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Community Reporting Session Completing the Q4

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1 Community Reporting Session Completing the Q4
June 6, 2017 ROSE Welcome LHIN Staff Introduction Objectives of the meeting CAPS and Q2 education General Reporting requirements Forum to ask questions and network with peers Break Q&A near the end LHIN Staff available post meeting till 1:00pm Where can the documents be found after the meeting Meeting Materials Education Deck (Includes the new Checklist) – Handout at meeting Community Financial Policy (Sent by and posted to LHIN Website) CAPS Guidelines (Sent by and posted to LHIN Website) CAPS User Guide (Sent by and posted to LHIN Website) SRI User Guide (Sent by and posted to LHIN Website) Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

2 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Q4 Reporting Today’s session is a refresher on some key issues that occurred during the Q2 and Q3 reviews and will cover more of a “what to watch for when reporting in Q4”. Step by Step guides to complete the quarterly report (presented at Q2) are available on the SE LHIN website under Health Service Providers > Reporting and Compliance. Included in this slide deck are some quick references to checking out and checking in your report to SRI Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

3 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Document Resources The following documents are available on the SELHIN website as resources for completing your Q4 report Quarterly Report User Guide. (also available on: Community Reporting Compliance Checklist (updated) Community Reporting Session Q4 – this slide deck Second Quarter Reporting Education Session Community Financial Policy Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

4 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Reporting Checklist To get you started, have the following information available: Community Quarterly Report User Guide Copy of your March year-end Payment Allocation Notice for all TPBE’s (funded programs i.e. CHC, CSS, CMHA….) Let us know if your agency is not receiving this notice. Community Reporting Compliance Checklist Your internal financial statements (approved) and service activity data by functional centre (data from your MIS Trial Balance submission) Downloaded Q4 report from SRI Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

5 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Completing Q4 Report Go to If you are already registered, you can follow the red arrow and click “SRI Submissions”. If not, you can follow the purple arrow and click “Register for a new account” Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

6 Checking Out your Q4 Report
Click “Submissions” in the top left, and then from that drop down menu click “Create New Submission” Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

7 Checking Out your Q4 Report
Select the applicable report then click the “create” button” Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

8 Checking Out your Q4 Report
The report now should be listed under “In Progress”. It may take a few minutes to appear, so please be patient. It should be noted that when traffic is at its highest (for instance, closest to the due dates), it will take longer to appear. If it is taking a very long time, you can select “refresh,” however, doing so will slow down the system. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

9 Checking Out your Q4 Report
Select the report that you want to prepare by clicking the blue hyperlink. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

10 Checking Out your Q4 Report
Click “Check Out and Download” Now the file is stored in your local drive. The file is ready to be edited. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

11 Checking In your Q4 Report
After entering all information and passed the edit checks, the Q4 file is ready to upload SRI again. Checking In the Q4 into SRI is similar to Checking Out the Q4 from SRI. Click the “Check In” button. Find the report in your local drive, and it will be uploaded. Afterward, click on the button “Submit.” Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

12 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Main Contact If you have any issues when creating the file in SRI, please contact the SRI group for technical Assistance. Contact information for SRI is: Phone#: If you have any questions about the Q4 report that you have “Checked Out” from SRI, please or (Please no Phone messages) Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

13 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Matching Revenue All LHIN revenue reported on the Q4 report as of March 31, must match your Payment Allocation Notice for the same period. This includes: Base Budget Funding New Base Funding One-Time Funding Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

14 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
This Payment Allocation notice is ed to the Finance Lead or Executive Director of your organization. If you are not receiving them, please contact me. Each Transfer Payment Business Entity (TPBE) is itemized on the Payment Allocation Notice and there may be separate Notices for agencies who represent more than one sector. The green circle represent the TPBE CSS and this funding is specific to the ABC Agency’s Community Support Services program. If your agency provides the services of a CHC and SAP, you will receive separate payment allocation notices for each of these TPBEs. For this TPBE CSS, there are different types of funding within this fiscal year. The Blue shaded area is the opening Base Funding. The Orange shaded area is NEW Base funding The Yellow shaded area is ONE TIME funding Note the explanations to the right of each amount. You can transfer this information to the Budget Adjust Tab of the Quarterly report. The total fiscal allocation is shaded in Green and is the amount your agency will balance to on the Q4 and ARR submissions. The Pink shaded area represents the Prior Year Recovery from the settlement of your previous year’s ARR submission. This amount is NOT deducted or included in your Q4 or ARR submissions for the current fiscal year. This amount should be sitting on your balance sheet as a liability recovery due to the MOHLTC. This cash is sitting in your Bank account and the MOHLTC is merely recovering their portion via your payment. This does not affect your current fiscal year’s funding allocation. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

15 To report additional LHIN funding:
Do not record additional revenue directly on the program Revenue & Expenses page (LHINFin). Additional base and/or one-time funding is reported using the “Budget Adjustments” tab to the right of the Identification tab. The totals are automatically transferred to the financial page for the selected TPBE. Note: Unmatched reported revenues continues to be an issue as a failed edit check on the HouseCAT Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

16 What to watch for in your Q4
Data entered on the Budget Adjustments tab in prior quarters has been cleared in Q4 and funding moved to the budget columns of the Finance tabs. Continue to use the Budget Adjustments tab for any new funding or as a way to make corrections required if the funding is incorrect. Always balance funding to your Payment Allocation Notice Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

17 What to watch for in your Q4
Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

18 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Important Note! The base budget is NOT reduced by the prior year’s recovery amount reported on the prior year’s ARR. Each fiscal year is treated separately. The recovery amount should be set up as a liability due to the MOH/LHIN and the payable cleared once the recovery amount appears on your Payment Allocation Notice as “PRYR” Recoveries of prior years surplus can take up to 2 years for the ministry to recover. You will receive a letter from the ministry advising the amount and timing of the recovery before it occurs. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

