responsibility for social welfare (e.g. unemployment compensation, pensions, relief of poverty, education) Acceptance (perhaps reluctantly) of a role for organised labour, e.g. shorter working week, wages more downwardly rigid Continued trend towards larger business units, often supported by the state, but reducing competition (more monopoly pricing) Demand by the Allies, especially France, to make the defeated nations, especially Germany, pay punitive reparations EC120, week 19
Economic consequences of the political settlement
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Economic consequences of the political settlement Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Reparations: heavy burden imposed on Germany Other geopolitical developments: Disintegration of Habsburg and Ottoman empires; Japan acquired territory on Asian mainland The October Revolution, 1917: Communism in Russia The “aching tooth” of inter-allied war debts In the photo (left to right): David Lloyd George (UK), Vittorio Orlando (Italy), Georges Clemenceau (France), Woodrow Wilson (USA). Treaty of Versailles, 1919 (resulting from the Paris peace conference) Reparations: heavy burden imposed on Germany Criticised for being unrealistically high, esp. by Keynes A sequence of negotiations and plans during 1920s never fully resolved the issues; although some payments were made, attempts to collect reparations were effectively abandoned in 1932 Disputes greatly soured international relations in 1920s & beyond Changes in Germany’s boundaries: loss of territory to France and Poland Other geopolitical developments with economic consequences: Disintegration of Habsburg and Ottoman empires (resulting in several new nation states); Japan acquired territory on Asian mainland Russian revolution: communist USSR retreats into autarky Extension of the franchise: many nations became `more democratic’ Inter-allied war debts, mainly to U.S., which insisted on full payment Europeans tried to link debts with reparations but U.S. resisted; engaged in bilateral negotiations but without overall international co-operation. In the pre-war decades European nations had accumulated overseas assets which cushioned against fluctuations in international payments (gold losses) – the war was such a shock that it replaced assets with debt (Germany being the extreme case) rendering stabilisation much trickier. “Like an aching tooth, war debts distracted attention.” (Kindleberger) – “distracted attention” from the pressing problems of re-constructing trade and world economic harmony. EC120, week 19
Financial policies in the early 1920s
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Financial policies in the early 1920s Interwar policies dominated by the `Return to Gold’ Early 1920s: freely floating exchange rates 1919: boom and slump Governments struggle with debt management & fiscal imbalances Hyperinflation most severe in Germany, 1922−23 Currencies stabilised without international co-ordination Interwar policies dominated by the `Return to Gold’ But most countries returned only from mid-1920s to early 1930s Among Govt’s it was generally accepted that the GS should be restored as soon as possible after the war, thereby restoring monetary stability Although wartime currency controls were lifted shortly after the armistice, few countries swiftly re-introduced convertibility to gold Early 1920s: freely floating exchange rates 1919: boom and slump (consequence of changing patterns of demand) European Govt’s were pre-occupied with debt management and fiscal imbalance: reluctance to raise interest rates or reduce budget deficits Budget deficits (lax fiscal policy) & high short-term debt conflicted with the tight monetary policy needed to restore GS: inflation relative to $US Hyperinflation most severe in Germany, 1922−23 Different currencies were stabilised without international co-ordination, although exceptionally stabilisation of the German mark was achieved with international co-operation. Despite diverging price levels, with a general depreciation against the $US (which retained its parity with gold), there was a general expectation that currencies (esp. UK sterling, French franc and German mark) would return to the GS “as soon as possible” (but not necessarily at pre-war parities) EC120, week 19
Restoration of the Gold Standard
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Restoration of the Gold Standard Restoration of GS required differential deflation rates Difficult without international co-operation Govt’s sought stability at pre-war parities Domestic political objectives made this difficult Burdens of reparations & debts inhibited co-operation Restoration of GS required differential deflation rates in Europe especially difficult to achieve in the absence of international co-operation But determination to return to GS was reinforced by inflations of the early 1920s: Govt’s sought stability at pre-war parities (but some devalued) The restored standard was a Gold Exchange Standard , in which few currencies comprised full-bodied gold coins. Also, gold bullion reserves (which enabled convertibility of paper currency into gold) were only part of official reserves. Part was in the form of reserves of other currencies for which gold parities had been adopted. Domestic political objectives made this difficult: wages and prices less flexible than pre-1914, reflecting deep conflicts about distribution of income Parts of society, esp. workers, would suffer (temporarily, perhaps) in the adjustments: Govt’s were more probably more sensitive than pre-1914 Internationally, the burdens of reparations & debts inhibited co-operation Central banks restored depleted gold & foreign exchange reserves each trying to increase its national share of an essentially fixed world total Despite the difficulties, major nations returned to GS: Germany in 1924, Britain in 1925, & France (effectively in 1926, devalued by 80% from 1913) Restoration in Britain was particularly controversial: Keynes argued that (nominal) wages would need to be reduced by about 10%, and that this would be hard to achieve − but the pre-war parity had totemic status Thus, GS was restored without resolving the deeper problems (domestic policy conflicts & weak international co-operation) that led to its demise EC120, week 19
International trade: the war & its aftermath
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective International trade: the war & its aftermath During 1914−18 world-wide production capacity expanded in key traded goods sectors Fall in agricultural prices in 1920s was particularly notable (and continued in 1930s) Widespread intensification of obstacles to international trade Consequent fall in incomes of primary producers, which reduced their demand (their imports) from the industrialised nations, in turn acting as a break on economic prosperity World-wide production capacity expanded during the war in key traded goods sectors (to some extent continuing pre-war trends): Primary producers had expanded, partly in response to reduced European output during the war, e.g. in cereals production Heavy industries (metals, engineering, shipbuilding) had expanded in Europe to meet the urgent needs of war Non-European manufacturing capacity had expanded, partly to meet the shortfall from Europe, as production was diverted to war needs Fall in agricultural prices after the war was particularly notable Led to depression in Europe and calls for intensified protection In North America farmers were driven into debt, the burden of which intensified with further falls in price, especially in the early 1930s Primary producers responded by restricting manufactured imports Widespread adoption of obstacles to international trade Partly a reluctance to dismantle war-time controls, partly new trade barriers Reduced multilateral trade, more bilateral trade deals & discrimination “… never before in history were trade barriers raised so rapidly or discrimination so generally practised” (League of Nations, 1942, quoted in Findlay & O’Rourke, p.444, spelling corrected) Tensions of the 1920s were exacerbated in the 1930s, & barriers intensified EC120, week 19
Summing up: economic performance
EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective Summing up: economic performance A mixed performance, despite upheavals: Labour productivity continued to increase Mass production of private automobiles & consumer goods U.S. prosperity in the `Roaring Twenties’ Older, `heavy industries’ stagnated, especially in Britain Primary producers continued to suffer, with adverse impacts elsewhere A mixed performance, despite upheavals in the aftermath of war: Labour productivity continued to increase, with more time being taken in leisure (shorter working week meant that income per worker increased more slowly than productivity) Expansion in electricity generation supported growth in consumer durables Mass production of private automobiles and consumer durables, became widespread especially in the U.S. which experienced widespread prosperity in the `Roaring Twenties’, including a real-estate boom The older, `heavy industries’, e.g. coal, steel, ship-building, stagnated, especially in Britain, in which they had been dominant before 1914. European countries’ fortunes varied according to when they returned to GS (the later the better) and their dependence on heavy industry and/or agriculture (the less the better) Primary producers continued to suffer with low export prices but attempted to industrialise behind tariff barriers EC120, week 19
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