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Year 1: Who lives in a pond?
NC – links: Can they point out some of the differences between different animals? Can they sort photographs of living things and non-living things? Can they classify common animals? (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates) Can they describe how an animal is suited to its environment? WOW: LC1 What can you find out about creatures that live in a pond? LC2 What will we find when we are pond dipping? LC3 Was the butterfly always a butterfly? LC4 How does my garden grow? Wow: Children will experience pond dipping and explore different mini beasts and plants. Literacy Link: Children will create a class fact file on different pond creatures. Art Link: Children will create prints and clay models of different pond creatures. Science Link: Children will go pond dipping to find out about characteristics of different pond animals. Tadpoles promise The hungry caterpillar Forest Academy
Who lives in a pond? Year :
Science Art ICT Can they point out some of the differences between different animals? Can they sort photographs of living things and non-living things? Can they classify common animals? (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates) Can they describe how an animal is suited to its environment? Can they sort some plants by size? Can they sort some plants by those that can be eaten and those that cannot? Can they name the petals, stem, leaf and root of a plant? Can they identify and name a range of common plants and trees? Can they describe the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers)? Can they use simple equipment to help them make observations? Can they think of some questions to ask? Can they answer some scientific questions? Can they give a simple reason for their answers? Can they explain what they have found out? Textiles Can they sort threads and fabrics? Can they group fabrics and threads by colour and texture? Can they weave with fabric and thread? 3D Can they add texture by using tools? Can they make different kinds of shapes? Can they cut, roll and coil materials such as clay, dough or plasticine? Painting Can they paint a picture of something they can see? Printing Can they print with sponges, vegetables and fruit? Can they print onto paper and textile? Can they design their own printing block? Can they create a repeating pattern? Can they capture images with a camera? Can they print out a photograph from a camera with help? Can they record a sound and play it back? Can they enter information into a template to make a graph? Can they talk about the results shown on a graph? Year (Challenging) Can they sort some animals by body covering, eg, scales, fur and skin? Can they say why certain animals have certain characteristics? Can they identify and classify things they observe? Forest Academy
Who lives in a pond? Forest Academy
LC1:What can you find out about creatures that live in a pond? (2 week) LC2: What will we find when we are pond dipping? (1 week) Children will find out about different pond creatures and create fact files / information texts on different pond creatures. Children will go pond dipping in search of different animals. They will explore the characteristics of different pond creatures and why they are useful. Children will draw and paint using oil pastel resist of pond creatures. Children will sort living things and non livings things. Children will use the term carnivore, omnivore and herbivore to describe what the pond creatures eat. They will begin to classify animals. ). Children will create prints and clay models of these pond creatures to develop their understanding of their characteristics. Children will write riddles about what creatures they found pond dipping (espresso – minibeasts – riddles about pond animals Children will create graphs on computers to show tally’s of what we found when we were pond dipping (espresso – minibeasts). Using purple mash – 2 count – create a graph for children to insert their data onto. Children will capture images of what they find pond dipping. Children will use microscopes / videos on espresso (upclose) to observe and draw up close images of pond creatures and make observations e.g. (snails, pond creatures etc Children will sort between insects and amphibians. LC3: Was the butterfly always a butterfly? (2 weeks) LC4: How does my garden grow? (1 weeks) Using the story of the tadpoles promise and the hungry caterpillar. Children will use Half tone APP to recount the life cycle of the butterfly. Children will also create crafts to show the life cycle of these animals as well as folding books. Children will explore the notion of time during the week where the hungry caterpillar is explored. Children will explore the sunflowers art work. Children will go on a plant hunt and use classification cards to classify different flowers. Children will find out about different parts of the plant through crafts. Children will produce questions about growth and perform an experiment to find out where flowers and plants grow best. Put 1 plant in a sunny spot and put another in a shady spot. Have your child predict which will grow faster and why. Remember always to give each plant the same amount of water . They can use a ruler to measure the height, count the number of leaves that grow, and take photographs or draw pictures. Which plant “wins” the race? Why? Children will observe and record their plant growth in the form of a booklet. They will use diagrams with labels. They will not their length and the features that grow. Children will also observe and make comparisons between different flowers – what is the same – what is different? Children will write information pages on how to look after plants. Children will group plants into categories. Children can go to the woods and play the game (make friends with a tree – where they are blindfolded and explore different trees). Children could write instructions on how to plant a plant or create a bird feeder. Children will use purple mash to record how plants grow and parts of the plant. Watch videos on espresso at purple mash. Children will have a garden centre in the outdoor area to explore maths problem including capacity and money. Forest Academy
Resources Plants explore differences between light grown and dark grown flowers. - leaf movement in light and dark - exploring how plants grow in slow motion - make a friend with a tree Virtual experiments – explore the differences between plants with light and no light. Forest Academy
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