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Accessibility & State Assessment
Dr. Melissa Gholson Accessibility & State Assessment
Closing the Accessibility Gap
Enhanced Assessment Grants Data Informed Accessibility-Making Optimal Needs Based Decisions (DIAMOND) Alternate English Language Learning Assessment (ALTELLA) OELA Grant-Improving Instruction of English Learners Through Accessibility Decision-Making Zoom WV-E Accommodations data Research projects that improve the validity of assessment results and interpretations for students with documented needs.
Participation Guidelines
for all personnel with access
Annual Training Training is required annually for all personnel with access to secure materials per WVBE Policy 2340
Participation Guidelines
Policy 2340 references the PG and other state policies (Policies 2419, 2417 and 2510). Document contains information on policies and state required assessments under WV-MAP, grades, contents, criteria for alternate assessment, accessibility supports and accommodations, processes, provision and monitoring requirements. Guidance on district required tests.
General Summative Assessment
Universal Tools Available to all students Designated Supports Available for Students with ELL, IEP, 504 and SAT Plans Accommodations Available for Students with IEP and 504 plans only. Embedded *Locally set in the platform Breaks Calculator Digital Notepad English Dictionary English Glossary Expandable Passages Global Notes Highlighter Keyboard Navigation Mark for Review Math Tools Spell Check Strikethrough Writing Tools *Zoom/P22 *Color Contrast/P28 Masking /P37 Text-to-Speech /P01 Translated Test Directions/P30 *Translations(Glossary)/P31 Translations (Stacked)/P32 *Turn off Any Universal Tools/P33 American Sign Language/P34 Braille/P03 or P35 Closed Captioning/P36 Text-to-Speech/P13 Streamline/ P43 Non-Embedded Locally provided New codes* Scratch Paper Thesaurus Bilingual Dictionary /R15 Color Contrast/P38 Color Overlay/P39 Magnification/P23 Read Aloud/P02 Scribe/R02 Separate Setting/T09 Translations(Glossary)/P41 Noise Buffers/P42 Read Aloud in Spanish /P46 Simplified Test Directions/P18* Abacus/R05 Alternate Response Options/R11 Calculator/R19 Multiplication Table/R20 Print on Demand/P40 Read Aloud/P14 Scribe/R04 Speech-to-Text/R21 100’s number table/R23* Our Crosswalk created the following codes to the SBAC framework. Smarter Balanced
Form Changes Other plans are updated to include the new codes.
ELL Plan, 504, Online IEP and SAT (called SAS in WOW). Supports are allowed in any plan. Accommodations are added to 504 and Online IEP Review and amend plans now. Students must practice on interims/diagnostics prior to summative. New
P18-Simplified Test Directions
Allowed for: WV-MAP tests Description: The test administrator simplifies or paraphrases the test directions found in the test administration manual according to the Simplified Test Directions guidelines Instructional Practices: For students who need directions broken into steps and/or into more simple language. Simplifying test directions should be consistent with classroom instruction and includes repeating or rephrasing. This may include breaking TAM directions into parts or segments or using similar words or phrases, but it should exclude defining words or concepts. When to select: Students who need additional support understanding the test directions may benefit from this resource. Students with difficulties in auditory processing, short-term memory, attention, or decoding may benefit from having test directions simplified for them. This designated support may require testing in a separate setting to avoid distracting other test takers. Test administrators must be familiar with the vocabulary used in the TAM directions and be able to speak clearly and at a normal pace with clear pronunciation. Test administrators must be patient and repeat test directions. It is recommended that the same test administrator be assigned to students for each day of testing.
R23-100’s number table Allowed for: General summative assessment
Description: A paper-based table listing numbers from 1–100 available from Smarter Balanced for reference. This is a non-embedded accommodation for grades 4 and above mathematics items. Instructional Practices: Students who need graphic organizers or manipulatives for visual processing to complete math tasks. When to select: Students with visual processing or spatial perception needs may find this beneficial, as documented in their IEP or 504 plan. The table can be printed for students requiring this accommodation. Use of other 100s number tables is prohibited. Students with dyscalculia may need this accommodation.
