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Gravitation © David Hoult 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Gravitation © David Hoult 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gravitation © David Hoult 2009

2 © David Hoult 2009

3 © David Hoult 2009

4 © David Hoult 2009

5 © David Hoult 2009

6 © David Hoult 2009

7 © David Hoult 2009

8 F a m1m2 © David Hoult 2009

9 © David Hoult 2009

10 © David Hoult 2009

11 © David Hoult 2009

12 © David Hoult 2009

13 © David Hoult 2009

14 © David Hoult 2009

15 1 F a r2 © David Hoult 2009

16 m1m2 F = G r2 where G is the universal gravitation constant
© David Hoult 2009

17 m1m2 F = G r2 N m2 kg-2 where G is the universal gravitation constant
© David Hoult 2009

18 Testing the Inverse Square Law of Gravitation
© David Hoult 2009

19 © David Hoult 2009

20 9.8 = × 10-3 ms-2 602 © David Hoult 2009

21 9.8 = × 10-3 ms-2 602 v2 a = r © David Hoult 2009

22 9.8 = 2.72 × 10-3 ms-2 602 v2 a = r r = 3.84 × 108 m T = 27.3 days
© David Hoult 2009

23 Centripetal acceleration of the moon (caused by the force of gravity)
2.72 × 10-3 ms-2 © David Hoult 2009

24 The inverse square law is a good theory
Conclusion The inverse square law is a good theory © David Hoult 2009

25 Relation between g and G
© David Hoult 2009

26 Relation between g and G
© David Hoult 2009

27 Relation between g and G
© David Hoult 2009

28 Relation between g and G
© David Hoult 2009

29 we have assumed the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass
© David Hoult 2009

30 Gravitational Field Strength
© David Hoult 2009

31 The g.f.s. at a point in a gravitational field is the force per unit mass acting on point mass
© David Hoult 2009

32 The g.f.s. at a point in a gravitational field is the force per unit mass acting on point mass
Units Nkg-1 © David Hoult 2009

33 “Force per unit mass” is equivalent to acceleration
© David Hoult 2009

34 G.f.s. is another name for acceleration due to gravity
© David Hoult 2009

35 © David Hoult 2009

36 © David Hoult 2009

37 1 g a r2 © David Hoult 2009

38 1 g a r2 © David Hoult 2009

39 © David Hoult 2009

40 1 outside the sphere g a r2

41 1 outside the sphere g a r2 © David Hoult 2009

42 1 outside the sphere g a r2 inside the sphere g a r © David Hoult 2009

43 1 outside the sphere g a r2 inside the sphere g a r © David Hoult 2009

44 © David Hoult 2009


46 © David Hoult 2009

47 World High Jump Record... © David Hoult 2009

48 World High Jump Record... on Mars ? © David Hoult 2009

49 © David Hoult 2009

50 © David Hoult 2009

51 maximum height, s depends on:
© David Hoult 2009

52 maximum height, s depends on:
initial velocity, u © David Hoult 2009

53 maximum height, s depends on:
initial velocity, u acceleration due to gravity, g © David Hoult 2009

54 so, for a given initial velocity
u2 = -2gs so, for a given initial velocity © David Hoult 2009

55 so, for a given initial velocity
u2 = -2gs so, for a given initial velocity gs = a constant © David Hoult 2009

56 For a given initial velocity, the maximum height reached by the body is inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity © David Hoult 2009

57 1 s a g © David Hoult 2009

58 1 s a g sg = a constant © David Hoult 2009

59 1 s a g gs = a constant g1s1 = g2s2 or s1 g2 = s2 g1
© David Hoult 2009

60 Gravitational Potential
© David Hoult 2009

61 The potential at a point in a gravitational field is the work done per unit mass moving point mass from infinity to that point © David Hoult 2009

62 units of potential J kg-1
The potential at a point in a gravitational field is the work done per unit mass moving point mass from infinity to that point units of potential J kg-1 © David Hoult 2009

63 © David Hoult 2009

64 © David Hoult 2009

65 © David Hoult 2009

66 w = Fs but in this situation the force is not of constant magnitude
© David Hoult 2009

67 w = Fs but in this situation the force is not of constant magnitude
© David Hoult 2009

68 It is clear that the work done will depend on:
© David Hoult 2009

69 It is clear that the work done will depend on:
the mass of the planet, M © David Hoult 2009

70 It is clear that the work done will depend on:
the mass of the planet, M the distance, r of point p from the planet © David Hoult 2009

71 It is clear that the work done will depend on:
the mass of the planet, M guess: w a M the distance, r of point p from the planet © David Hoult 2009

72 It is clear that the work done will depend on:
the mass of the planet, M guess: w a M the distance, r of point p from the planet guess: w a 1/r © David Hoult 2009

73 can be shown that... © David Hoult 2009

74 GM w = r © David Hoult 2009

75 “at infinity” means that the body is out of the gravitational field
A body at infinity, has zero gravitational potential “at infinity” means that the body is out of the gravitational field © David Hoult 2009

76 All bodies fall to their lowest state of potential (energy)
A body at infinity, has zero gravitational potential “at infinity” means that the body is out of the gravitational field All bodies fall to their lowest state of potential (energy) © David Hoult 2009

77 A body at infinity, has zero gravitational potential
“at infinity” means that the body is out of the gravitational field All bodies fall to their lowest state of potential (energy) All gravitational potentials are therefore negative quantities © David Hoult 2009

78 GM V = r © David Hoult 2009

79 GM V = r Therefore the gravitational potential energy possessed by a body of mass m placed at point p is given by © David Hoult 2009

80 GM V = r The gravitational potential energy possessed by a body of mass m placed at point p is given by G P E = V m © David Hoult 2009

81 Escape Velocity © David Hoult 2009

82 © David Hoult 2009

83 © David Hoult 2009

84 © David Hoult 2009

85 © David Hoult 2009

86 G P E = zero © David Hoult 2009

87 G P E = zero To find the minimum velocity, ve which will cause the rocket to escape the Earth’s gravity, assume K E of distant rocket is also equal to zero. © David Hoult 2009

88 G P E = zero To find the minimum velocity, ve which will cause the rocket to escape the Earth’s gravity, assume K E of distant rocket is also equal to zero. As the body is moving away from the planet it is losing K E and gaining G P E © David Hoult 2009

89 G P E = zero To find the minimum velocity, ve which will cause the rocket to escape the Earth’s gravity, assume K E of distant rocket is also equal to zero. As the body is moving away from the planet it is losing K E and gaining G P E D K E = D G P E © David Hoult 2009

90 If the mass of the rocket is m, then the G P E it possesses at the surface of the planet is
GMm G P E = R © David Hoult 2009

91 If the mass of the rocket is m, then the G P E it possesses at the surface of the planet is
GMm G P E = R GMm D G P E = r © David Hoult 2009

92 GMm G P E = R GMm D G P E = R ½mve2
If the mass of the rocket is m, then the G P E it possesses at the surface of the planet is GMm G P E = R GMm D G P E = R D K E = ½mve2 © David Hoult 2009

93 GMm ½mve2 = R © David Hoult 2009

94 Also, as g = GM/R2 © David Hoult 2009

95 Also, as g = GM/R2 © David Hoult 2009

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