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National Energy Efficiency Plan for Colombia

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1 Working with business leaders to catalyze action on energy efficiency and change
National Energy Efficiency Plan for Colombia Olga Victoria Gonzalez Gonzalez Advisor Energy and Mining Planning Unit (UPME)

2 The national plan “PROURE 2017-2022”
Newest regulatory instrument (Res , 30 Dec 2016) to adopt an indicative action plan Key objective: “Define the strategic and sectorial actions that allow to reach the energy efficiency targets; to contribute to energy security and compliance with international commitments on environmental issues, generating positive impacts on the country's competitiveness and on raising the quality of life of Colombians.” Set national indicatives EE targets (not yet mandatory), an action lines to achieve them and a yearly revision of the proposed targets Details are:

3 Innovative aspects New Institutional Arrangement and roles
i) Information manager; ii) Active participation of distributors and energy service companies; and iii) Use of facilitating instruments such as EnMS for monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Establishment of a market for EE produces and services, promoted by economic incentives to achieve new goals. Stringent and clear energy saving targets, and action lines, based on a detailed assessment of energy intensive sectors (industry and transport), their energy use and energy saving potentials - More information and analysis sectors transport and industry.

4 Indicative sectorial targets
Savings targets (TJ) Savings Target (%) Transport 424,408 5.5 Industry 131,859 1.7 Commercial 87,289 1.1 Residencial 56,121 0.7 699,678 9 Source: Min of Energy and Mines, PAI PROURE Targets are based on the projected energy demand for the period 7,733,000 TJ

5 Industrial sector actions
EE electricty demand: motors, AC, refrigeration, lighting, electrical systems, direct and indirect heat use EE in solids fuels: for direct and indirect heat use EE in Natural Gas: direct and indirect heat use BAT/BAP and the design and implementation of EnMS

6 Summary of UPME’s technical assistance
Remove market barriers and promote the competitiveness of efficient equipment. cont: 2,5 MUSD (GEF) Labelling of EE products Strengthening of capacities in SGE, in optimization of processes and of regulations and associated technical standards. cont: 2 MUSD (GEF) EE in the Colombia industry Provide the knowledge, tools and support needed for EE implementations cont: 425,000 USD - ICII BID FOMIN Energy audits in SMEs Support the structuring of EE projects in the prioritized sectors. cont: USD – USAID-CCEP-UPME Clean energy projects NAMA EE Industrial Area Bogotá - Cundinamarca cont: 2 MUSD (GEF) EE in industry CAEM Implementation of CEMS in industry cont: MCOP- COLCIENCIAS RECIEE Open calls for science and technology by COLCIENCIAS, where it is hoped to encourage energy efficiency initiatives in industry. cont ~ MCOP - COLCIENCIAS Science and technology Source: UPME,2016

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