T09 -Provide separate setting
Allowed for: General summative assessment ELA and mathematics Description: Test location is altered so that the student is tested in a setting different from that made available for most students. Instructional Practice: Special seating arrangements for students who are easily distractible are provided within the classroom to improve focus. Students can come in during off periods to do homework or class assignments when the classroom has only a few students. During instruction and or testing, students are allowed an alternative environment. When to select: Students who are easily distracted (or may distract others) in the presence of other students, for example, may need an alternate location to be able to take the assessment… Notes for implementation-: This is not considered an accommodation for general summative assessment science. Changes in instructional and assessment locations can benefit students who are easily distracted in large group settings and who concentrate best in a small group or individual setting. Changes in location also benefit students who receive accommodations (e.g. reader, scribe, or frequent breaks) that might distract other students. Students with physical disabilities might need a more accessible location, specific room conditions, or special equipment. Students must be monitored during the entire testing period. It may be difficult to find testing locations that are private and free of distractions, especially when many students in a building are tested at the same time. Each student tested in a private location must be under the supervision of a trained examiner. These requirements apply to students tested in all locations, whether the student is assessed in the school building, at home, in a hospital, or a residential or other alternative setting.
P01-Text To Speech (TTS) Description:
Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology or a human. Only available in English. Instructional Practice: Student uses TTS and electronic reader software When TTS is not available teacher or assistant reads aloud to student Listening skills are formally taught, material is routinely read aloud and students understanding is monitored. Students listen to prerecorded audio interpretation books-on-tape for all text assignments. Test accommodations must be “consistent with the accommodations provided during instruction” (U.S. Department of Education, 2001).
TTS and Read Aloud Concerns
TTS and read aloud are impacted by: lack of use, or familiarity of the tool or accommodation. fatigue, when reading text and listening variable audio speed quality of audio presentation These designated supports rely on the ability of the student to be able to use auditory processing skills. These add to the cognitive load and negatively impact test results when students have not been taught auditory listening skills and had opportunity to be familiar. Thompson, S., Thurlow, M., & Moore, M. (2003). Using computer-based tests with students with disabilities (Policy Directions No. 15). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes. Retrieved [today's date], from the World Wide Web: Thompson, S.J., Johnstone, C.J., & Thurlow, M.L. (2002). Universal Design Applied to Large-scale Assessments (Synthesis Report 44). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes. I have 152 studies regarding read aloud and TTS for use with special populations with varying results. These accommodations have not been widely available to all students. No one really knows the effect of these on high stakes testing. Policies guiding the use of the read-aloud accommodation need to be based on research done at the state level.
Language Translations
Mathematics-ASL, stacked translations (with the Spanish translation directly above the English item) and primary pop up glossaries in Spanish, Vietnamese. Arabic, Tagalog, Ilokano, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Punjabi, Russian and Ukrainian. ELA Listening-Full translations of ASL Only translations that have gone through the translation process outlined in the Smarter Balanced Translation framework would be an accepted support Accommodations-Framework-for-Testing-ELL-Math.pdf What content areas will the test provide translations supports for ELLs? Math and ELA Listening
Bilingual Dictionary
Locally Set Supports Zoom
1.5X to 3X Select color Pop-up math glossaries are available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Tagalog, Ilokano, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Punjabi, Russian and Ukrainian.
ZOOM versus Magnification
Zoom is a universal tool. Default font sizes are 14 pt. The zoom feature will allow the size of text and graphics on the current screen. To increase the default size for the entire test from 1.5X to 3.0 X default size, the print size must be set in TIDE locally set by the test administrator prior to the start of the test. Administrators should seek input from VI teachers who will know what is the best size. Magnification is a non-embedded support using an assistive technology device
Critical Information Prior to assessment check the compatibility of any assistive technology. When there is a local support or accommodation involving human interaction outside the guidelines of test administration for example, translators, interpreters, scribes and or aides follow guidance in Policy 2340 & the Participation Guidelines for standard training, security and confidentiality requirements.
Reminders PG Appendix contains additional guidance for read aloud, translators, scribes, glossaries, etc. R11-Assistive technology should be used routinely and practiced in advance, including R21-STT. Sign and Language Interpreters must be approved and or certified Braille Options: P03 Braille fixed paper version P17 Braille Online Adaptive P35 Braille Online Fixed Form Math with Tactile Graphics
WVS 326 & Accommodations 14 Application
Monitoring and Provision of Accommodations WVS 326 & Accommodations 14 Application
Accessibility Provision & Monitoring
Accommodations 14 Application WVS.326 Accommodations Monitoring Form Documentation of provision Accommodations 14 Application is to review supports & accommodations.
WVS.326 Form Blocked areas mean this is not allowed.
All “no” responses must either have a code 1 or 2. If No and code is missing this constitutes an accommodations breach. Use number 2 pencils and do not fold, staple or paper clip forms. New form will be blue.
