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SMART Picking Up the Reins Again Brindisi – Jan 2017 Robert Gordon

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1 SMART Picking Up the Reins Again Brindisi – Jan 2017 Robert Gordon
UNITED NATIONS PEACE KEEPING OPERATIONS SMART Picking Up the Reins Again Brindisi – Jan 2017 Robert Gordon TF Revision July 2007 1

2 “ In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are quite useless, but that planning is indispensible. ” Gen Dwight D Eisenhower

3 UN (Generic) Integrated Mission
SRSG UN Authority UN OPCON UN TACON P/DSRSG DSRSG RC/HC Coordination JMAC JOC Chief of Staff/Chief Cabinet DMS UNDP OCHA Elections DDR Political Affairs Legal Chief Integrated Support Services UNICEF UNHCR Gender Press/ Public Info Human Rights Rule of Law OHCHR JLOG WFP Police Commissioner Force Commander WHO Nat Org Police advisers Formed Police Units NGO UNMOs Engineers Sectors and Contingents Force Support Elements

Conflict Prevention Conflict Peace Enforcement Peacemaking Ceasefire Peacekeeping Post-conflict Peace-building & preventing relapse into conflict Political Process

5 Why Integrated Missions and Planning?
Need for lasting peace, not just addressing conflict and immediate post-conflict; Recognizes the inter-relationships of security, peacebuilding, development and human rights; Requires an over-arching strategic vision to bring all actors on the same track and planning that reflects that vision. Large UN presence, with overlapping mandates, needs coherent UN policy towards the national authorities, and a clear and coherent path towards achieving the strategic vision.

6 Peacekeeping Operation
Post-Conflict Tasks & Actors Post-Conflict Tasks Stabilization Transition Long-term Development ECONOMIC GOV INFRA INVESTMT CIVIL ADMIN ELECTIONS POLITICAL SECURITY DDR RULE OF LAW CAPACITY BLDG HUMANIT ASST IFIs: World Bank/IMF UN Country Team, Donors, International and Regional Orgs and NGOs Peacekeeping Operation LOCAL INSTITUTIONS ICRC / Humanitarian Orgs/Donors/NGOs Time Sustainable Peace Conflict

7 Integration of Planning
Humanitarian Development Reconstruction of infrastructure Early Recovery Food Distribution Health Services Social Services Livelihoods and employment Poverty Reduction Refugee Return / Resettlement Provision of shelter Rule of Law Human Rights Transitional Governance Humanitarian Coordination DDR SSR Elections Protection Civilian Protection Security Observation & Monitoring Political Mediation Transitional Administration Stabilization TF Revision July 2007 7

8 SMART UN Leader Competencies
Effective communicator High professional knowledge and technical competence Conceptual thinker (anticipates issues, plans ahead, manages change) Ability to operate in a complex integrated environment (multicultural, multidimensional, multinational) Ability to build teams and agreements Shows integrity (and moral courage) Or Remember Aristotle Pathos - Ethos - Logos TF Revision Dec 2007 8

9 In Modern Thought All SMART leaders need to use a mix of :
The what – transactional leadership The how – instrumental leadership The why - transformational leadership (creating the vision) Transformational leaders tend to start at the why (vision of future affects behaviour of the present.) Transactional leaders tend to start at the what, but there should be balance.

10 Relationships for UN Senior Leaders.
(Move from transactional to transformational) Coordination with UN Family and Partners (Area of Influence) Cooperation with external partners (Area of Interest) Integration of Mission Components (Area of Control)

11 “It is amazing what you can achieve when you do not care who takes the credit”
Harry S Truman

12 Core Business of UN PK Operations (Capstone Doctrine)
Create a secure and stable environment while strengthening the State’s ability to provide security with full respect for the rule of law and human rights. Facilitate the political process by promoting dialogue and reconciliation and supporting the establishment of legitimate and effective institutions of governance. Provide an integration framework for ensuring that all UN and other international actors pursue their activities at the country level in a coherent and coordinated manner. Activities must be integrated by SRSG and leadership team. All missions should have an agreed Mandate Implementation Plan, Joint Operations Centre (JOC), Joint Mission Logistic Centre (JMOC), and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). Recognise the Importance of intelligence and encourage JMAC Planning should include effective “intelligence preparation of the Area of Ops”. Need to plan transition from conflict to stability and sustainment. Prepare a flexible mandate implementation plan. Requires Coordination and Cooperation ( Prioritising, harmonising, sequencing activities by components Communications – important – internal and external Mission will be working with a multitude of internal nad external actors, locally, regionally and internationally

