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ENERGY EFFICIENCY AS A NEW BUSINESS MODEL (II) ENERGYWATER PROJECT Ladies and Gentlemen First of all I would like to thank you the European Commission, the opportunity that has given us to present our project during the Sustainable Energy Week, I hope we are able to interest you in our project so much that you end up willing to participate. The Energywater project was funded under H2020-EE MarketUptake. The project started on February the 1stt and the duration of the action will be 36 months. So as you can imaging we are just giving our first steps towards what I will try to explain in my 10 min today.

The energywater Project aims to increase energy efficiency in industrial water processes in European manufacturing industry. WHY INDUSTRIAL WATER PROCESSES? Water treatment processes represent 20% of total energy consumption in the manufacturing industry consumption. Water management has increased considerably as a consequence of the implementation of new technologies to meet new legal requirements and effluent quality standards. Water and energy are inextricably linked with the water–energy nexus (energy consumption is directly connected to water uses.) The general Objective of the project is to Improve the competitiveness of the EU industrial sector by reducing 20% energy costs in industrial water processes. A total reduction of 26 GWh/year will be achieved at the end of the project by implementing energy efficiency measures in the European manufacturing companies. Why do we focus on water processes. Energy intensive industries are the major users of energy and so represent the main challenges to increasing energy efficiency in Europe. These industries represent a total share of 70% of industrial energy use. Identifying what are the common strategies across all sectors that improve energy efficiency is a major challenge, since each sector is different, and indeed companies even within a sector are designed to produce different items and their processes are often quite different. While these industrial sectors vary their water related processes are often quite similar. Most manufacturing companies manage water in one or several processes Heating and cooling, Potable water treatment, wastewater and sewage processes Water and energy are inextricably linked with the water–energy nexus. Water industrial processes represent a relatively high share of energy consumption in the manufacturing industry with an average of the 20% of total energy consumption also Water management has increased considerably as a consequence of the implementation of new technologies to meet new legal requirements and effluent quality standards. Since water management in companies is typically not a core activity, it is often neglected. Industries most affected by water consumption (and therefore energy consumption in water management processes) are those related to manufacturing. It has to be noted that SPIRE affirmed once that industrial water management is one of the main topics to improve energy efficiency. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

Does this provider tell me the truth? How does my installation work? Does this auditor understand my installation? Where could I get money from? Could I compare to others? Where do I get information from? Am I including up-to-date market technology ? Which are actually the barriers for an effective Energy Management in the enterprises? Why are they not implementing measures to become more energy efficient if there is a direct benefit for them? First not all the companies have real data on how their installation work sometimes when they are audited they do not trust the experts comming to their companies they do not believe an auditor will know the installation better than them or they do not believe in the objectives of the providers, is my instalation not updated?, does he need to sell me something?, is the technology he is trying to sell me up to date? Some other questions arise, where can I get information from, how could I compere to other similar companies?, and also very important where can I get the money from to do what I want to do? H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

1- By studying my own consumption for water processes 2- By gathering data on my energy efficiency by type of activity 3- By comparing these data, in a confidential way, with other similar enterprises (size, sector of production…) EMSA WEB-TOOL 4- By applying up-to-date technologies to reduce my consumption and by taking advice to an expert on Energy efficiency ENERGY ANGELS NETWORK The Energy water project has identify different working aims to overcome this barriers in an industry. The first step is to know which is the water processes consumption in my company, and gather those data by type of activiy, then the company will be prepare to Identify saving potentials and benchmark energy performance through an Energy Management Self-Assessment (EMSA) collaborative web-tool that will be created during the project. Manufacturing industries can anonymously introduce their data into the EMSA web-tool to know their ranking regarding other industries with the same processes. Then in order to prepare the ground for investment through information about potential savings a network of qualified and trained skilled energy managers (with technical and financial skill) will be created, The “Energy Angels” network They will provide support for the implementation and financing of water energy efficiency projects and will help the company to improve their energy performance in the industrial water processes with the use of the EMSA webtool containing benchmarking activities and a best practices guide based on real experience case studies. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

5 EMSA WEB TOOL Lets explain a litlle bit more this two different tools.

YOUR COMPANY SIMILAR COMPANIES LIST OF ENERGY ANGELS ITCL Cork Institute of Technologies Carbon Trust Socamex Okavango Cyprus Energy Agency International Office for Water BEST PRACTICE With the Creation of the EMSA web Tool we try to help the Industries understanding their performance and providing a way to compare to other similar companies and see examples of best practice. Once the company has detected the possibility of being more efficient he will have the opportunity of contacting with an Energy Angel. The tool will take into account some key aspects of each enterprise, geographical location, its sector or the kind of services in which it is interested since an Energy Angel can provide different services into the network; An icon terminology will be created to differentiate the scope of services each member is able to provide so the company can choose the most suitable for their needs. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL


8 Services provided by the Angels
ENERGY ANGELS AIM An Energy Angel is an entity providing services related to energy efficiency In the context of the energywater project: Energy audits / water processes + EMSA web tool guidance Legal and administrative information Services provided by the Angels EMSA WEB TOOL Up-to-date technologies to save energy: dev. of strategies, to be linked to equipment suppliers Access to financial opportunities Use of different models of contracts for energy services Access to expertise (skilled auditors, ESCOs…) But what is an Energy Angel? Is an entity able to provide services related to energy efficiency to the companies, and which are those services? They will be able to perform Energy audits on the company performance or provide information to the company (initially) about their water process, they will be able to provide up-to date technologies to save energy , they will provide legal and administrative information and access to financial opportunities. They will provide these services through different models of contracts for their services. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

Investors, funders EE SME RESEARCH CENTRES ENERGY MANAGERS ESCOS ENERGY AUDITORS Energy Angels network will be formed by: energy auditors, ESCOs, research centres working on energy efficiency solutions and any company providing energy efficiency services, such as technology suppliers. The network will improve the availability of skilled energy auditors from different entities under the same umbrella, provide access to key technology suppliers which have the required skills around energy efficiency, and improve the access to finance including ESCOs providing jointly energy efficiency and financial services. Membership to this network will be open for any entity offering energy efficiency services operating in Europe as well as fulfilling the requirements described in the Energy Angels’ user manual. The initial Energy Angels structure will be starting with 10 members (project consortium) and we hope it will end with more than 70. Beyond the project, the networks should keep adding new members and opening the energy efficiency services to other sectors (construction, transport, services, etc.) For the Energy Angels structure (regulation, membership, services description, etc.) an Internal document defining the structure of the network, the membership, and the roles and responsibilities of each component will be created. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

10 ENERGY ANGELS NETWORK as a window of business opportunities
- Start of the network: the 10 partners of the project Energy Angels Network - Life of the network: open to new members upon conditions (rules of membership and business plan) - Opportunity for SME: be guided to assess their own energy efficiency + be advised by experts in their projects to save energy - Opportunity for technical suppliers: promotion of their technologies and innovative products - Opportunity for funders, investors: come into contact with challenging and promising projects (with financial incentives to be developed during the energywater project) This network will bring different kind of oportunities - Opportunity for SME: be guided to assess their own energy efficiency + be advised by experts in their projects to save energy - Opportunity for technical suppliers: promotion of their technologies and innovative products Opportunity for funders, investors: come into contact with challenging and promising projects (with financial incentives to be developed during the energywater project) - Opportunity for trained auditors: training to energy efficiency related to water processes + increase of visibility - Opportunity for trained auditors: training to energy efficiency related to water processes + increase of visibility H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System Objectives: 1- train energy auditors and managers, especially for the context of energy efficiency related to water processes 2- increase the visibility of EMSA tool and the network of Energy angels European Standard on Energy Audits: EN16247 Water treatment technologies Water process technologies Access to finance EMSA WEB TOOL  5 training sessions (workshops) Paris London Madrid Brussels Gdansk or Warsaw In order to increase reliability in the Energy Angels network is very important to regulate the Energy angel Figure and ensure that the same time of expertise covering the expectation of the companies will be given in all the different countries where the network will be operative. For this reason the Energywater project will train energy auditors and managers, especially for the context of energy efficiency related to water processes through 5 training sessions that will take place in London, Paris, Madrid, Brussels and Warsaw or Gdansk And will also through a Moodle Platform provide a Massive Open Online course for other possible interested members.  MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Thanks to a Moodle Platform H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

12 ENERGY ANGELS Business Plan (to be developed)
But the aim of the Energywater project is not only to provide the network but also make it grow, and be able to sustain over the years, for this reason the project envissages a Business plan that will be created in order to consider all the different requirements to make the Energy Angels network an independant entity. Who will be the members, which will be the strategy or the products , how they will make the companies aware of their existance and how they will be able to obtain some profit. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

13 COLLABORATIONS Do you want to be a volunteer TO TEST THE EMSA web-tool? Do you want to become AN ENERGY ANGEL? Feel free to contact us via Sign a letter of intention (see you at the table/coffee break) For the purposses of the project we are really interested in having been able to capture your attention and we would love to count on you as volunteer for the two main purposes of the project: Test the EMSA web tool or become and Energy angel. If you may be interested or you may require some more information please feel free to contact as via my personal or sign a letter of intention that I will be willing to provide you at the coffee break. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

14 ENERGYWATER PARTNERS The Energy water project consortium consists of 10 entities From 8 European countries (Spain, United Kingdom, Cyprus, FRance, Irland, Greece, Belgium and Italy ): ITCL is the project Coordinator where also Carbon Trust, Socamex - URBASER, Cyprus Energy Agency, International Office for Water, Clean Technology Centre Cork Institute of Technology; WINGS ICT Solutions, European Technology Platform for Water, Energy SMARTFUTURE.EU and Okavango participate in it. Their participation was selected due to their deep expertice on the different subjects the project required Knowledge in, so we have experts in water processes, in energy eficiency in computers, in management systems, comunication, etc. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

15 Thank you very much! Contact person: Maite Cobo
Tel: Thank you very much for your attention. H2020-EE Market Uptake · Project nr: · Coordinator: ITCL

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