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First Thing First: Tuesday, January 24 Four Sentences

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1 First Thing First: Tuesday, January 24 Four Sentences

2 Today Conclusion How-To Work on body paragraphs Conclusions

3 Conclusion Paragraph

4 Conclusion Paragraph Make your words count!

5 Here are ways to think about the purpose of a conclusion:
To connect the paper's findings to a larger context, such as the wider conversation about an issue To suggest the implications of your findings or the importance of the topic To ask questions or suggest ideas

6 Should you summarize? Consider what readers can keep track of in their heads. If your paper is long or complex, some summary of your key points will remind readers of the ground you've covered.

7 Should you summarize? If your paper is short, your readers may not need a summary. In any paper, you'll want to push beyond mere summary to suggest the importance of your topic.

8 The conclusion should contain the following (not necessarily in this order):
Make the conclusion unified (tie into the attention getter) Bring your point out to the real world Extend to the real world by providing an example

9 What is a unifying conclusion technique? (Tie into the intro)
Look back at your introduction paragraph, especially your opener. Are there any keywords or ideas from the intro that you can use again in the conclusion? If you asked a question at the start, would it sound good to answer the question at the end?

10 What is the EXTENSION?? Make your idea relevant to the real world

11 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion How would one react if one heard a mysterious voice calling them? What if that voice was telling them to go to one of the worst places on Earth? Mother Teresa answered her calling to care for others. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. She traveled to one of the poorest places in the world. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Questions

12 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, said of Mother Teresa: “To meet her is to feel utterly humble, to sense the power of tenderness and the strength of love.” Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” She did such things when she travelled to a country in need. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Quotation Blue=Keywords from intro used again

13 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion There are over 13,000,000 people living in Calcutta, India. Two-thirds of these people are profoundly poor, living in primitive slums or on the streets. Over 8 million people in Calcutta, India were in poverty. Mother Teresa helped as many as she could. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Statistic

14 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the highest honors a person can receive. Mother Teresa received this honor in 1979 for her work with the poor of Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa earned the Nobel Peace prize for her dedication to those in need. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Little Known Fact

15 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion Compassionate. Fearless. Strong. These are words that describe one of the most admired women in recent memory, Mother Teresa. Compassionate. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. Fearless. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Strong. She fulfilled her destiny by answering the call to help where she was needed most. Fragments

16 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion Filthy streets are cluttered with garbage, sacred cows wandering about, and the stench of poverty. In the middle of all this misery walks a woman in a white gown, Mother Teresa. When Mother Teresa entered Calcutta, India in her white gown, people were cared for. Dignity was given to the impoverished people. She spent her days nurturing others living in poverty. She lived amongst the unhealthy: the starving, the diseased, and the dying. None of this sparked fear in her eyes for she knew she was there to help. Set a Scene

17 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion Mother Teresa was an angel walking on the Earth. Mother Teresa was the angel that the people needed. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Metaphor

18 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion She was called “mother” by millions, though she had no children of her own. She was Mother Teresa. Although she never had children, Mother Teresa was a mother to those in need. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order.. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Riddle

19 My Mother Teresa Paper:
My Introduction My Conclusion A saint is someone who sets aside his or her own wants and needs to follow a higher calling. Mother Teresa embodied the qualities of a saint through her ability to place the betterment of others above her own. The poor of Calcutta were cared for and given dignity by the work of Mother Teresa and the nuns of her order.. She was not afraid to live among those who were sick and dying and desperate for help. Definition

20 Today Work on body paragraphs (due Thursday)
Work on conclusion (due Friday) How could you rework your effective opening? What real world examples can you connect your theme to? Work on your conclusion graphic organizer

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