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Boğaziçi Ünv Koç Ünv Darüşşafaka Lisesi

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2 Boğaziçi Ünv. 2015 Koç Ünv. 2016 Darüşşafaka Lisesi. 2014

3 Asena Bryce Julia

4 Nick Chris Lisa

5 Great team!... Some of them were in your place just 2 years ago

6 Pelin

7 Stanford? Language Call me Tyler
I grew up in Arizona. Played a lot of soccer growing up. Really liked math/science.

8 Stanford I’m a graduate student in Electrical Engineering at Stanford
How much experience did I have when I first did this material? It was difficult for me too. Started teaching in section leading program. Now I coordinate that program. We want all of you to be successful That’s why we have such a large course staff But over years and years and years we have been working on our material so that everyone gets through… Not competing against anyone but yourself. Everyone can win!

9 Logistics Schedule is fluid Explain purpose of lab/section.
Learn by doing!!

10 Prerequisites Just need to know how to turn on a computer and ask for help. We love questions!!!

11 Course Website *note that its org not com
Link to sign into lab *note that its org not com

12 Very High Level We will teach some specific things (Java syntax, Karel commands) but more importantly… We teach software engineering principles. Much larger than just programming. Mechanics of the language are nothing compared to the principles. You are going to learn the principles by programming in Java

13 Breakout demo!

14 Breakout Breakout demo!

15 What if I fall behind? First, it is okay! Everyone learns at a different pace. Ask for help.

16 Share Ideas Not Code

17 Karel Speaks Java s Karel is a gentle introduction to programming

18 Karel’s World North West East South 3 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 1 + + + +
4 5

19 Knows Four Commands move(); turnLeft(); putBeeper(); pickBeeper();

20 Walls + 1 2 3 4

21 Beepers + 1 2 3 4

22 move();

23 move(); + 1 2 3 4

24 move(); + 1 2 3 4 +

25 turnLeft();

26 turnLeft(); + 1 2 3 4 +

27 turnLeft(); + 1 2 3 4 +

28 pickBeeper();

29 pickBeeper(); + 1 2 3 4 +

30 pickBeeper(); + 1 2 3 4 +

31 Questions?

32 First Challenge + 1 2 3 4

33 First Challenge + 1 2 3 4

34 Need a Volunteer

35 Lets Try It

36 Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*;
public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() {

37 This is the program's source code
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This is the program's source code

38 This piece of the program's source code is called a method.
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This piece of the program's source code is called a method.

39 This line of code gives the name of the method
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This line of code gives the name of the method (here, run)

40 This line of code gives the name of the method
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This line of code gives the name of the method (here, turnRight)

41 This is called an import statement. It tells Java what Karel is.
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This is called an import statement. It tells Java what Karel is.

42 This is called a code block
Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*; public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { This is called a code block Talk about indentation

43 This adds a new command to Karels vocabulary
Method Definition private void name() { statements in the method body } This adds a new command to Karels vocabulary

44 Anatomy of a Program import stanford.karel.*;
public class OurKarelProgram extends Karel { public void run() { move(); pickBeeper(); turnLeft(); turnRight(); putBeeper(); } private void turnRight() { Talk about indentation

45 Place 100 beeper?

46 For Loop for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // to repeat N times }

47 Review for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // to repeat N times }

48 Work in Any World Before After Before After
What will I learn next time?

49 Don’t Know World Size ?

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