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University President Approved by President of KazAUIR&WL

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1 University President Approved by President of KazAUIR&WL
Appendix1. Organizational structure of “Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages” JSC General Shareholders Meeting Approved by President of KazAUIR&WL ____________Kunanbayeva S.S. Academic Council’s Decision Protocol № 3 « 28th» of October, 2016 Board of Directors University Administration Board University President Civil defense and emergency unit Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council Administration Board Financial and Economic Board Admission Committee Board of Academic Methodological Association Vice-president for Administrative and Organizational Affairs Academic vice-president Science and Research vice-president Strategic Development vice-president Vice-president for Social and Educational Affairs Housekeeping Department Postgraduate Education Board Academic Board Library and Information Center Security services Board of Strategic Development and Monitoring Museum Academic Methodological Association Committee of Youth Affairs Board of International Affairs Publishing House «PolyLingua» Center of innovative postgraduate education programs Student Sports Club «InYaz» Board of Information and Communicative Infrastructure Student Trade-Union Committee Department of system administration and technical support Testing Center of Learning Russian as a Foreign Language (PFUR) Department of audio-video information and education provision Educational Center of Innovations University-wide departments Faculty of International Relations Faculty of Economics and Law Faculty of Management and International Communications Pedagogical Faculty of foreign Languages Chair of Translation Studies and Philology Faculty of Oriental Studies Faculty of Supplementary Education Chair of Kazakh History and Social Sciences Kazakh Language Development Center Chair of Theory and Practice of Oral Forms of Translation Chair of Languages and Translation of China and Asian-Pacific Region Chair of the Second Higher Education Chair of International Relations Chair of Economics Chair of Management and International Tourism Chair of Theory and Practice of International Communication Chair of Physical Culture Chair of Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication Center of Applied Political Studies and International Research Chair of Speech Practice and Communication Chair of Regional Studies Chair of Management and Marketing Chair of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Chair of Languages and Translation of the Far East Chair of Pre-University Preparation Chair of International Communications Chair of Speech Practice of Foreign Languages Chair of Methodology of Foreign Language Education Chair of Basic English Language Chair of Kazakh Philology Chair of International Law Chair of Romano-Germanic Philology Chair of Teaching and Psychology Chair of the Professional Academic Foreign Language Chair of Oral Professional Translation of Kazakh-Russian Languages Chair of Languages and Translation of the Near East Military training department Chair of English Philology

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