WVS.326 Form Two separate forms: General Summative and one for Alternate Summative & ELPA 21. The DTC’s responsible for WVS.326 training and form return by secure mail to OA within ten days of test window closing. Keep the “copies” and send us the original. Review the forms and follow up on any invalidations and investigations.
Review the WVS. 326 Forms Use the Accommodations 14 Application to verify pre-slugged data. Make any corrections. You can add by bubbling in the additional codes. You can not erase, use a new form. Verify any inaccuracies and make sure all corrections and updates are made in the WVEIS student information.
WVS.326 Monitoring Form Follow directions in the PG
Same procedure as in the past New form that includes latest codes Contact OA if you have any questions or need more forms. Train teachers on the procedures to document information and to report any over accommodations/under accommodations.
Accommodations 14 Application
Preparation and Monitoring of Accommodations Tool Accommodations 14 Application
Purpose of Accommodations 14
Provide formal training to all district and school administrators on the purpose and use of the Accm.14 App. Monitoring tool to review all supports and accommodations for any student with a plan on any given day. Tool to verify supports and accommodations are reflected for the assessment (TIDE) and (WVEIS) data system correctly.
WOW: Accommodations 14 App
Purpose of the Accm.14 application is to have one place to verify of accommodations of all students with plans. Updated daily into the assessment system for students with plans. Plan types (SAT, ELL, 504 and IEP) Students with assistance teams plans (SAT) who have been tagged as state assessment supports (SAS) All supports & accommodations should be used for instruction and monitoring of these is the best way to know if they are working.
Accommodations 14 Application
District and school administrators use the Accom. 14 Assessment Accommodations Application in WOW for a verification process to identify students on plans (IEP/504/SAT/LEP)who need supports/accommodations. Accommodations are updated daily from the individual student plan. Information can be reviewed at the student, school and district level. The accommodations application contains filters and allows users to sort by school, student ID, name, grade, accommodation and assessment type. The application allows printing or creation of spreadsheets.
Using the Accommodations 14 Application for General Assessment
Identify all students who need supports and accommodations Identify students by code: P01-Text to speech-how many headphones do you need per grouping P02- human read aloud (P02) is only provided in a one-on-one setting (T09). The adaptive nature of the ELA and math requires a one-on one administration. This will impact scheduling for school personnel.
Critical Practices R11- Make sure assistive technology works correctly. P21-Use screen reading software to access the computer. Be sure that JAWS is the correct version. Increase security when R11 is used.
Data System: Accommodations
Here is how to access ACCM.14 in WOW.
Accommodations 14 Application
Using the Application Directions Determine the kind of data you want. Which group will best fit your needs? Students with state assessments supports (SAS) –has been added to the application. Directions for using the application have been updated
What values can I filter/sort?
School Student ID Last Name Grade Standard Type-(general or alternate assessment=“E”) Accommodation-especially useful for filtering for accommodation codes (T09) separate setting and read aloud (P02) and R02 and R04 (scribe).
Select by all students with plans that have any support/accommodation code or allows for sorting by plan type.
Create lists by grade to identify all students who need supports/accommodations such as separate setting, read aloud, very helpful for scheduling purposes. Filter by grade, accommodation code, Was the IEP was finalized?
Review that all students supports are correct.
Sort by school. Run reports to see how many students are receiving TTS, read aloud, with and without passages Scribes and interpreters are high security risks and should be monitored. Review that all students supports are correct. If a student is missing a support/accommodation here the student will not flow into TIDE and the tools will not be available until this is corrected. Check Student 301 for an old 504 plan tag. Potential IEP errors: to check: Was the IEP finalized? Effective date correct?, duplicated and unduplicated issues? Resolution questions are Aron Riley
Where does data in the Accommodations 14 App come from?
Online IEP- last finalized IEP 504-flagging a student as 504 in WVEIS and select accommodations in the WOW application ELL- LEP WOW application SAT- tagging student as “SAS” in WVEIS and select supports in the WOW application
Data Troubleshooting Processes Online IEP
Uses the last finalized IEP Within Green Screen (PWVS3021) Must be Un-Duplicated [U] Must be Un-Exited Assigned District School year enrolled Make sure they do not have an active 504 tag that identifies other accommodations
Data Processes for Other Plans
English Language Learners-LEP WOW application STU.301 – ELL tab Student receiving services Accommodations added Save changes Verify in ACCM.14 Section 504- tagging a student as 504 in WVEIS and select accommodations in the WOW application Student tagged with 504 in STU.301 Green Screen Testing with accommodation? (Y/N) = Y Accommodation codes added Make sure to press enter to add new record SAT plan- tagging student as “SAS” in WVEIS and select supports in the WOW application Student tagged with SAS in STU.301 SAS.ACCM Select Accommodations and save changes
General Summative Assessment
Verification in TIDE General Summative Assessment
Study the Test Administration Manual
Spring 2017 Examiners must plan for sufficient time to study the Examiner’s Manual before test administration. They must know and follow accurately the procedures and directions in the manual.
