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Your Irvington Transcript

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1 Your Irvington Transcript
12th Grade Senior Class Size: 610 Updated: 9/2017

2 Your Counselors A-Do: Ms. Velazco Dr-Kr: Ms. Bennett Ku-Ng: Ms. Mintey
Nh-So: Ms. Velasquez Sp-Z: Ms. Serrano ** College & Career Specialist: Ms. Abogado**

3 Best ways for Students to contact a counselor:
Counselors have student drop-in times listed on their doors.

4 Visit the Counselor’s Corner and the College and Career Center online for answers to many frequently asked questions… Counselor’s Corner: Important announcements Requesting recommendations PowerPoints/ FAQs Resources for students struggling academically Resources for health and wellness 4 year plan College Planning Checklist Graduation reqs/college entrance reqs a-g list And more!

5 …Including instructions on requesting a recommendation FOR PRIVATE COLLEGES from your counselor. Any type of academic dishonesty and/or discipline records are required to be reported by student and counselor on application.

6 Early Action/Early Decision Packet Deadline: 9/28/17
Regular Decision Packet (do not need to submit if submitting an early packet) Deadline: 10/25/17 The UC & CSU systems DO NOT accept letters of recommendations *Except UC Berkeley by invitation only ***Any request packets received after the deadline will NOT receive a counselor evaluation*** electronic transcript fee: $10 (Pay at Viking Vendor)

7 Career Center Webpage College and Career Center: SAT info and test prep options Calendar showing upcoming visits from college reps and workshops College requirement info Financial aid information College application information Career information Military information Scholarship information Senior checklist And more!!

8 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does Senior Year Matter to Colleges?
Your senior year, colleges expect you to maintain a similar GPA and course rigor. Private colleges (NOT CSU/UCs) make most admission decisions AFTER they ask your counselor to submit your 1st semester grades. College admission is CONDITIONAL. You can be rescinded for dropping a class after you apply or if your GPA is not similar to what you applied with. Students are responsible for notifying colleges if they drop a course or have a failing grade senior year. Colleges CAN and DO RESCIND ADMISSION!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you understand your capabilities and have chosen a manageable 12th grade schedule.

9 Naviance Naviance helps with college and career planning. College/major search, career surveys, college super search/matching capabilities, etc. Scroll down to find the Naviance info page.

10 Transcripts

11 Req: Required Rec: Received In-Prog: In Progress Sched: Scheduled for semester 2 Credit Summary Credits Needed

12 Graduation Reqs Versus UC/CSU Reqs
What are the main differences? (a-g Requirements) Graduation Reqs Versus UC/CSU Reqs English- 40 credits (area “b”) English- same Health- 5 credits PE- 20 credits (area “c”) Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 (minimum) Algebra more credits of math Fine Art OR World Language OR CTE (area “f” and “e”) Fine Art AND World Lang Social Science- World History, US History, Gov/Econ (area “a”) Social Science- same Science- 20 credits- Biological (Biology, Sports Therapy) AND Physical (Int. Sci, Chem, Biotech) (area “d”) Science- 20 credits (prefer Bio and Chem/Biotech) Electives: 75 credits required. Any class taken after a subject requirement is met is counted as an elective (Ex: Your 3rd year of science counts as an elective). SAT or ACT 40 hours of community service

13 Credit Recovery Add zero period PE Adult School: Has a Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter. Students can take 2 classes (10 credits total) per quarter. See your counselor to register. Robertson High School: Consider Robertson as an option for graduation. Robertson requires fewer credits to graduate and students can complete classes in an accelerated manner, earning more than 60 credits per year. See your counselor ASAP if you need to make-up credits.

14 Service Hours
Click here to get started. There is an app available. Search Apple or Google Play: ServiceKarma (one word) See Mr. Lewis in rm 225 before or after school if you have questions. Your transcript will reflect a max of 40 hours Due date: 5/15/18 October 31st is the last day to upload hours from previous years!!

15 Know Irvington’s a-g list
*When using this for college apps, make sure you click on the year that you took the course. Every class at Irvington that fulfills an a-g subject requirement for CSU and UC admission can be found on this list. Use this when working on CSU/UC applications! Also use this list when reporting the Ohlone dual enrollment courses you have taken while at IHS (Ex: Irvington’s Spanish 3 should also be reported on your college applications as Ohlone’s Spanish 101B).

16 Non Irvington Classes and four-year College Applications
Application workshop for students in the college and career center on parent conference minimum days Includes: Ohlone classes taken on our campus Classes taken on a college campus or at a non FUSD High School Order transcripts from the institution now so that you can accurately report course titles and grades (IHS does NOT have Ohlone transcripts). For Ohlone dual enrollment classes, list the Irvington class AND the Ohlone class on your applications exactly as it appears on your original transcripts.

17 SAT Reasoning Test: ACT:
UCs require the ACT with writing. Test deadlines for admission vary by college. Class of 2018 can submit old or new SAT results Visit the College and Career Center’s webpage on for information on the SAT/ACT and test prep options.

18 Community Colleges Requirements: 18 years old OR have a high school diploma 113 California campuses 2.1 million students Vocational programs like Registered Nursing and Automotive Technology Complete 60 units and transfer to a four-year college as a junior More than 1/3 of IHS Students start at a community college ½ of UC graduates in STEM Majors started at a community college

19 Are you going to college next year?? Complete the FAFSA!!!
Financial Aid ALL students and parents NEED to complete the FAFSA Types of Financial Aid: Grants Scholarships Loans Are you going to college next year?? Complete the FAFSA!!! FAFSA Filing Period is October 1-March 2 School District will send all GPA verifications this year. Check the College and Career Center’s webpage for more information. Financial Aid Night on 9/19/17 6:15 pm ay IHS

20 Final Thought When thinking about colleges, ask yourself:
Just remember, there are many different paths to happiness, choose the one that is right for you. Remind your parents: Parent Information Session with the counselors on Am I applying to these colleges because of the name or because of what they have to offer? Can I share a classroom with 500 students? Do I like snow? Can I do my own laundry and cook for myself? Am I ready to attend a four year college? Is a community college the right fit for me? Do I have the money to attend this college? Will I be in debt when I leave?

21 Things to think about: 1. Broaden your definition of success. 2. Take care of yourself (mind, body, health). 3. Do what is best for you. 4. Ask for help (see your counselor, counseling website has resources).

22 Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30
You are invited to attend: College Night Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30 Ohlone main campus Epler gym Reps from all the UCS, most of the CSUs, and many private universities will be in attendance.

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