13 Conflict Tree 1 Symptoms Symptoms Visible Effects Symptoms Symptoms
“The Problem” A simple graphic of a conflict tree looks like this. (Handout of this will be available in syndicate rooms.) Let’s work through one together. Core Issues Factors Factors Factors Factors Factors Roots Causes TF Revision July 2007

14 Conflict Tree 2 Outcomes Outcomes Achieved Effects Outcomes Outcomes
“The Solution” Strategic Goal A simple graphic of a conflict tree looks like this. (Handout of this will be available in syndicate rooms.) Let’s work through one together. Strategic Vision Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Measurable Outputs TF Revision July 2007

15 Principles of UN Peacekeeping
Consent Non Use of Force Except in Self Defence and Defence of the Mandate Impartiality Legitimacy Credibility Local and National Ownership Activities must be integrated by SRSG and leadership team. All missions should have an agreed Mandate Implementation Plan, Joint Operations Centre (JOC), Joint Mission Logistic Centre (JMOC), and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). Recognise the Importance of intelligence and encourage JMAC Planning should include effective “intelligence preparation of the Area of Ops”. Need to plan transition from conflict to stability and sustainment. Prepare a flexible mandate implementation plan. Requires Coordination and Cooperation ( Prioritising, harmonising, sequencing activities by components Communications – important – internal and external Mission will be working with a multitude of internal nad external actors, locally, regionally and internationally

16 CDF flees Mia and commits HR violations in Leppko
AMIC AMIC CDF flees Mia and commits HR violations in Leppko CDF CDF CDF CDF UNAC: under-strength and scattered CDF CDF CDF MLCS commits HR abuses in Mia AMIC MLSC AMIC MLCS MLCS MLCS MLSC

17 Analytical Navigation Points
Use of Force Ownership Consent Legitimacy Impartiality Credibility

18 Main Conclusions of Carana “Principles” Analysis Pt 1
UNAC still has strategic consent for its operation, but local consent is uncertain, especially in the South. Kalari Peace Agreement is holding but only just. The peace is fragile as is the peace process. For structural, geographical and political reasons, UNAC has been unable to respond robustly to the use of force in Leppko by “spoilers” and has been insufficiently engaged multi-dimensionally in Leppko Province. As a result the mission has lost much credibility internationally and nationally and is losing legitimacy in Leppko Province. Activities must be integrated by SRSG and leadership team. All missions should have an agreed Mandate Implementation Plan, Joint Operations Centre (JOC), Joint Mission Logistic Centre (JMOC), and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). Recognise the Importance of intelligence and encourage JMAC Planning should include effective “intelligence preparation of the Area of Ops”. Need to plan transition from conflict to stability and sustainment. Prepare a flexible mandate implementation plan. Requires Coordination and Cooperation ( Prioritising, harmonising, sequencing activities by components Communications – important – internal and external Mission will be working with a multitude of internal nad external actors, locally, regionally and internationally

19 Conclusions of Carana “Principles” Analysis Pt 2
Mission credibility and possibly the Carana peace process can only be restored by a major mission effort which amounts to a new Stabilization Plan for Leppko Province, with the necessary reallocation of mission resources. This is where we will pick up the threads again for the SMART Planning Week. Our planning and project management work will be focused on Leppko Province and what we in Mission Support need to do to support the Mission’s Stabilization Plan. Activities must be integrated by SRSG and leadership team. All missions should have an agreed Mandate Implementation Plan, Joint Operations Centre (JOC), Joint Mission Logistic Centre (JMOC), and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). Recognise the Importance of intelligence and encourage JMAC Planning should include effective “intelligence preparation of the Area of Ops”. Need to plan transition from conflict to stability and sustainment. Prepare a flexible mandate implementation plan. Requires Coordination and Cooperation ( Prioritising, harmonising, sequencing activities by components Communications – important – internal and external Mission will be working with a multitude of internal nad external actors, locally, regionally and internationally

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