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Http:// This computerized catalog is available on intranet to locate books and other material physically located at the KRC.

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// This computerized catalog is available on intranet to locate books and other material physically located at the KRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 This computerized catalog is available on intranet to locate books and other material physically located at the KRC.

2 SIMPLE SEARCH Make a simple search using this option. The fields to be entered are: Database: Select from the combo box the database on which the search is to be made. Enter word(s) or phrase: Give the word(s) or phrase on the basis of which the search is to be made. Field: Select from the combo box the field on which the search is to be made. Connector: Select from the combo box the connector required between the search words. Specify Year(s) of Publication: Give the time frame within which a search has to be made. Click Go to see the results.

3 e.g. Select the database of “English books” and give “management” in the box search word(s). Select “Any field” on the right box and click “Go” to see the results. It displays all the available English books on “management”. A simple search can also be made by author, series, subject and by publisher.

4 ADVANCED SEARCH This function facilitates to refine a search using a combination of search fields. The data fields are: Database: Select from the combo box the database on which the search is to be made. Field: Select from the combo box the field on which the search is to be made. Enter word(s) or phrase: Give the word(s) or phrase on the basis of which the search is to be made. Connector: Select from the combo box the connector required between the search words. Specify Year(s) of Publication: Give the time frame within which a search has to be made. Click ‘Go’ to see the result .

5 e. g. Give “management” and “knowledge” in the box search Keyword(s)
e.g. Give “management” and “knowledge” in the box search Keyword(s). Click on “go” to see the results. It displays all the English books on “ management” and “knowledge”.

6 BROWSE This function helps in browsing the database. The browsing can be done on different catalogues such as, author, title and subject and on different databases such as, books, journals, articles, reports, etc. The data fields are: Catalogue: Select from the combo box either author, title, classified, subject, place or publisher. Enter beginning character(s): Enter the search word(s) Database: Select the database from the combo box. The screen displays the author, title and call number if 'Author' is selected as the catalogue to be searched on. The details of a selected title are also displayed.

7 Alphabetic lists of author, title, subject, publisher and conference place can be browsed by entering the initial characters of the word. e.g. Click on “browse” and select the author field starting with “शर” in the box search word(s). Select the “Hindi” database and click on “go” to see the results. It displays all the authors starting with the word “शर” in Hindi books.

8 Any book can be searched by ISBN
Any book can be searched by ISBN. Select “ ISBN” and click on “Go” to see the result. Similarly, a book can also be searched by accession number.

9 Journals This option displays the list of serials available in the KRC
Journals This option displays the list of serials available in the KRC. The list is arranged in an alphabetic order along with name of the publisher. The details of bound volumes can be searched by selecting a particular journal.

10 My account This option enables a member to know how many check-outs are in his/her name, along with their details, and due date. Click on “Checked out” and give “employee ID” to see the checked-outs.

11 WEB-OPAC http://opac. csir. res
WEB-OPAC This catalogue is accessible over the internet to users all over the world.

12 e.g. Give the term “knowledge management” in search box and click on “go” to see the results of the catalog. It also displays the holdings of the KRC by author, subject, ISBN and by call number.

13 CSIR OPACs Click on CSIR OPACs to see the online catalogues of CSIR laboratories.

14 Virtual Union catalogue http://knowgate. niscair. res
Virtual Union catalogue Give the keyword “knowledge management” in search box and click on “search” to see the result. It displays the books on “knowledge management” available in the KRCs of CSIR laboratories.

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