19 What to watch for in your Q4
When adding new funding, remember to allocate the funding to the appropriate expense line of the budget. One-time funding expense on line 40 with corresponding notes. Any surplus from one-time funding cannot be used for any other purpose without written approval from the LHIN Budget lines cannot be adjusted in-year. Please include notes in the comments column to explain variances. Budgets are only adjusted during annual refresh with LHIN approval Do not report amortization for building, equipment or grants on your Quarterly reports. Amortization is not a funded expense, however can be reflected on the ARR report to comply with Audited Statements For Q4, the Year to date Actuals column and Q4 forecast column must be the same amounts and values Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

20 What to watch for in your Q4
Variances of 10% require an explanation in the comments column on all screens including Service Activity screen. One-time funding is reported in the functional centre where the expense occurs and service activity is being provided You can include one-time funded FTEs on the service activity page with an identifying comment. Do not include one-time FTEs on the Finance tabs. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

21 What to watch for in your Q4
In 2015/16, four new explanatory indicators were added to your MSAA. These are the four main areas that make up “Administration & Support Services”. It is important to keep these costs separate from your direct service costs. Please enter your information into each of the following lines to populate “Administration & Support Services” on the Finance screens for each TPBE – Lines 64 to 68: Total cost of above lines is auto calculated on line 69. This amount must equal line 35 - Total Cost for 721* Functional Centres on Activity Summary screen. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

22 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
80/20 Rule Provides a guideline on when to split reporting between functional centres and compensation type Report using the functional centre that best describes the main service being provided Acknowledges that occasionally, personnel carry out both management and operation support (MOS) functions and unit producing (UPP) activities which are associated with direct service Compensation does not need to be split unless staff spend more than 20% of their time providing service . Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

23 Administrative Expenses
Administrative expenses are NOT to be allocated to service Functional Centres 7*5 Report Admin costs under FC 7* 1** 7* 110 – Admin Services 7* 125 – Information Systems Support 7* 140 – Volunteer Services 7* 155 – Plant Operations . Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

24 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Admin Expenses Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

25 What to watch for in your Q4
If you report anything on line 70 of the Finance screens – Management Clinical services, note this line transfers automatically to line 50 of the Activity screen as FC Be sure to select this Functional Centre from the Services Selection screen in order that this FC is visible on the Activity screen Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

26 What to watch for in your Q4
If you have received new funding for a new functional centre that you have never reported before, remember to select the FC on the Service Selection screen in order for the data to be visible on your Activity Summary. This will allow you to report any agreed upon targets for the new funding along with the year-to-date actuals Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

27 Service Activity Reporting
Refresher…… The Show All button will display all lines The Show HSP Specific button will display all lines where there is a budgeted value and data has been reported Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

28 Significant Volume or Budget changes
If you are repurposing dollars within a current budget line or adjusting to another line, you will require LHIN permission for any amount $5,000 or greater. Remember do not adjust within the budget columns of your SRI report, but show the variance within the “actuals” columns with an explanation If you are considering a permanent adjustment to service volumes or budget lines, you are required to submit a Service Delivery Change Form to the LHIN which can found on the SE LHIN website Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

29 What to watch for in your Q4
There were issues in the reporting template around displaying all data on the Activity screen. HSPs were required to select button, enter the data and then select in order to have the required functional centres visible. Unfortunately that may still be the case in Q4. We are able to view your data and would ask that you make a note on one of the visible lines directing us to what line # your data is in so that we do not miss it. Please double check for missing data. Ensure both the YTD column and the Forecast column have the same values entered. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

30 What to watch for in your Q4
The Financial data from each TPBE is combined and automatically populated onto the Fin Summary screen. The totals on Line 46 for budget and expense actuals on the Fin Summary screen must match the totals for budget and expense actuals on the line 3187 of the Activity summary screen. Note there is no edit check for this. This will ensure that the variances to budget are accurate. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

31 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
SE LHIN CHECK LIST We have provided you with a Checklist over the past two years and have included a copy for quick reference in your packages today (also available on the SE LHIN website). Please use this checklist as a guide for accurate reporting and a final check before submitting your reports. Following the Reporting Session we provided last October, the review of Q2 and Q3 reports indicates that the checklist had not been referred to in about 50% of the reports. This result has improved from prior years but still remains high. Where an item on the checklist has not been completed, the report will be considered incomplete and returned for correction. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

32 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Edit Checks Please check the Edits Check screen in addition to running the report through the HouseCAT prior to submitting your report in SRI. This will alert you to something you may have missed. There are a number of reasons for failed edit check. A common reason is entering data with formulas that may cause rounding up of financial data that doesn’t match the activity screen. Or entering data with decimal points…..$ in one line and $ in another, the total will add values to your document which will cause it to be out of balance and trigger a failed edit check. Decimal points are not visible on the report. NOTE: You can submit a report with a failed edit check if you are reporting a deficit. Complete the Comments Screen to provide us with an explanation for the deficit. Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

33 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
REPORTING FTEs A Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position is based on 1950 hours worked per year – not “head count”. 1 FTE = 1950 hours (generally 37.5 hour work week) If your agency has a 35 hour work week – 1820 hours worked per year – divided by 1950 = .93 FTE If your total annual staff hours worked in a functional centre is ~ divided by 1950 = 3.23 FTEs If you are “purchasing service” – these hours are included in the FTE count of the functional centre the service is provided in. Worked category code is 3**9000 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

34 Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector
Q4 Community Reporting June 6, 2017 Questions? Rose Tremblay, Senior Consultant Contracts Community Sector

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