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Room 111 News Friday September 29th, 2016 Important dates:

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1 Room 111 News Friday September 29th, 2016 Important dates:
Next week’s Shine Student is Kayla Monday 10/3: No School Teacher In Service Thursday 10/6: Spelling Test – List 1 Field Trip to Lynd’s Farm I am BACK!!! My husband is doing really well. There is no packet because I have to look over the work!! Important Information: We had a wonderful time celebrating Catholic Schools week through discussing “Be Kind to One Another,” making cards for Msgr. Funk, and meeting our buddies in our friends groups. Together they explored the school theme for the year through the life of St. (Mother) Teresa”. Thanks to the parents who were able to volunteer for COSI on wheels “Current Conditions” program. The students had an awesome time learning about our weather and participating in the hands on activities that related a fun and stimulating environment that encourages the development of Science Process Skill. Our 1st Spelling Test will be this Thursday before we go on our fieldtrip. The words are from List 1. The test also includes two sentences to write using these words. Students should practice writing sentences starting with a capital letter, put spaces between the words and a punctuation mark. I will always send lists home the Friday before the spelling test. All of the lists can be found on my website under Spelling- Saxon Spelling Words. Thanks for all of the donations to support NF!! The kids enjoyed their fun sock day! Lynd’s Apple Farm – We will be going on our first field trip on Thursday. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. They may dress down. Chaperones riding or following the bus should meet in the cafeteria at 9:30. The buses will be picking us up at 9:45. We could use a few more volunteers if you would like to join us. Please send me an .

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