Providing Accommodations
Your principal/school coordinator will provide a list of students needing accommodations. Your class pack will contain WV.326 forms for those students – be sure to review the 326s prior to testing. Refer to Guidelines for Participation in West Virginia State Assessments — Be sure students are provided the appropriate accommodations. Failure to provide the correct and appropriate accommodations, OR providing more accommodations than a student needs, may lead to invalidation of the student’s scores.
Understand Procedures
If you are not sure of proper procedures, ask your principal/school coordinator! All questions regarding test administration should be answered before testing begins. If you do not understand certain procedures please ask your principal/building level coordinator. it is much better to ask questions before testing begins than to find yourself unprepared once testing starts.
Accommodations in TIDE
Most accommodations/designated supports are automatically uploaded to TIDE once the Online IEP, 504, SAT is finalized and the accommodations/supports appear in Accom14 (24-48 hours) A few embedded designated supports and accommodations are locally set Color contrast Print size Translation glossary
Accommodations in TIDE
STUDENT ACCOMMODATIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED IN TIDE PRIOR TO TESTING If the accommodations in TIDE are not correct: Check Accom14 to see if the accommodations are showing there YES, contact WVDE Assessment Office NO, check to be sure the Online IEP is finalized with the correct accommodations and effective date NO, fix Online IEP
Accommodations Accommodations are not in TIDE but are in Accoms.14 – WVDE/AIR Accommodations Not in Accoms.14 – District Verify accommodations work prior to summative assessment using practice, diagnostic or interims.
Accommodations in TIDE
On the TIDE home screen, beneath Preparing for Testing click the dropdown arrow beside Students. View/Edit/Export Students option appears. Click on this option.
Accommodations in TIDE
The View/Edit/Export Students search page appears. Fill in appropriate information. Click Search.
Accommodations in TIDE
Students meeting search requirements populate. Click on the “Edit pencil” to select the student to be reviewed.
The View/Edit Student page appears.
Accommodations in TIDE The View/Edit Student page appears.
Accommodations in TIDE
Interim Grade Levels can be adjusted. This is where the Locally Set Designated Supports and Accommodations are set.
Accommodations in TIDE
View the accommodations and designated supports that will be embedded in TDS in each content area for the student. View the non-embedded accommodations and designated supports in each content area that must be provided locally for the student.
Checking Accommodations in TDS
Test Administration Prior to approving students into a testing session, test administrators should confirm the students’ accommodations.
Log in to TDS and select the type of assessment to be given.
Checking Accommodations in TDS Log in to TDS and select the type of assessment to be given.
Select the assessment to be given and click Start Operational Session.
Checking Accommodations in TDS Select the assessment to be given and click Start Operational Session.
Give students the Session ID and ask them to log in.
Checking Accommodations in TDS Give students the Session ID and ask them to log in.
Checking Accommodations in TDS
Click the Approvals button on the top right of the page. The Approvals and Student Test Settings window appears. Click on the eye icon under See Details to view settings for the student.
Checking Accommodations in TDS
Confirm the student’s test settings. If correct, approve the student into the session. If incorrect, DO NOT APPROVE the student into the session, contact your school test administrator.
Monitor students during testing.
Checking Accommodations in TDS Monitor students during testing.
Document Test Security Incidents
For definitions and details of irregularities please refer to TAM, Section 5.0 Responding to Testing Improprieties, Irregularities, and Breaches Document on Test Security Incident Log per TAM, Section 5.2 Reporting Timelines and Activities If an irregularity has occurred, complete the Testing Irregularity Form and return with the secure materials to the principal or building level coordinator.
Resources The Office of Assessment: Participation Guidelines WVEIS WOW Accommodations 14 Application General Summative Portal: Alternate Assessment: West Virginia State Board Policies: Practice, practice, practice
Questions? Dr. Melissa Gholson
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