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Year Up Investor Call 2016 recap, 5 year strategy, and 2017 overview

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Presentation on theme: "Year Up Investor Call 2016 recap, 5 year strategy, and 2017 overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Up Investor Call 2016 recap, 5 year strategy, and 2017 overview


3 2016 Recap

4 Total 2016 operating budget: $110 million
2016 in review Retention Admissions Development Internships Outcomes 91% 75% Class of July 2016 2,900 students $61m in cash raised 2,250 seats $18.90 per/hour 16,000+ STUDENTS SERVED Total 2016 operating budget: $110 million

5 2,942 students, 15 markets, 4 growth markets, 2 new cities in 2016
Spring Growth Fall Growth No Additional LCs Existing LC New City Growth at Existing LC

6 5 Year Strategy Update

7 Catalyzing Demand, Accelerating Impact
Year Up : Catalyzing Demand, Accelerating Impact Deliver Demand-Driven Services to the Market Demonstrate Sustainability Through Co-Location Foster Alumni Advancement and Leadership Build a Stronger Talent Marketplace 6

8 Priority 1: Deliver Demand-Driven Services to the Market

9 Priority 2: Demonstrate Sustainability Through Co-Location

10 Priority 2, cont.: Demonstrate Sustainability Through Co-Location

11 Priority 3: Foster Alumni Advancement and Leadership

12 Priority 3, cont.: Foster Alumni Advancement and Leadership

13 Priority 4: Build a Stronger Talent Marketplace
We are pursuing a set of practice change strategies to develop and share the principles, tools, and platforms to connect many more Opportunity Youth to employment.

14 Demand Supply Priority 4, cont.: Build a Stronger Talent Marketplace
Year Up will partner directly with companies and providers to create a market that connects demand for labor with supply of labor. Demand Supply Strengthening employer practices such that OY are included in talent pipelines Strengthening provider practices such that they are effectively preparing and placing OY into jobs

15 We reached our 2016 goal of securing $100mm+ in OC III commitments.
Update on the Opportunity Campaign We reached our 2016 goal of securing $100mm+ in OC III commitments. Commitment Level Commitments Required Commitments Received $40,000,000+ 1 $15,000,000 2 $10,000,000 4 $5,000,000 10 3 $2,500,000 12  $1,000,000 35 15 <$1,000,000 264 TOTAL $225,000,000 $132,088,232

16 2017 Highlights

17 13% increase in budgeted revenue
2017 Budget Highlights 13% increase in budgeted revenue 23% increase in budgeted opex 7% decrease in org-wide cost per student

18 3,864 students, 16 markets, 11 growth markets, 1 new city in 2017
Aug-Sept Growth Jan Growth No Additional LCs Existing LC New City Growth at Existing LC

19 Minneapolis, MN Milwaukee, WI Indianapolis, IN Columbus, OH
Sites Under Consideration for 2018 Expansions Minneapolis, MN Milwaukee, WI Indianapolis, IN Columbus, OH Cincinnati, OH Tampa, FL Charlotte, NC

20 Providing Quality Service to Our Partners

21 Bringing Quality Talent to the Mission

22 “Year Up’s experience attests to the progress a strong learning organization can make when it pushes its programs to the limit, continuously assesses its performance, and is willing to act on the results. The most interesting chapters of the Year Up story lie ahead…”

23 Leaders of the Opportunity Movement

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