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Jackson Brumbaugh Jason Kanowitz Brandon Murray.

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Presentation on theme: "Jackson Brumbaugh Jason Kanowitz Brandon Murray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jackson Brumbaugh Jason Kanowitz Brandon Murray

2 Background

3 Project Purpose Make cutting tile easier for workers
Reduce required time Cleaner cuts Include method of cutting curves and holes Improve safety

4 Functional Requirements
Capable of cutting various types of tile Ceramic Porcelain Granite Marble Allows user to input desired cut Automatically cuts tile Removes dust

5 Physical Requirements
lbs 120VAC 2ft x 3ft footprint 1-2 gallon water tank Enclosed work space

6 Performance Requirements
Perform cuts to within 1/16 in tolerance Complete cut in 45 seconds on average Remove 90% of dust

7 Safety Requirements Enclosed work space Operates only when closed
Emergency stop button Eyewear protection messages Isolation between water & electrical systems

8 Marketing SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat
Can cut curves and holes Product enhancement Faster cutting time Weakness Small niche market Inexperience with CNC systems Limited exposure to tile cutting process Opportunities Manual cutters unable to cut curves / holes Currently no similar product Threat Consumers may be reluctant to try new product Other companies may develop similar product in future

9 Target Market Nationally- 251,773 home builder businesses
64,351 tile installer businesses Mohawk Industries, Home Builders Association, National Contractors Tile Association Construction workers around 40 years of age Product Relevance Customize tile cutting to fit better, can make holes, better quality cut, fits around anything round, expands on architectural designs Fast, clean, portable, cost effective, better fit Market to all tile installers and at least 10% of home builders

10 Surveys In the process of writing a preliminary and a concept survey.
Preliminary is the test survey Concept looks for early points of product weakness and market failure that can be fixed pre-launch Letters will go out to each business or association on my list asking for their time. They would have the option to take a survey online or by paper. One issue that we have is the timing for when it will go out and come back. Businessmen are not interested in surveys during the holidays.

11 Design Concept Input dimensions to program
Program will control cutting process Overhead cutter on gantry robot 3 axis range of motion Stationary tile Water used to minimize dust & act as coolant

12 Project Objectives Research cutting methods & necessary components
Design mechanical & electrical systems Develop program for interaction Draft and submit Bill of Materials Construct prototype Test the prototype Develop product & sell it

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